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Here's my list of things left to do:

  1. Documentation
  2. Undo system
  3. Get character models for Darkness Awaits
  4. Prepare the super secret special surprise for deployment


Undo functionality is my absolute least favorite thing to program, and I also want to get some more real-world testing done before implementing it, so it comes last. This evening I will start on the docs, in earnest.


I hope everyone is having a good near-Christmas week.

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Undo functionality is my absolute least favorite thing to program

We can testify.

-Every Leadwerks 2 user, ever.

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This now seems like such a pleasantly short list though I know the documentation will be time consuming. Please don't forget simple examples. The good news here is that less is more, usually. Don't try to get clever or "advanced." Also, I noticed on the last two occasions I tried to help people that the wiki had better examples than the documentation page. For example the GetEntityAABB wiki has a clear picture illustration whereas the doc page doesn't. It works wonders to illustrate what the example is doing.

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I would usually recommend a good ebook to listen while coding since it kills the part of your brain that tries to think, but doing documentation is a good candidate for some angsty rock.

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Command pattern, for undo functionality. Needs a project to be designed that way from the outset. But if anyone's creating anything with multi-level undo, look up command patterns for inspiration.

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You guys are making a really simple idea sound really fancy. A command pattern is just an integer id for the action, and maybe a couple extra parameters. Why does that even need a special comp. sci. term? It's a bad approach because you have to do special programming for each action the program can take.

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While I agree that the "command" "pattern" (both in quotations intentionally) is ridiculous, the simple approach of saving every state of the program for each action is lazy (but that's not bad per se) and extremely memory consuming.


What I'd do is have a reverse action for each action, push the action to a stack, and pop the reverse on undo. Tadah.

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Terms such as those used to described patterns are just handy for communicating. That's all they are, descriptions, not implementations. It's a surprisingly common misconception among developers (where I work anyway).

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A per-entity undo would be also cool. Sometimes you made something wrong with one entity, but you want to keep the rest how it is.

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While I agree that the "command" "pattern" (both in quotations intentionally) is ridiculous, the simple approach of saving every state of the program for each action is lazy (but that's not bad per se) and extremely memory consuming.


What I'd do is have a reverse action for each action, push the action to a stack, and pop the reverse on undo. Tadah.

You don't save it for the entire program, only for the relevant objects.

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