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Layers and Outlines




I've recently started to use Layers for web apps, and Outlines for Notes apps. And they give a better development speed.However, Layers have also some problems:1) They don't scale with the web browser window like tables do2) When replying with history to an Notes e-mail, layers get all screwed up, so you can only use tables in Notes, but for web apps Layers are still quite goodOutlines for Notes apps totally rock though:1) They expand vertically when you expand their entries (like with subviews). Navigators can't do that2) You can add a nice company logo and lots of other stuff, which you can't do with basic Notes Views3) You can also add lots of other links than just Views to an Outline4) You can sort the Outline entries how you want, and don't need to add some "1. ", "2. " numbering to the view names, and you can also decide which Views you want to show at allSo far I've been under the impression that only Agents, Views, Forms and Documents should be used in Notes for Notes and Web apps, but these 2 elements seem to qualify for further use too (Outlines need of course also Framesets and Pages, but that's OK as they serve a good purpose). Some Notes performance extremists like Chris Toohey go even as far as saying that you need only Documents and Agents (for web apps only), but I see still some benefits with Views and Forms.I guess I'm just a man in the middle, between the Notes 8.5.1 enthusiasts, and the Notes-Fastest enthusiasts. Actually I'm more of a Notes-Stablest enthusiast, so on Windows servers I use Domino 7.0.4 only. On Linux, Domino 8.0.1 seems damn stable (never crashed yet class). On AIX, well Domino is more stable than the OS, so better install Debian on your IBM PowerPC servers.





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