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Mind's flowing ideas and creations.

Entries in this blog

Last jump in car driving (no ultra)

This diary counts so much steps to reach a good experience of car driving with Leadwerks 4.6, that it just felt so often like unreachable.   So as we know the car is built with 8 joints, 4 hinge joints for the tires  + 4 slider joints for the dampers I just thought last week about implementing a new little trick like using a spring joint more to connect the visible car to the invisible body of the car. Set the mass to about 300 (usually to heavy for joints) and set the Gravit

How to construct own machines with joints.

Using joints Hinge() Joints are funny and powerful to build machines. They allow to use mass (gravity), different masses on different part of the machine depends on what you need, frictions, and limits. By this machine, the only enabled motor is the first big oval cylinder, which is turning. The rest is articulated with disabled hinge joints.    



Fun driving in Leadwerks 4.5

Little demo I made about driving in Leadwerks 4.5 with "self-made" vehicle (well the model is not from me) How to make ? -> https://www.leadwerks.com/community/blogs/entry/2216-simple-car-improved/  enjoy!    



Driving car experience with 4.6

That's what I obtained for driving experience with 4.6. For me it's ok, just the distance of the wheels to the cars are growing too much while getting speed. Sounds have to get upgraded too   I add a video that show car driving possibilities in the down-scaled world I want to create with an own scaled character controller. The idea is to obtain with this a bigger world lol So everything is under scaled, the car too. It's not GTA 6 but it's very ok for what



Creating hills + terrain + paint from script

Example:   I could strangely find nothing about terrain generation from script except for LE5...  So here is an example that will run with LE4.6 on how you can generate 2 little  hills on a terrain and paint it from script. Can be usefull for games with random generated landscape. The script I modified is from here: https://www.leadwerks.com/community/topic/15715-minimap-generator/?do=findComment&comment=104697 So first install the minimap shader to run this:



car physics test

I'm still spending hours of tests, changing and seeking properties to obtain the best balanced car driving experience possible. It's something between the mass used, the joints values, and the smoothing force.  This until now the best I get with a car, which is even performing a salto jump at 2.30 and other somersault crashing at 3.15 The FPS are nice, I'm happy with this.  



Bulldozer Tool - Road building

I really wanted to use the spline tool to make roads because it is a powerful tool but it has a big inconvenient: It builds the spline as you want but then moves the terrain to pass it to the spline - this sounds first ok but using this especially on big maps, you end up with a terrain that shows artificial big too sharpened contours and hollowed areas where the road is going through. To avoid this problem, you have to place a lot of spline pivots and nodes very carefully on the map, follow



Buggy desert crawler

Considering this blog as a diary of progress about car simulation with Leadwerks, I had the dream to simulate those desert crawlers able to climb on sharperned hills with a lot of impuls, Swinging on the roads as they're light, allowing the player to discover rapidly a large part of the map. Technically all the features (directions, dampers, smoothing, acceleration) get simplified but adjusted to be in a good balance. The car may be overpowered but it's fun!  

About the day night cycle

Hey I know you can use for this the nice shader of Shadmar, but now if you want to try something else, This is somewhat like you can obtain if you use a big light sphere rounding around the player. I speed up the cycle quicker for the video to see all the day/night. I used the directional light rotation for the shadows, the color of the sky-sphere for the colorourfull effect and the color of the directional light for the luminosity, getting the no shadow night light. Clouds/r



10 Min. relaxing and artistic moment with LE

Here I want to present what the "Tower game" is doing becoming ! I got the idea to make a relaxing puzzle 3D game where the player will have to find/build/assemble different elements to discover arts. Here a picture I found that inspired me this: Now, I made a little demo video for this, I found the experience somewhat meditative, looking at this floating colorfull infinite world and listening to the sounds. You can turn the music off and listen at your own or just let it pl



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