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Where's my mistake?


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I'm making a control code (move, change camera orientation, etc.), just like in any classic MMORPG. Losing 10 FPS with this, and it's just logic.

I know it's in C#, but anyone here would understand I think.


using Leadwerks;

namespace Origins
public enum PlayerState

public class Player
	public Camera Camera { get; set; }
	public Controller Controller { get; set; }
	public Mesh Mesh { get; set; }

	private Vector3 Rotation { get; set; }
	private Vector2 MouseDelta { get; set; }
	private Vector2 MouseOrigin { get; set; }
	private Vector3 Movement { get; set; }
	private float Zoom { get; set; }
	private float Jump { get; set; }
	private bool Reorient { get; set; }

	public PlayerState State { get; set; }
	private PlayerState OldState { get; set; }

	private int DeathFrame = 0;
	private int HitFrame = 80;
	private int IdleFrame = 106;
	private int JumpFrame = 176;
	private int MagicFrame = 203;
	private int MeleeFrame = 250;
	private int RunFrame = 297;
	private int SideFrame = 323;
	private int WalkFrame = 357;
	private int BackFrame = 393;

	public Player()
		this.Camera = new Camera();

		this.Controller = new Controller(1.8f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 45.0f);
		this.Controller.Mass = 1;
		this.Controller.CollisionType = (int)CollisionType.Character;

		this.Mesh = Mesh.Load("abstract::wizard.gmf");
		this.Mesh.Parent = this.Controller;
		this.Mesh.Scale = new Vector3(0.01f);
		this.Mesh.Move(new Vector3(0, -90.0f, 0));

		this.Rotation = new Vector3();
		this.MouseDelta = new Vector2();
		this.MouseOrigin = new Vector2();
		this.Movement = new Vector3();
		this.Zoom = 1.0f;
		this.Jump = 0.0f;
		this.Reorient = false;

		//Light lantern = Light.CreatePoint(5);
		//lantern.ShadowmapSize = 16;
		//lantern.Color = new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 1);
		//lantern.Parent = this.Mesh.GetChild("stuff2");

	public void Update()
		this.OldState = this.State;

		this.State = PlayerState.Idle;

		switch (Keyboard.KeyHit(Key.Space) && !this.Controller.IsAirborne())
			case true:
				this.Jump = 5.0f;

			case false:
				this.Jump = 0.0f;

		switch (Keyboard.IntKeyDown(Key.W) - Keyboard.IntKeyDown(Key.S))
			case 1:
				this.State = PlayerState.ForwardWalking;
				this.Movement.Z = 4.0f;

			case 0:
				this.Movement.Z = 0.0f;

			case -1:
				this.State = PlayerState.BackwardWalking;
				this.Movement.Z = -2.0f;

		if (Mouse.ButtonDown(MouseButton.Left) || Mouse.ButtonDown(MouseButton.Right))

			switch (Keyboard.IntKeyDown(Key.D) - Keyboard.IntKeyDown(Key.A))
				case 1:
					this.State = PlayerState.RightWalking;
					this.Movement.X = 2.0f;

				case 0:
					this.Movement.X = 0.0f;

				case -1:
					this.State = PlayerState.LeftWalking;
					this.Movement.X = -2.0f;

			this.MouseDelta.X = Utilities.Curve(Mouse.X - this.MouseOrigin.X, this.MouseDelta.X, 5.0f);
			this.MouseDelta.Y = Utilities.Curve(Mouse.Y - this.MouseOrigin.Y, this.MouseDelta.Y, 5.0f);

			this.Rotation.X += this.MouseDelta.Y / 5.0f;
			this.Rotation.Y -= this.MouseDelta.X / 5.0f;

