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Using Steamworks Controller functions when distributing outside of Steam?


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I haven't tried these functions myself, I was just browsing the documentation when I came across them and was hoping someone could clarify. The Steamworks class seems to provide functions for working with game controllers and I assume you have to initialize Steamworks for it to work. If distributing your game outside of Steam does this mean you can't access the controllers? Or do I have it wrong and you can access the controller functions without initializing it?


EDIT: Well, that page says it itself "Note: Steamworks must be initialized before using the Steam Controller functions."

So, is there a way to access joysticks/controllers (from Lua?) without Steamworks?


MORE EDIT: After looking at this I realise I might have misunderstood, Steamworks functions are only for working with actual Steam Controller... I jumped the gun and assumed it was any kind of controller.

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