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Particle panel visualisation


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Like the model editor on Leadwerks 3, would be great ot have a partciles panel editor, or better in some tab panel under scene panel a mni viewport.


In fact creating a partcile and not able to view it before lauching the game is annoying like workflow.

The best would be able to create a particle effect, visualize it, and change values in real time without having to launch the game each time.



Something like that for the idea :



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Like the model editor on Leadwerks 3, would be great ot have a partciles panel editor, or better in some tab panel under scene panel a mni viewport.


In fact creating a partcile and not able to view it before lauching the game is annoying like workflow.

The best would be able to create a particle effect, visualize it, and change values in real time without having to launch the game each time.



Something like that for the idea :




There is a particle panel all ready. Create a new emitter object then goto the particles tab make sure realtime rendering is on so you can see the effect in realtime.

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