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Help with basic script


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Hey, Im ashley (first post so better intraduce myself) and no im not a girl (I'm aware that Ashley is a girls name in America). Housekeeping aside, I've been experimenting with leadwerks (after only buying it 2 hours ago) and I'm finding it pretty triky to get this basic script to work. All I want is for the cube to move when I press the W key.

So, this is my script (which is attached to a entity cube):

player = Vec3(0,0,0)
function Script:Start()
-- housekeeping, init type function always needs to be there else I get cringie
function Script:WorldUpdate()
--Update function
if App.window:KeyDown(Key.W) then


any help and a little exsplnation would be awsome (I did know that the documentation was as bad as facebooks' but I still tryed to use it as much as possible along side the scripts that come with the engine, so I am trying >.< )


EDIT: I have

 player = Vec3(0,0,0) 

there because it makes more sence then just running


. I understand if someone facepalms becuase there's no reason for it to be there, but its just one of the many variations of code I have tryied. ALSO: sorry about spelling, For somereason firefox isn't picking up spell check in this wysiwyg Editor -.-



Ok, so I managed to solve the issue. It turns out


Isn't what I thought it was (basic Update function) So Insted, I have used


. From there I changed a few things and also learnt that I could reference the current entity with


. So all together I have managed to pull this together:

function Script:Start()
-- basic init

function Script:UpdatePhysics()
--Update function
if window:KeyDown(Key.W) then


Its incredably basic, and I feel pretty stupid but I was pretty stumped. Hopefully new programmers can use this as a basic example for movment.

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player in your script is just a vector (it's just a 3d point in space). It's not a cube. It has no visual to it.

Ahh I see, I thought it allowed me to dedicate a varible to the cube's current Vector Points. Now I know it just creates one, thanks ^.^

Also, how would I move the object? I've tryed


and just


but nothing seems to work.

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