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Publis Game no work?


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The engine sends the package everything even if it is not being used in a scene. For example the water textures and their respective shaders. I also think that some libraries depending on the operating system are not necessary, for example virtual reality, but undoubtedly is hooked to the environment.




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Hmm.  I just tested this and the "only include used files" publish created a 44.5MB folder.  The everything publish created a 54.8MB folder.  So it's definitely doing something for me.  However, the "only used" folder's zip file did include files that I definitely didn't use in the project.  I'm not sure how Josh checks for this (hence my previous post) so don't know if this is a bug... but it doesn't act as you would hope.

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If so, that package includes the Editor directory, things like the map editor icons and other elements like development textures.

On the other hand if you create manually, having the professional leadwerks version, you save a lot of space in the final package, you can also create individual packages of each directory. I think that possibly some time ago, that option works correctly.




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