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Time to Linux




Release holdoff  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you feel about releaseing windows/mac one month after linux

    • Will release windows/mac one month after linux
    • might release linux earlier than windows
    • Why wait
    • Will wait, but a month is too long
    • Will wait, but a month is too short

So in anticipation of Leadwerks 3.1 standard on linux, I just installed linux an i'm installing wine to run my desktop SVN viewer Source Tree which links back to BitBucket . I've got to get famirliar with this interface. I've used it once before but couldn't get used to the interface. If anyone has any tips or tricks for modifying the interface or has any reccomendations of sub kernals to use and how to configure/install them I would be very greatfull.


Last time i treid linux i only saw code::blocks as the IDE to use. I didn't like it on my windows and so when i tried it on linux i didn't like it there eaither. That pretty much killed using linux for me. Didn't have an IDE that i liked why would I use it. Now that i see there is netbeans, which I use for java programming, is it possible to compile Leadwerks 3.1 standard C++ code using the netbeans IDE. I mean they should both call the same compiler and linker so it shouldn't matter right?


My last thought for this blog is what would the community say in an effort to help drive the linux gaming environment, we would release our games for Linux one month prior to our release for windows and mac. I've attached a poll to get a feel of the communitys feelings on this subject.

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Personally, I like the idea of promoting Linux in that way, releasing your game on Linux first for a limited time. I'm not so sure that everyone would agree though...


The only thing that has been holding me back from going to Linux on my desktop is the lack of support for a key piece of software that I use, Pixologic Zbrush, I have read somewhere that it works through WINE but I have yet to look into that in depth and I have no proof but I've been thinking of setting my computer up to dual boot, so I can run linux and when I have to use Zbrush I can just simply boot the computer in Windows. Not ideal but a possible solution for me :P


What distro of Linux have you gone with?

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Josh told me to use ubuntu 12.4. So that is what i'm going to start with. Right now i'm trying to install the .net 4.5 framework but i have to first install win installer 3.1 or higher and not being able to use the auto updater is kinda a pain.

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I like Ubuntu... I recently tried out Linux Mint (Cinnamon) on a laptop and I quite like that, it uses the same repositories as Ubuntu too.


Yeah I can see not being able to use the auto updater as being a real pain :( lol


Once you get everything setup and running with Linux everything is pretty smooth in my opinion, I just hope that more applications like Zbrush and such tools most people use support it in the near future! :D

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I don't understand why anyone would wait? Why limit your games exposure for some artificial purpose? The only reason people do exclusive releases is because they get money to do so and "Linux" isn't going to give anyone money to do so. Linux, like any other OS, needs to be able to stand on it's own and not be promoted for no reason other than it's no Windows.

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I don't understand why anyone would wait? Why limit your games exposure for some artificial purpose? The only reason people do exclusive releases is because they get money to do so and "Linux" isn't going to give anyone money to do so. Linux, like any other OS, needs to be able to stand on it's own and not be promoted for no reason other than it's no Windows.


Well there isn't a reason other than trying to support an open source project, in this case the OS linux :P


releasing on different platforms exclusively is usually what gets you money out of that type of thing but this is only a limited time exclusivity, a little lik ewhat Dark Souls 2 is doing with releasing on consoles one month before releasing on PC. Usually indie developers typically release for the OS that they are using to develop their games and then port to others later unless they can support them all through the engine they use. (of course)


I believe Linux can stand on its own but I wouldn't mind doing that, after all, why wouldn't you promote something that you like to others?


Its just like the Leadwerks engine in some ways, you would promote it to people because you use and like or love it, not because its going to get you any money for doing so.


I don't see how it would limit the exposure though, it would likely get the same exposure or more if mentioned on certain Linux news and Linux gaming sites for releasing exclusively on linux for a month in advance to windows and mac, which could be extra free advertising which you would otherwise not get from just releasing outright, I guess there are many ways to look at it though.

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That thing you like should be the game itself though and you'd think you want to let as many people as possible play it.


I promote Leadwerks because a bigger community helps Leadwerks which helps me in various ways.


I think you'd still get in those Linux mags. I don't think Linux exclusive for a month is really going to matter at all. It's artificial because LE is a write once run on all platforms engine. Doing something like this would just be a fanboy move if you ask me :)

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But.... I am a Linux fan boy ^__^ lol ( everyone should use linux!! haha )


It doesn't necessarily stop anyone from playing it, it just means people would have to be patient but unless its a large popular game they probably wouldn't even notice until it released on their OS/platform anyway (with some lower profile indie games that's how it has been for me finding them anyway)


Its hard to argue that though, and you're right... If the game is good enough it would likely show up in those mags and on those sites anyway :P

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releast Linux first wait a bit so we do kinda same message toards windows as they were giving to us.


Also it does make them want to get it right away and they will most probably want to get on Linux and will figure out hey this aint that bad, ...


Also times are changing and Gaming on Linux is becoming more and more popular.

I'ts getting here.

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But.... I am a Linux fan boy ^__^ lol ( everyone should use linux!! haha )


It doesn't necessarily stop anyone from playing it, it just means people would have to be patient but unless its a large popular game they probably wouldn't even notice until it released on their OS/platform anyway (with some lower profile indie games that's how it has been for me finding them anyway)


Its hard to argue that though, and you're right... If the game is good enough it would likely show up in those mags and on those sites anyway tongue.png

afaik the content of games only shows in mags IF the company pays for that not if game is good enough.


I've never saw AAA game in any mags. except in good old days.

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