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Lua properties errors again

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This seems to be a reaccuring thing. After every update so far, lua properties are unstable.


If I try the following script:

Script.rotation = Vec3(0.1, 0.3, 0.2) --Vec3 Rotator
Script.randomValue = Vec3(0.1, 0.3) --Vec2 ScreenPos
Script.randomValue2 = Vec3(0.1, 0.3,4,3) --Vec4 Color
Script.mood = "Happy, Angry, Sad" --choice
Script.monster = "Vampire, Zombie, Ghost" --choiceedit


Problem 1:

Although the actual values are being set in the code. The property boxes don't show the default value. This goes for Vec2, Vec3 and Vec4

Script.rotation = Vec3(0.1, 0.3, 0.2) --Vec3


Problem 2:

The choice property no longer has a dropdown and default value. It is either a bug or the layout for this property has changed and it has not been documented properly.


Script.monster = "Vampire, Zombie, Ghost" --choice Character




Problem 3

The choiceedit property no longer has a dropdown and default value. It is either a bug or the layout for this property has changed and it has not been documented properly.

Script.monster = "Vampire, Zombie, Ghost" --choiceedit Character
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as far as i know --choice is saving the choosen option as integer and not as string.


//Edit: also i would recommend to set the label as String too and not just write Character.


So it should look like this:


Script.monster = 0 --choice "Character" "Vampire,Zombie,Ghost"

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