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why is the camera not on the player when using c++????


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I was just wondering why the camera is not on the player controller when I try to move around because I can hear him walkin jumping and the like but it's like a mile away from him?


Anyone know why!?

i'm using c++ now with Microsoft visual studio express..




oh and here's the code:


#include "App.h"


using namespace Leadwerks;


App::App() : window(NULL), context(NULL), world(NULL), camera(NULL) {}


App::~App() { delete world; delete window; }



bool App::Start()


window = Window::Create("hello world", 800, 600, Leadwerks::Window::Titlebar);


//Initialize Steamworks (optional)

/*if (!Steamworks::Initialize())


System::Print("Error: Failed to initialize Steam.");

return false;



//Create a window

window = Leadwerks::Window::Create("");


//Create a context

context = Context::Create(window);


//Create a world

world = World::Create();


//Create a camera

camera = Camera::Create();



//Hide the mouse cursor



std::string mapname = System::GetProperty("map","Maps/start.map");



//Move the mouse to the center of the screen



return true;



bool App::Loop()


//Close the window to end the program

if (window->Closed()) return false;


//Press escape to end freelook mode

if (window->KeyHit(Key::Escape));



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The C++ default program creates a camera in the scene controlled by the mouse and keyboard. Just remove the camera creation and control lines in the code above and it will behave the same as the Lua project.

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