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How to texture a plane?


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I tried looking for a function to create a plane, but couldn't find one.

I threw this together in its place, which may be for the better since I needed a slightly weird kind of plane:

Leadwerks::Model* CreatePlane(unsigned int accross, unsigned int down)
   float halfAcross = ((float)accross) / 2;
   unsigned int rows = down + accross - 1;
   float halfRows = ((float)rows) / 2;
   unsigned int total = ((rows - 1) * accross) + 1;

   Leadwerks::Model* model = Leadwerks::Model::Create();
   Leadwerks::Surface* surface = model->AddSurface();

   float Z = 1.f;
   for( unsigned int row = 0; row < rows; row++ )
       float X;
       if( row > 0 )
           X = -1.f + ((1.f / halfAcross) / 2.f);
           for( unsigned int column = 0; column < accross - 1; column++ )
               surface->AddVertex(Vec3(X, 0.f, Z));
               X += (1.f / halfAcross);
           Z -= (1.f / halfRows);

       X = -1.f;
       for( unsigned int column = 0; column < accross; column++ )
           surface->AddVertex(Vec3(X, 0.f, Z));
           X += (1.f / halfAcross);
       Z -= (1.f / halfRows);
   for( unsigned int done = 0; done < total; )
       for( unsigned int column = 0; column < accross; column++, done++ )
           if( column < accross - 1 && done < (total - 1) - accross) // Top
               surface->AddTriangle(done, done + 1, done + accross);

           if( column > 0 && done > rows - 1 ) // Right
               surface->AddTriangle(done, done - accross, done - rows);

           if( column < accross - 1 && done > rows - 1 ) // Bottom
               surface->AddTriangle(done, done - (accross - 1), done + 1);

           if( column < accross - 1 && done > rows - 1 ) // Left
               surface->AddTriangle(done, done - rows, done - (accross - 1));
       done += (accross - 1);

   model->UpdateAABB(Entity::LocalAABB | Entity::GlobalAABB);
   return model;


It works pretty well,

Model* plane = CreatePlane(9, 9);
plane->SetColor(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);
plane->SetPosition(0, 10, 5);


.. except for that last line. The material, for whatever reason, doesn't get applied.


However, the (relatively) same code works fine for a Box:

Model* box = Model::Box(9, 9, 9);
box->SetColor(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);
box->SetPosition(0, 15, 5);


Any ideas? :/


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