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Any VB.net documentation?


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Hello Community,


is there any documentation for the VB.net wrapper?


with little examples to use camera commands or other important functions?

I'm using Leadwerks engine 2.5 and Project builder with VB.net project creator.


it would be great if there is such a thing.

Please pm me or reply here.




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The sample generated when using LEBuilder should give you a hint.

As Metatron says, its just a matter of adding LE. in front of the commands.


Here is the sample generated by LEBuilder.



Imports LeadwerksEngine

Module test

   Sub UpdateCallback(ent As TEntity)
       LE.TurnEntity(ent, New TVec3(LE.AppSpeed() * 0.5F))
   End Sub

Sub ErrOut(ByVal message As String)
   End Sub

   Sub Main()

       Dim ScreenWidth As Integer = 800
       Dim ScreenHeight As Integer = 800
       Dim MediaDir As String = "C:/GameDevel"
       Dim AppTitle As String = "test"

       ' Initialize

       ' Set graphics mode        
       If LE.Graphics(ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight) = 0 Then
           ErrOut("Failed to set graphics mode.")
       End If

       ' Create framework object and set it to a global object so other scripts can access it
       Dim fw As LeadwerksEngine.TFramework = LE.CreateFramework()
       If fw.IsValid = False Then
           ErrOut("Failed to initialize engine.")
       End If

       ' Set Lua framework object        
       LE.SetGlobalObject("fw", fw.Handle)

       ' Set Lua framework variable        
       Dim lua As Object = LE.GetLuaState()
       LE.lua_pushobject(lua, fw.Handle)
       LE.lua_setglobal(lua, "fw")
       LE.lua_pop(lua, 1)

       ' Get framework main camera        
       Dim camera As LeadwerksEngine.TCamera = LE.GetLayerCamera(LE.GetFrameworkLayer(0))
       LE.PositionEntity(camera, New LeadwerksEngine.TVec3(0, 0, -2))

       ' Create cube
       Dim material As LeadwerksEngine.TMaterial = LE.LoadMaterial( "abstract::cobblestones.mat" )
       Dim mesh As LeadwerksEngine.TMesh = LE.CreateCube()
       LE.PaintEntity(mesh, material)

       ' Apply Callback
       Dim cb As LE.EntityUpdateWorldCallback = New LE.EntityUpdateWorldCallback(AddressOf UpdateCallback)
       LE.SetEntityCallback(mesh.Entity, cb)

       ' Create ground
       Dim ground As LeadwerksEngine.TMesh = LE.CreateCube()
       LE.ScaleEntity(ground, New TVec3(10, 1, 10))
       LE.PositionEntity(ground, New TVec3(0, -2, 0))
       LE.PaintEntity(ground, material)

       ' Add some light
       Dim light As TLight = LE.CreateDirectionalLight()
       LE.RotateEntity(light, New TVec3(45, 45, 45))

       ' Spin cube until user hits Escape
       While (LE.KeyHit() = False And LE.AppTerminate() = False)
           If LE.AppSuspended() = False Then


               LE.DrawText("Visual Basic LE.NET", 0, 20)

           End If
       End While
   End Sub

End Module



Hmm.. there seems to be a syntax color error in the

 tag in this board for VB code.

Parts of the code get colored green as comments while they are not.

AV MX Linux

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Hmm.. there seems to be a syntax color error in the code tag in this board for VB code.

Parts of the code get colored green as comments while they are not.


just end your commented parts with a comma as well... like so:

       ' Initialize'

       ' Set graphics mode        '
       If LE.Graphics(ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight) = 0 Then
           ErrOut("Failed to set graphics mode.")
       End If

       ' Create framework object and set it to a global object so other scripts can access it'
       Dim fw As LeadwerksEngine.TFramework = LE.CreateFramework()
       If fw.IsValid = False Then
           ErrOut("Failed to initialize engine.")
       End If

Win7 64bit / Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.9 GHz / 16 GB DDR3 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590

LE / 3DWS / BMX / Hexagon

macklebee's channel

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thanks guys.

is there also a possibility to hide the very annoying command prompt window?


I don't remember currently, but may be you can avoid the prompt using a Form application instead of Console application, though I think it isn't included a template for that but you can easily do that, just try to create a new Form application project, add the reference to LE.NET.dll (it is in the SDK folder) and put the example code in the Program.Start (I don't remember if it's the same as C#). As mentioned, I don't remember if it will avoid the console prompt, because it is created by the engine itself.



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I don't remember currently, but may be you can avoid the prompt using a Form application instead of Console application, though I think it isn't included a template for that but you can easily do that, just try to create a new Form application project, add the reference to LE.NET.dll (it is in the SDK folder) and put the example code in the Program.Start (I don't remember if it's the same as C#). As mentioned, I don't remember if it will avoid the console prompt, because it is created by the engine itself.


thanks will try tomorrow, do some more of you guys have that annoying command prompt window?



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