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lua while loop issue


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I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here.


In an object I set "quit" to "true" when I press a key, yet the below never breaks the loop

SetGlobalString("quit", "false")
while (KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) == 0) or (GetGlobalString("quit") == "false") do



Yet this works, which is telling me that the object that I check for a keypress and set "quit" to "true" is working. So why doesn't it work in the above code?

SetGlobalString("quit", "false")
while (GetGlobalString("quit") == "false") do


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Lua handles logical operators different than what you are probably used to...


The or binary operator also does not necessarily return a boolean value. If the first argument is not false or nil it is returned, otherwise the second argument is returned. So, a boolean is only returned if the first argument is true or the second argument is a boolean.

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No, he really needs an AND in there. No matter what his GetGlobalString("quit") == "false" comparison is, the KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) == 0 is always true, so the or never goes any further.


Hence why it works without the KeyHit test. Use an and and all will be fine.

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No, he really needs an AND in there. No matter what his GetGlobalString("quit") == "false" comparison is, the KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) == 0 is always true, so the or never goes any further.


Hence why it works without the KeyHit test. Use an and and all will be fine.


yes, wasn't saying that it wasn't... was explaining the use of OR in lua

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The use of OR in lua seems the same as using || in C++.


Lua supports both logical OR and bitwise OR, but using the same 'or' keyword. No confusion at all there :(

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