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Rotor heads will like this...rotor head

More detailing on the rotor head, details on the flap, pitch link and coning hinges.   Assembled audio for the CH-47 today in addition to implementing the Apache cold-start procedure.   Source



CH-47F and updates from the last few days

The CH-47F has had a lot more work done in the cockpit area. The seats are looking remarkably clean, I just need to get a child to play inside with some squeeze boxes and a can of 3in1 oil.   The Chinook is smaller than you might think, with a fuselage approx 50ft long, it's shorter than the Apache which is 58ft long (approx). I was surprised by that.   Networking   Today saw successful Combat-Helo net connection between the Leeds UK and Bangkok in Thailand. Getting the link to work throug



Bug fixes for today...

Connection time-out now resets the connection status to "disconnected" Apache canopy glass, lighting issue fixed GUI input controls that receive key-presses still occasionally hogging the keyboard. (fixed) Some speed improvements to OpenGL DrawCurve function.   New GUI style as submitted by Spac3Rat in place. See Facebook image     Next week: Back to weapons and more multiplayer functions.   Source



Gui rendermanagement nearly finished

Ok, as said in my last post i will make an advanced 2d system and a gui. I have now decided to start with the gui and add 2d Functions on demand.   Here is a first screen, nothing special, but it shows some progress:     Note the correct rendering of the window at the cube. I'm using one of my first 2D additions, SetScale , to mirror the rendering correctly for the texture.   What does the renderer currently do: Every control is itself contained in a buffer which is only updated if it



Windows 7 upgrade

A need to test Combat-Helo on Windows 7 resulted in a TESCO purchase of the Windows 7 Upgrade and 1kg of bananas (a rich source of potassium).   Running any Leadwerks program on a fresh OS install results in an EXCEPTION on launch, only two steps required to get it working. Run the OpenAL install then update video drivers. Simple. Everything worked as it should.   Source



SimHQ CH47 Chinook progress pics

Dave has put up some more preivew pics of the CH47 at SimHQ and on our Facebook page. SimHQ CH47 Chinook progress pics   CombatHelo on Facebook   Source



Finally back to Leadwerks programming

After a forced break from programming with Leadwerks Engine, due to Work and other not 3D related Projects, I have started yesterday to come back to my Leadwerks project.   As I'm continuing my project, I'm developing some extension for my own needs and if they are needed and good enough i will publish standalone addons here.   The first project will be somekind of Leadwerks2D. It will offer a richer 2D function set than the current one. eg: Rotation, scaling, origin handling and new primit



Leadwerks Engine 2.32 Released

Leadwerks Engine 2.32 is now available.   2.32 -"Render" Lua object function renamed to "Draw". -Added Draw entity callback. -Entity draw callback and Lua "Draw" object function will only be called at most once per frame. Perform animation in this function. -Entity LOD distance parameters changed for better performance. -LoadAnimation now works without exact hierarchy matches, so LOD meshes can all use the full-res animation. -Implemented entity octree with hierarchical culling and pick



World clocks now in sync

The game world clock is now synced across network clients, time advance and day-night cycles locked. Accuracy is down to round-trip packet times plus a few milliseconds. More than enough to keep entity spawn times and waypoint navigation in close sync.   I'm as yet unsure how often to send clock updates, currently it's every half-second which is quite aggressive, it's easy enough to tweak. Clocks run on client and frame-rate independent so they don't need to be updated often. They just need t



Bug-fix week begins!

There were numerous small issues related to the 2.32 release, but I am chipping away at them: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?app=tracker&showproject=1&catfilter=2   I'm not going to add any new features until every bug is fixed.   Remember that the more complete and easy to reproduce a report is, the faster it will be to fix. Thanks for the feedback!



Can you tell what it is yet?

Dave's been busy building the unsung hero of Afghanistan and other operations around the world.   Rolf: Can you tell what it is yet? ;-)   It's a non-flyable but will feature prominently in the game as you'll be tasked to provide armed escort for supply, insertion and extraction missions.   Much time has been spent correcting smoothing errors. Brilliant work. We'll be adding the same functionality to the rotors and rear door using LUA scripts. This morning we were looking at the various fl



Time is an illusion, game-time doubly so.

