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Accurate placement of gun in NPCs hand

Placing a rifle to sit in the hands of an NPC can be a bit of a fiddle so I thought I'd post the code.   The code relies on bones for accurate placement:-   Trigger bone Gun Butt/Rest bone Trigger hand Butt hand   I place config stuff like this in an XML file for easy editting, to read the XML I use a nice library tinyXML.   Ignore the bullet code as this is a temp hack I will tidy later.   Hope this helps.   PS   Thanks to Pixel Perfect for supplying gun model etc for my testi

Chris Paulson

Chris Paulson

Game Engine

After "Satyar: Return to parseh" It’s almost two years we are looking for a game engine to produce our latest game. We tried many game engines such as torque, leadwerks, unity, UDK, neoaxis, ogre, and so on. This week after more than one year of using Leadwerks, we decided to build our game using Leadwerks 2.3 . Now it’s stable enough to make a complete project. We are aware of advantages and disadvantages and going to trust it.



S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl....

Josh reported Christmas eve that There was a crazy sale on Steam and if you hadn't played STALKER, you could get it for $10.. well I had replaced my damaged copy only two days before that via steam .. and had cost me a whopping £1.39 ($2.22).. well if the $10 (£6.99) was still too steep a price for you, get over to steam now as its now only £2.00 ($3.24).. http://store.steampowered.com/app/4500/       Ignore the date on this entry it was posted today (Jan 3rd 2010) but the Blog date syst

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

Happy New Year!!

Nothing much to report at the moment, still tinkering with some ideas, but thought I would take this opportunity to wish everyone, a happy, safe and rewarding new year.   Happy New Year Everyone.

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

Framework, Lua, and the programmers who love them

We're finishing up 2009 by resolving some longstanding design issues that haven't been particularly critical, but have weighted on my mind. Framework is not like the main engine. It's far more high-level, and is also the kind of code people want to customize. I don't like locking the user into my way of doing things. However, the interaction between Lua, C++, and Framework commands are a real issue, which we started to see immediately as Lua became available. This was resolved by compiling Frame



Terrain Holes Test in Blitzmax

I was informed yesterday that the terrain hole functionality was working in Blitzmax, so I did a quick half hour test. This is a feature I find very attractive for level design. The ground cover (small bushes and ferns) is just place holder art, and all the foliage was just "slapped" in for effect. The concept is a simple, hole in the ground which gives access to (eventually) a large underground modular bunker system. A simple hole cover/access/room model was knocked up in 5 mins in 3DWS. The te

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

Future Ideas

Here are some of my thoughts on how a future engine might look. I am not devoting any time to this, and it would not come to exist for several years, but it's fun to think about technology and design:   I've been fascinated with the game "Fuel". This game has an enormous playable area that is streamed from the hard drive. You can drive for hours and barely cover a fraction of the map. For some reason the game has been given bad reviews. I played Motorstorm on the PS3, and I think Fuel is a lot



Engine Integrated Framework

Josh talked about the new engine integrated Framework: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/blog/1/entry-57-merry-christmas/   The engine integrated framework is the only way at the moment to have LUA and C++ code use the same framework instance. This brings some great benefits over the old way how framework works: 1) You can have LUA scripts which access framework commands, and they work also in your C++ program. Earlier the LUA scripts could not access the framework commands of your



Merry Christmas!

There's a crazy sale on Steam right now. If you haven't played STALKER yet, you can get it for $10: http://store.steampo...check/app/4500/   In other news...   Framework is being compiled into the engine DLL and being made an official part of the engine API. It will remain a separate piece of code for BlitzMax programmers they can just import. A mechanism will be added to add your own custom post-processing effects, though this will not be available immediately. It will be something like th



Behavior Sets

It's the holiday season again. As the forest air reaches freezing temperatures, I break out the ice shaver for my windshield. It's a time for celebrating family, sharing thanks for what we have, and behavior sets. That's right, fuzzy-logic for AI in-game.   Since the world designers for the game won't have access to the direct behaviors, (nor the programming skills to code such things) I've managed to find some use for the custom Entity keys on objects in the Sandbox! Each entity will have act

Rekindled Phoenix

Rekindled Phoenix

Further work on path finding

Since my last update I have tried to get recast callable from within blitz to make it available for everyone. However I have failed as I have not got enough Blitz/C++/DLL skills. I'm hoping someone will offer some help.   I was unhappy how I handled dynamic movable objects as there was a chance the steering wouldn't avoid hitting them. Because of this I rewrote my interface to recast to use a tiled nav mesh, this means I could dynamically update a tile if a object moved in/out of a tile.   T

Chris Paulson

Chris Paulson


Working to improve the implementation of the code known as framework. It needs to be able to talk to Lua, with all programming languages. I can't really go on documenting the script until this is finalized, so the time to do it is now.



