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Beta Update Available




An update is available on the beta branch which makes changes to the way DLCs are installed. The SciFi Interior Pack has been added as a paid Workshop item. You can obtain this item by either purchasing it through the Workshop Store interface, or buying the DLC on our Steam Store page. At the time of this writing, the other model pack DLCs have not been added yet.


To install the SciFi Interior Pack DLC you simply browse to it in the Workshop interface. If you own the DLC the "Buy" button will say "Install" and allow you to install the item. The "Subscribed Items" tab has been removed completely.




We have found that customers overwhelmingly prefer to purchase DLCs through the Steam store, and do not purchase Workshop store items at nearly the same rate. These changes allow us to simplify the install process and will allow us to "promote" Workshop items to DLCs, where they will get good sales.


I don't understand the reason for this behavior, but there is more than a 10x difference in sales.



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Is there a chance that other DLC's will be added to the workshop but updated to have the source files? I understand that it's been a while, but if you could include them, that'd be great!


I opted out of the beta a week ago since the update broke my reflection system (most likely from your early env probe stuff), but I was looking at the Merc, and my first instinct to buy it was to use the Steam client, and not Leadwerks itself. In-fact, it was actually hard!


There is a bug with the workshop window (not sure if it's fixed now) that the top taskbar was out of my screen space, and I couldn't close the workshop window. I'll try this update and post if it's still a problem.

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Is there a tab or something in the Workshop browser that was a list of the items I've purchased? I've not found it yet. If I've bought more than a couple things it'd be nice to see what all I have in one spot (and be able to install individual items from that same list). I could see myself buying something, and a few months down the line forgetting not only that I bought it but that it exists at all.

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Is there a tab or something in the Workshop browser that was a list of the items I've purchased? I've not found it yet. If I've bought more than a couple things it'd be nice to see what all I have in one spot (and be able to install individual items from that same list). I could see myself buying something, and a few months down the line forgetting not only that I bought it but that it exists at all.

At this time, no, but this is a good suggestion.

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Agree with Hank. Its difficult to remember which items you have already purchased.


On the DLC vs Workshop sales, is it 10 to 1 in number of sales or in value?

Some reasons for DLC to be more popular.

- People are accustomed to buying DLC on Steam

- DLC is trusted (official)

- DLC has reviews

- Some workshop items can be purchased elsewhere.


Just my 2 cents.

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It's more like 20:1 in terms of revenue.


All these are good points, but I bet all of that could be changed and it still wouldn't matter. The fact is we're building a new store, and people just aren't used to buying through that. This is much harder than I expected, but on the other hand we can "cheat" and use the DLC method to funnel people into the Workshop, which is basically what I'm doing now. With DLCs, people just automatically buy it. With the Workshop Store it's like pulling teeth.


On the other hand it might be better to just create a new interface that is only for DLCs. There is some stuff in the Workshop that isn't really bannable, but probably isn't valuable to anyone.


I have a meeting Monday with an accounting firm to see if they can handle revenue splits manually for me each month. That way it gets done reliably without me having to spend time making a bunch of payments, so that could allow me to sell DLCs while providing the author with royalties.

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