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Posts posted by Josh

  1. I'm looking again for web design help. I have been experimenting with ip.content, and I really like it. I want to pull the website, docs, and forum all together in one system with a uniform look.

  2. Well, what kind of data do we need to send?


    -Client contacts server to join game.

    -Server allows client to join game.

    -Client sends key and mouse input.

    -Server sends positions of players, physical objects, projectiles, health info, etc.

    -Client or server disconnects.

    -Game score, map changes, etc.


    For example, the server might send ten "messages" in one packet, to update all the player positions. I am pretty sure it would be better to send all ten players' data in one packet than to send it in ten separate packets.


    My feeling is the number of packets will be much more of a bottleneck than the actual size of the data.

  3. We need to design a basic framework for handling multiple clients with one server. Each client needs a lua table to be associated with it, in the same way a model has an object associated with it. How can each peer be identified? We could put the peers into a table by the object handle. We could also make it possible to retrieve the peer by name, in which case a rule would be needed that no two clients can have the same name on a server.

  4. Here's what I propose for a packet format:


    Byte - number of messages


    For each message:


    Byte - message id (chat, player position, keyboard input, etc)

    This is followed by whatever data the message uses.


    So you can pack multiple pieces of information into each packet.

  5. I am testing the networking commands with the interpreter and need to recompile the editor for it to work. I didn't expect anyone would need networking in the editor right away, but I can add this for you this morning.

  6. To limit rain to one area, I'd use an orthogonal camera rendered to a depth buffer to create a sort of shadow map. Then use this texture in the particle shader to determine where rain should appear. It's automatic, and dynamic. This is how STALKER does rain.

  7. I was getting out of my car, which is pretty low to the ground, and I decided to take the groceries with me, instead of walking around to the passenger side and picking them up. I have to sort of duck down to get out, and when I stood up, bad things happened.


    This is a good lesson in torque.

  8. They're using the surface normal to determine which way a texture scrolls. I really doubt their claim that puddles will form, that they make without showing any example.


    There's nothing in the first video that is specific to DirectX 10 or even DirectX. It looks nice, but I am not sure what the point is since it is just an animated texture and some particles.

  9. 1. Drag server.lua onto engine.exe.

    2. Drag client.lua onto engine.exe.

    3. Go to the client window and hit the tilde "~" key.

    4. Type in this in and press enter:



    You should see a connection message and test packet in both windows.


    5. In either program, type this into the console and press enter:

    say Hello


    You can chat back and forth with both programs. It will work over the real internet if you enter your friend's IP address.


    Spaces in messages are not supported because the parser is not very good. See console.lua to improve it.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Because the model AABB doesn't encompass the whole object, so the render function gets skipped when you are close.


    BTW, using the Render function like this will result in an enormous speed increase, because you can have tons of offscreen characters that don't have to be animated.

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