Happy Yalda - Merry Christmas

however it's hard to be happy, but lets forget everything for some hours and celebrate because of  these two reasons: Happy Yalda and Merry Christmas every one!




This is a good idea to keep in mind, especially with something like software development:   "Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant." -Robert Louis Stevenson




Well, the single-state lua update is out and I am ready to start making tutorials again.   Someone in the forum pointed out the game Fuel to me. This is an offroad racing game with a nearly infinite world. The data is streamed off the hard drive, basically like its treating the drive as if it were extended RAM. The game got bad reviews, but I think it's great. I went driving for at least 30 minutes and covered mountains, desert, redwood forests, and ravines. I'm in love with the terrain engin



Revisiting my code

Hi there,   While spending some days in hospital without internet connection I have used the time (not much) to revisit my existing code for my tools and I have found some things i will no get on:   First the Batch converter:   I have started to reprogram it, not everything but the whole internal structure will change a lot. I have found a lot of design errors which are too heavy to fix and reprogramming it with using some old components seems faster and cleaner to me. I believe that



Multithreading can be cores times slower or cores times faster than single threading

I added multithreading capability to the Siipi speedtest tool, and it showed surprising results: Looping got almost number of cores times faster, but allocating memory got almost number of cores times slower!Here's the test with the first part using 4 cores, and 2nd part using 1 core (as before):Speedtest 1.1 © 2009 SiipiCounting 10 billion floating points using 4 cores...thread 1 begin=25000.000000thread 2 begin=50000.000000Main loop begin=0.000000thread 3 begin=75000.000000thread 3 loop ended




New update Thursday, if everything goes well. Progress will speed back up after that.



Why can't a day have more hours?

Just a small update and an information why everything is progressing so slowly with my tools.   Unfortunatly (well, not really) I'm currently full of work with my daytime job (project deadlines, new features, etc.) that I'm currently don't have much time to do some private programming. This weekend I have some freetime i will spend to fix some bugs with the batch texture converter and coninue with my work on the asset builder.   Hopefully I'm able to post some progress soon.



Layers and Outlines

I've recently started to use Layers for web apps, and Outlines for Notes apps. And they give a better development speed.However, Layers have also some problems:1) They don't scale with the web browser window like tables do2) When replying with history to an Notes e-mail, layers get all screwed up, so you can only use tables in Notes, but for web apps Layers are still quite goodOutlines for Notes apps totally rock though:1) They expand vertically when you expand their entries (like with subviews)



Moving without foot sliding

When your NPC moves it may move at different speeds, especially if you are using some sort of steering. This presents the problem of what speed should you play your walk/run animations. My solution is to analyse the animation and see how far the foot travels from start frame to end frame and when animating play the correct amount of frame(s) for the distance.   Here’s the code:-   #include "anim.h" void animItem::calcAnimDist( TEntity e, TEntity bone ) { TVec3 startPos; TVec3 newPos; TVe

Chris Paulson

Chris Paulson

Debian 5.0 GNU C++ makes the fastest code

MinGW 3.4.5 C++ vs. Visual Studio 2008 C++ vs. GNU C++ make quite different quality in speed of executable code.Currently MinGW is 1.902 times slower than VC++, and VC++ is 1.315 times slower than GNU:MinGW default:Speedtest 1.0 © 2008 SiipiCounting 10 billion floating points...Done. i=1410063201, n=100000.000003, time=41.594000s.Creating and deleting 1 billion class objects...Done. i=100000000, time=16.937000s.Total time=58.531000s.VC default:Speedtest 1.0 © 2008 SiipiCounting 10 billion floati



Line Of Sight/Vision

For NPC AI to work they have to have simulated vision. This is done by using raycast/linepick.   My vision system does the following:-   Takes into account head position - using head bone Takes into account rotation of NPC spine bone (used for aiming) Build list of enemies in view range Takes into account FOV It looks through each of the ememies bones to see if any part of the enemy is visible. It returns location of the first bone found. This is to make sure enemies are still seen even

Chris Paulson

Chris Paulson

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