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Posts posted by DanceTweety

  1. still it's kinda same thing except that "motor" is not on the middle but rear.


    now like others said if there's a point force than use that else do it as I said.


    experimenting and tweeking and you'll get the numbers right, ...



    If I us pointforce it still will not get the boat to sail in the direction it is pointing and it makes the boat sink I tryed that.

    And what do you mean with "make proper parenting". I dont have a sail or a motor. I am testing with a box.

  2. I can see you are trying to simulate the reality.


    thing is if you turn your sails the "boat" will go sideways it's same in RL but there's 1 thing you haven't in calculated witch is friction of water.


    in RL friction of water does actually force for boat to go aerodinamically and not sideways.


    what you need to do is 2 things


    make proper parenting and after sails are turned so the boat slowly turnes in right dirrection.

    without proper parrenting you'll be turning both instead of just desiered one.


    well I hope I did help enough and that I did understand the problem.


    It is not a sailboat but a motorboat I just want it to sail in the direction it is pointing even after I turn it.

    But it only does that at small angle after that it goes back wards and I dont know why.

  3. Hi All,


    I made changes to the script but it still does not make a normale circle when I steer it to left or right


    And help is welcome. I test it with a box. What I try to do is get the boot to sail in direction of the Y angle:


    Script.enabled = true   --bool "Enabled"
    Script.gravity = false  --bool "Gravity"
    Script.movespeed  = 5   --Define self.movespeed
    Script.originPosition = nil --Define self.originPosition
    Script.currentPosition = nil  --Define self.currentPosition
    Script.oldMass = nil  --Define self.oldMass
    Script.window = Window:GetCurrent() --Define self.window
    Script.move = Vec3(0,0,0) --Define self.move
    Script.rotation = ""  --Define self.rotation
    Script.ry = 0   --Define self.ry
    Script.speed = ""  --Define self.speed
    function Script:Start()
    self.originPosition = self.entity:GetPosition() --Get position of object
    self.oldMass = self.entity:GetMass() --Get mass of object
    if self.entity:GetShadowMode()>0 then
    if self.enabled then
     if self.entity:GetMass() == 0 then --Get mass and check if bigger then 0
      Debug:Error("Entity mass must be greater than zero.")
    self.entity:SetGravityMode(self.gravity) --Set gravity to false
    self.entity:SetFriction(0,1)   --Set Friction
    self.move = Vec3(0,0,0)    --Set self.move to vector
    function Script:UpdatePhysics() --Loop to update Physics
    self.move = Vec3(0,0,0)
     local movespeed = self.movespeed  --Set movespeed to self.movespeed
     self.rotation = self.entity:GetRotation():ToString() --Set self.rotation and make it a string (else it is userdata and will not work)
     self.ry = string.sub(self.rotation,11,15) --Set self.ry with y of rotation (if cuts of x and z)
     self.ry = tonumber(self.ry)   --Set self.ry to be a number
     self.ry = math.ceil(self.ry)   --Set self.ry to be a round number
     if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Up)) then self.move.x = -1 * movespeed * math.cos(self.ry) * Time:GetSpeed() end --Look if upper arrow key is pressed and Set value in selfmove.x (x-axis)
     if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Up)) then self.move.z = -1 * movespeed * math.sin(self.ry) * Time:GetSpeed() end --Look if upper arrow key is pressed and Set value in selfmove.z (z-axis)
     if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Down)) then self.move.x = movespeed * math.cos(self.ry) * Time:GetSpeed() end    --Look if lower arrow key is pressed and Set value in selfmove.x (x-axis)
     if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Down)) then self.move.z = movespeed * math.sin(self.ry) * Time:GetSpeed() end    --Look if lower arrow key is pressed and Set value in selfmove.z (z-axis)
     if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Right)) then self.move.y= movespeed * Time:GetSpeed() end  --Look if right arrow key is pressed and Set value in selfmove.y (y-axis rotation)
    		    if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Left)) then self.move.y= -1 * movespeed * Time:GetSpeed() end --Look if left arrow key is pressed and Set value in selfmove.y (y-axis rotation)
     self.entity:AddForce(self.move.x,0,0)   --AddForce with the self.move.x value on x-axis
     self.entity:AddForce(0,0,self.move.z) --AddForce with the self.move.z value on z-axis
     self.entity:AddTorque(0,self.move.y*50,0) --AddTorque with the self.move.y value on y-axis (rotation)
     Time:Update() --Update Time value
    function Script:PostRender() --Function to print on game screen
    local context=Context:GetCurrent()
    context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) --Set blend to alpha so only letters will show
    context:DrawText("Rotation :".. self.ry .."",5,130) --Set text and position of text
    --context:DrawText("Speed    :".. self.speed .."",5,140) --Set text and position of text