			Mouse.Move((int)this.MouseOrigin.X, (int)this.MouseOrigin.Y);
			this.Movement.X = 0.0f;

			this.Rotation.Y -= (float)(Keyboard.IntKeyDown(Key.D) * 3 - Keyboard.IntKeyDown(Key.A) * 3);

		if (this.Controller.IsAirborne())
			this.State = PlayerState.Jumping;

		if (Mouse.ButtonDown(MouseButton.Right) || Keyboard.KeyDown(Key.D) || Keyboard.KeyDown(Key.A) || Keyboard.KeyDown(Key.W) || Keyboard.KeyDown(Key.S))
			this.Reorient = true;
			this.Reorient = false;

		this.Camera.Rotation = this.Rotation;

		this.Zoom = Utilities.Curve((float)-Mouse.Z, this.Zoom, 5.0f);

		if (this.Reorient)
			this.Controller.Update(this.Rotation.Y, this.Movement.Z, this.Movement.X, this.Jump, 500.0f, 1);
			this.Controller.Update(this.Controller.Rotation.Y, this.Movement.Z, this.Movement.X, this.Jump, 500.0f, 1);

		this.Camera.Position = this.Controller.Position;
		this.Camera.Move(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.5f * this.Zoom, -2.5f * this.Zoom));

		this.MouseOrigin.X = (float)Mouse.X;
		this.MouseOrigin.Y = (float)Mouse.Y;

		if (this.State != this.OldState)
				death     0   80
				hit       80  106
				idle      106 176
				jump      176 203
				magic     203 250
				melee     250 297
				run       297 323
				side      323 357
				walk      357 393
				walk back 393 429

			this.DeathFrame = 0;
			this.HitFrame = 80;
			this.IdleFrame = 106;
			this.JumpFrame = 176;
			this.MagicFrame = 203;
			this.MeleeFrame = 250;
			this.RunFrame = 297;
			this.SideFrame = 323;
			this.WalkFrame = 357;
			this.BackFrame = 393;


		if (DeathFrame == 80)
			DeathFrame = 1;

		if (HitFrame == 106)
			HitFrame = 81;

		if (IdleFrame == 176)
			IdleFrame = 107;

		if (MagicFrame == 250)
			MagicFrame = 204;

		if (MeleeFrame == 297)
			MeleeFrame = 251;

		if (RunFrame == 323)
			RunFrame = 298;

		if (SideFrame == 357)
			SideFrame = 324;

		if (WalkFrame == 393)
			WalkFrame = 358;

		if (BackFrame == 429)
			BackFrame = 394;

		switch (this.State)
			case PlayerState.Idle:
				this.Mesh.Animate(IdleFrame, 1, 0, 1);

			case PlayerState.ForwardWalking:
				this.Mesh.Animate(RunFrame, 1, 0, 1);

			case PlayerState.BackwardWalking:
				this.Mesh.Animate(BackFrame, 1, 0, 1);

			case PlayerState.LeftWalking:
			case PlayerState.RightWalking:
				this.Mesh.Animate(SideFrame, 1, 0, 1);

			case PlayerState.Jumping:
				this.Mesh.Animate(JumpFrame, 1, 0, 1);

			case PlayerState.Flying:
				this.Mesh.Animate(185, 1, 0, 1);

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just out of curiosity, have you turned on debugphysics? I am curious to see how large the collisionbody for the wizard is whenever it gets loaded since you are scaling it by 0.01? you should really get UU3D and scale all of your assets before converting them to gmf... if you know someone you can trust to do the scaling/conversion for you, you should do it.

Win7 64bit / Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.9 GHz / 16 GB DDR3 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590

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just out of curiosity, have you turned on debugphysics? I am curious to see how large the collisionbody for the wizard is whenever it gets loaded since you are scaling it by 0.01? you should really get UU3D and scale all of your assets before converting them to gmf... if you know someone you can trust to do the scaling/conversion for you, you should do it.


Haven't turned on DebugPhysics, so that isn't it. I'll make serious models when I get to my actual game characters, but the wizard is a test model.

On a second note, it seems to only happen in the vicinity of many lights (a.k.a. directional + point + point). Are skinned meshes slow on lights?

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Haven't turned on DebugPhysics, so that isn't it.



Thats not what Mack meant.

AMD Bulldozer FX-4 Quad Core 4100 Black Edition

2 x 4GB DDR3 1333Mhz Memory

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Windows 7 Home 64 bit


BlitzMax 1.50 • Lua 5.1 MaxGUI 1.41 • UU3D Pro • MessiahStudio Pro • Silo Pro

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"I used to be alive like you .... then I took an arrow to the head"

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Thats not what Mack meant.


Even if the collision body is big, it doesn't have more vertices. Nonetheless, is there a way to disable shadowing on specific lights and mesh combination? Like turn "CastShadow" off but only for a specified light?

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