Combat-Helo presents a persistent world, day-time / night-time mission capability where you can stand around your base with your thumb up your rear-end. The game's heartbeat is the day cycle clock from which all missions, AI entity start/stop times, spawn times. All operate as offsets from mission start time. This presents the issue of real-time vs game time.   To offer variety of day/night operations in a real-time game could be tedious. I want to fly a night mission, but it's noon, I can't.



Hara forests

photo by Mr.Azizbani The Hara forests is the common name for mangrove forests on the southern coast of Iran, particularly on and near the island of Qeshm in the Persian Gulf. (more Information) These Islands are the some of  most important places into our game,  with really hard trees to make in 3d! – I’m kidding, you know all trees are hard!! (but these are harder!) anyway, you will visit this place into our game several times (of course if you purchase our game!) and I hope you enjoy



Hara forests

photo by Mr.Azizbani The Hara forests is the common name for mangrove forests on the southern coast of Iran, particularly on and near the island of Qeshm in the Persian Gulf. (more Information) These Islands are the some of  most important places into our game,  with really hard trees to make in 3d! – I’m kidding, you know all trees are hard!! (but these are harder!) anyway, you will visit this place into our game several times (of course if you purchase our game!) and I hope you enjoy



Hara forests

photo by Mr.Azizbani   <p style="text-align:center;"> The Hara forests is the common name for mangrove forests on the southern coast of Iran, particularly on and near the island of Qeshm in the Persian Gulf. ( more Information)   These Islands are the some of  most important places into our game,  with really hard trees to make in 3d!   - I’m kidding, you know all trees are hard!! (but these are harder!)   anyway, you will visit this place into our game several



Little update, Chinooks are round.

Spac3Rat sent in a nice new game icon as well as two editions of his Rotorwash magazine from 2006 to read. Fascinating look at building helos for FSX, one thing we learned about FSX models, they don't work too well for our kind of real-time work. But fascinating all the same.   Dave is busy in 3DMAX building something that looks very much like a Chinook. I'm making incremental improvements to the GUI system, panels can now be roughly dragged around without risk of "mouse droppings" (the window



YAG - yet another gui

I wasn't going to add a complete gui system, we don't need anything complex. The address book needs to accept input from mouse and keyboard and when I thought about it, the planned map viewer/editor will require it too.   It had to be a simple gui system with input focus and keyboard entry. Since the chat console had functions for filtering keys and the input mapper directed keyboard input into it when active it was simple enough to change it to send to a gui class and whatever control input h



Some hints of 3.0

This is a quick blog to fill you in on some of the features planned for Leadwerks Engine 3.0.   -Any entity can be a physics body. The body command set will become general entity commands, i.e. Entity.SetVelocity(). You can make an entity physically interactive with Entity.SetShape( shape ).   -Any entity can have any number of scripts attached to it. The basic model script functions will be supported for all entities, plus specialized script functions for certain entities. For example,



Splash one load screen

We've been using the black and orange diamond logo for some time, it needed to reflect the game colour palette. As a 90's homage to sims of that era, a saturated colour scheme with the GUI elements using 90'-45' angles, black and orange. Two contrasting colours that are visible against most backgrounds.   It wasn't until after I had designed and coded a number of elements that I noticed other military games using the same colours.   Why bother with stuff like splash screens at this stage?  



Monday update

Today was spent working on reliable interface network client/server connections. It's apparent I need to add some additional items to the top of the screen:   Current world time Mission Time (as offset of world time) Connection status indicators (connecting/connected/ping status) These to sit alongside the current game mode, camera mode and have a suitable background image.   Testing is proving difficult logistically. I would like a fairly inexpensive second PC with small form facto



Leadwerks Blog Post 06: Incoming Renders

As promised last week, it's finally time for a new blog update! Lots of new artwork has been created since the last update, but I'm going to start off by posting several large renders of the Zone project from a few weeks ago. These would make for great desktop backgrounds:     The biggest focus of the last few weeks has been the design of the derelict Ukrainian military barracks. This building was based off of a real barracks in the Exclusion Zone. One of the new Leadwerks features that



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