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  1. Yesterday
  2. Thought I'd add to this here. I got it working but not very well. This is the component that made it work. class Rabbit : public Component { private: shared_ptr<Entity> controller = nullptr; shared_ptr<Entity> pivot = nullptr; Vec3 root_start_pos; public: virtual void Start() { controller = CreateBox(GetEntity()->GetWorld(), 0.1f); controller->SetCollider(nullptr); controller->SetColor(1, 0, 0); pivot = CreateSphere(GetEntity()->GetWorld(), 0.05f); pivot->SetParent(controller); pivot->SetColor(0, 1, 0); GetEntity()->SetParent(pivot); controller->Move(0, 0.05, 0); auto model = GetEntity()->As<Model>(); if (model != nullptr) { auto root = model->skeleton->FindBone("Root"); root_start_pos = root->GetPosition(); } } shared_ptr<Entity> GetPivot() { return pivot; } Vec3 last_pos; int i = 0; virtual void Update() { auto model = GetEntity()->As<Model>(); if (model != nullptr) { auto root = model->skeleton->FindBone("Root"); auto local_pos = root->GetPosition(); auto looped = false; if (local_pos.DistanceToPoint(root_start_pos) < 0.03f) { looped = true; Print("Looped" + WString(i)); i++; last_pos = Vec3(); } auto move_vec = local_pos - last_pos; last_pos = local_pos; controller->Move(move_vec); root->SetPosition(0, 0, 0); } } }; In order for it to work I need to know when the animation begins again.
  3. @Josh I'm going through the headers and shaders - is the frame and sequence being incremented on the CPU or in the shaders?
  4. This week we had a quick lesson on sRGB and linear color space, a look at the exciting new AssetFetch web API for game content, and learned a shocking secret developers don't know about Steam! 6-1-24.zip
  5. Josh

    Viewport Bug

    I will get the card this week.
  6. Meric

    Viewport Bug

    I can wait years for this to be fixed!
  7. If you can export this motion to glTF or FBX then it should work fine in Ultra. If you upload your model we can try it and show you the result.
  8. I think I need to know the current frame of an animated model in order to get root motion working for animated objects. Is this something that can be added easily enough?
  9. I've come from the Discord, and no one seemed to know what I was referring to. I looked through the documentation, and turned up with nothing, so I figured I'd ask here. Does Ultra support Root motion natively, or would that have to be programmed in? The game I want to make relies heavily on moving characters fast and in complex patterns, so programming the motion in manually is essentially impossible, or at least improbable.
  10. Join us on Discord every Saturday at 10 AM PST for a live chat to review the week's progress and talk about upcoming features. https://discord.com/invite/qTVR55BgGt
  11. I think combo box for component field should not be changed by mouse scroll until i open it. I'm changing a values all time by accident when i scroll entity proprieties widget.
  12. Last week
  13. That's the correct behavior. The properties show you the rotation of all entities. If their rotation x, y, or z value is different then the field will be blank, indicating there is not one single value for all selected objects. If you change a rotation value in the properties, that change is applied to all selected objects.
  14. This week we talked about importing Unity scenes into Ultra Engine, view models, and a lot more...
  15. Before modifying the sRGB / linear equations I think we should try storing cubemaps in linear color space. I was already planning this, but wanted to talk about it this weekend with you guys and explain the reasons for it, before making any further changes. Let's see what the result of that is after we try it, as it may eliminate this problem.
  16. Okay, I think the main problem is permanently fixed. There is still a rare situation that could trigger this response but I have only seen it happen once in the entire time this system has been running.
  17. Description: When dragging an instanced mesh from the assets into the Ultra Engine editor, it is expected that a collision collider can be added directly in the environment by selecting the mesh in the assets. However, the collider, although visible in debug mode, does not have physical properties and does not react to collisions. On the other hand, if the collider is added to the mesh before dragging it into the environment, it is visible in debug mode and functions correctly with collision physics. Steps to Reproduce: Open Ultra Engine. Drag an instanced mesh from the assets into the editor environment. Add a collision collider to the mesh by selecting it in the assets. Observe that the collider is visible in debug mode but does not have physical properties and does not react to collisions. Remove the instanced mesh from the environment. Add a collision collider to the mesh while it is still in the assets. Drag the mesh with the collider already attached into the editor environment. Observe that the collider is visible in debug mode and reacts correctly to collisions. Expected Behavior: The collision collider should have physical properties and react to collisions when added to an instanced mesh after it is dragged into the editor environment. Actual Behavior: The collider is visible in debug mode but does not have physical properties and does not react to collisions when added to an instanced mesh after it is dragged into the editor environment. Additional Information: Version of Ultra Engine: [Please specify the version you are using] Operating System: [Please specify your operating system] Any other relevant details: [Please add any other details that might help] Thank you for your attention to this matter. Chat GPT
  18. With the gizmo it rotates perfectly when I have several selected With the gizmo it rotates perfectly when I have several selected. They rotate in relation to a center axis, when I pass values directly in the editor window the rotation is done locally on each element.
  19. In prefabricated products, it is already working properly. But in grouping of several brushes the beam does not coll
  20. It already works for prefabs, however if I group several brushes under a parent brush, it does not work
  21. There appears to be some small error with very low values near zero in the linear to srgb conversion...
  22. There is something strange happening. It doesn't even have to be transparent. It has something to do with the diffuse PBR reflection and the metal/roughness map I think...
  23. According to the discord talk here the bug report. If you take the model i sended you last time and drag it into the scene you can see some "circle" appearing within the windos. It also happens in the scene editor. Within the model viewer everything works fine.
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