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Why LE paid updates are a good thing.




Do you support paid upgrades?  

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So I have been thinking a lot about LE and how far it has come. A few months ago, I really wasn't feeling that great about LE. Things have really improved the past few months. When it was announced that 2.3 and the new editor would be paid updates, I wasn't real thrilled. My main reasoning behind it was that I felt 2.3 finally got LE to a level where I felt like it was usable in a professional project. So I felt like I had paid for a beta and was now paying for the real product as well.


I now believe that paid updates are a good thing for us. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to pay for every small update. The paid updates need to be REALLY significant. I look back at my Torque license and think of how ridiculous they were for giving away free updates. I think that is one of the reasons Torque never made progress. I really think that they were strapped for cash. Odd how the engine never progressed, despite having an army of programmers. Kudos to Josh. Anyway, that is a story for another day.


I really hope that in the future, current licencees will get a nice discount on the upgrades. I really hope that the next upgrade won't be:


upgradeCost = newPrice - oldPrice (i.e. $50 = $200 - $150)


Not much of a loyal customer thanks there. I hope that we could get at least half price on the price difference. But, more money to Josh will ultimately mean better tech and better upgrades.



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The upgrade could indeed be a bit cheaper than the price of the new version minus the price of the previous version.


Thay way, more people would buy the engine now, and not wait for the new version, since they would get it cheaper.


I don't think there will be a payed upgrade anytime soon, as it would need some essential new features. The 2.3 upgrade was already such an essential new feature set.


Maybe when the engine supports OpenGL 3.2, realtime GI and colored shadowmaps, I would find it worth to pay for those features.

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I think it's a fine line to walk. We are indie game developers and as such don't have a ton of cash. The best thing that could happen right now is that a game comes out and is successful. Then more developers will come to the community which means more money in Josh's pocket which means possibly more hires he could make to improve things. I don't think the answer is nickel and diming a small user base, I think it's growing the user base.

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I agree with the above posters. A discount for current user would be nice, but I feel like my $50 was WELL spent. Also, growing the user base is a must, as I am sure Josh will agree.

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I am quite happy to pay for significant upgrades from time to time but do not in anyway agree with the inference that chargeable upgrades will necessarily bring about better upgrades. I personally have little need for LUA but have had to upgrade in order to not be left stuck with a static unsupported version.


I agree with Michael that a plug-in type system for anything other than core API upgrades would be a fairer system with people purchasing on a 'as needs' basis. A 'bolt on' LE augmentation system would be a great way to go!

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Depending on what kind of update is released I support the paid updates. $ 50,00 for 2.3 was a good thing in my opinion. I would not pay for small updates but the 2.3 editor is really worth it.

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I agree with Michael Betke and Pixel Perfect.

Leaving users who don't really need the additions of 2.3 but the bug fixes behind wasn't correct.

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I agree with Michael Betke and Pixel Perfect.

Leaving users who don't really need the additions of 2.3 but the bug fixes behind wasn't correct.

Let me said, this is also my thought.

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