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Add or Delete Editor Properties


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I am interested in creating a LUA script that can add or delete Dialog Groups and Properties whilst i am using the properties window in the editor. Is there a way in lua script to access the grid variable from other class functions like the SetKey(key,value) function to add or delete properties based on other properties? Or does anyone have any idea how i could accomplish this?

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are you asking about adding or deleting groups/properties that are already in the script and you just decide whether or not they are used or shown in properties dialog? or are you asking what i think you are asking: have a dialog property that gives you the ability to add a brand new property? seems like that would be very chicken-egg type of thing... seems easier just to add or delete whatever from the actual script itself...

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macklebee's channel

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you might have better luck if you just write a basic script (or ask someone to do it for you) that contains the common properties that you use... how bout you list the common things you only want in your properties dialog...

Win7 64bit / Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.9 GHz / 16 GB DDR3 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590

LE / 3DWS / BMX / Hexagon

macklebee's channel

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i think i may have confused you, i want to be able to add and delete properties using scripts, that contextually adds properties with other properties the user has selected, for instance a level designer could make an object and then choose an option form a PROPERTY_CHOICE and depending on what the user selects more options appear.

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I don't think it would be possible based on my experiences of trying to update dialogue box scripts under "normal" circumstances. If you hit <CTRL>-<S> to save your script, it doesn't take effect in the editor. You have to take the file/save option from the menu. Based on this, I would assume there is something behind this that "activates" the new version of the script, and so you couldn't dynamically code new options.

All the best,

Steve Vink

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