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Reverting the Entity Script Field




Last week I tried implementing a new method of controlling entity script fields. I was not satisfied with the current drag and drop from the scene tree method. I tried a system that was based on the entity name, which is how we used to do things in Quake mods.


Several people pointed out that this had a negative effect on their workflow, due to the difficult of copying and pasting groups of linked objects. So I began implementing a system that would create unique names when needed.


I started to second guess this approach for two reasons. First, selecting different objects and switching between the name and script tabs to copy and paste names was not terribly efficient. Second, the design was creating new feature requests. My rule is that features that lead to more feature requests are usually a sign of bad design.


I am reverting this behavior back to the original design for now. In the future I plan to try adding a button next to the field with a tool tip that says "Select Object". When you click this button, the button will be toggled on and your mouse can then be used to click on an entity in one of the viewports, and set the script's field. This will allow you to easily choose the entity you want, without switching any tabs.




However, this is being saved for Leadwerks 3.6, due to upcoming events.


The update is available on the beta branch now. Impact to your project should be minimal, but it is possible in the last few beta builds some connections could have been lost.


Thank you all for your feedback, and if in the future a change has a negative impact on your workflow, don't hesitate to let me know.

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File it for later , if you add a new button make it so if you right click on the button it pops up a new window with the scene tree so a user can click on an entity and click ok.


This would help if you have small child entities.

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This update reset all my entities script fields. Including the bools, floats, ints, etc. If you have any data in your entities script fields you may want to write it down somewhere before updating.


I think your new approach to the script field seems good but like Einlander pointed out it might be difficult to select child entities. Supporting dragging and selecting of entities could be a good idea.


EDIT - The update only reset my prefabs script fields.

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Fixed. You may lose entity script field values if you've been in the beta, but all other values are retained.

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