  4. Hi All,


    I made changes to the script but it still does not make a normale circle when I steer it to left or right


    And help is welcome. I test it with a box. What I try to do is get the boot to sail in direction of the Y angle:


    Script.enabled = true --bool "Enabled"

    Script.gravity = false --bool "Gravity"

    Script.movespeed = 5 --Define self.movespeed

    Script.originPosition = nil --Define self.originPosition

    Script.currentPosition = nil --Define self.currentPosition

    Script.oldMass = nil --Define self.oldMass

    Script.window = Window:GetCurrent() --Define self.window

    Script.move = Vec3(0,0,0) --Define self.move

    Script.rotation = "" --Define self.rotation

    Script.ry = 0 --Define self.ry

    Script.speed = "" --Define self.speed


    function Script:Start()

    self.originPosition = self.entity:GetPosition() --Get position of object


    self.oldMass = self.entity:GetMass() --Get mass of object


    if self.entity:GetShadowMode()>0 then




    if self.enabled then

    if self.entity:GetMass() == 0 then --Get mass and check if bigger then 0

    Debug:Error("Entity mass must be greater than zero.")







    self.entity:SetGravityMode(self.gravity) --Set gravity to false

    self.entity:SetFriction(0,1) --Set Friction

    self.move = Vec3(0,0,0) --Set self.move to vector




    function Script:UpdatePhysics() --Loop to update Physics


    self.move = Vec3(0,0,0)

    local movespeed = self.movespeed --Set movespeed to self.movespeed

    self.rotation = self.entity:GetRotation():ToString() --Set self.rotation and make it a string (else it is userdata and will not work)

    self.ry = string.sub(self.rotation,11,15) --Set self.ry with y of rotation (if cuts of x and z)

    self.ry = tonumber(self.ry) --Set self.ry to be a number

    self.ry = math.ceil(self.ry) --Set self.ry to be a round number


    if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Up)) then self.move.x = -1 * movespeed * math.cos(self.ry) * Time:GetSpeed() end --Look if upper arrow key is pressed and Set value in selfmove.x (x-axis)

    if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Up)) then self.move.z = -1 * movespeed * math.sin(self.ry) * Time:GetSpeed() end --Look if upper arrow key is pressed and Set value in selfmove.z (z-axis)

    if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Down)) then self.move.x = movespeed * math.cos(self.ry) * Time:GetSpeed() end --Look if lower arrow key is pressed and Set value in selfmove.x (x-axis)

    if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Down)) then self.move.z = movespeed * math.sin(self.ry) * Time:GetSpeed() end --Look if lower arrow key is pressed and Set value in selfmove.z (z-axis)

    if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Right)) then self.move.y= movespeed * Time:GetSpeed() end --Look if right arrow key is pressed and Set value in selfmove.y (y-axis rotation)

    if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Left)) then self.move.y= -1 * movespeed * Time:GetSpeed() end --Look if left arrow key is pressed and Set value in selfmove.y (y-axis rotation)


    self.entity:AddForce(self.move.x,0,0) --AddForce with the self.move.x value on x-axis

    self.entity:AddForce(0,0,self.move.z) --AddForce with the self.move.z value on z-axis

    self.entity:AddTorque(0,self.move.y*50,0) --AddTorque with the self.move.y value on y-axis (rotation)


    Time:Update() --Update Time value




    function Script:PostRender() --Function to print on game screen

    local context=Context:GetCurrent()

    context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) --Set blend to alpha so only letters will show

    context:DrawText("Rotation :".. self.ry .."",5,130) --Set text and position of text

    --context:DrawText("Speed :".. self.speed .."",5,140) --Set text and position of text


  5. Is not working it still works same as normal add force only it capsizes the boat.


    It does not change the forward direction. So you turn like you would using y axis torque but you stay moving in the same direction so boat ends up sailing backward.

  6. Why not applying a local force or torque on some direction or point of boat to turn ?

    I done it already for some Fzero style game test and it works.


    How can you apply some force on a local point on the boat instead of the whole boat?

  7. Hi all,


    I trying to make a script to make a boat sail.


    This script works. But to steer it I want to put the script in engine, and put it at the back of the boat(box2 is test box I us to simulate engine) and use a hinge to steer it with y axis.


    Problem is the hinge dont seem to work in this script I made:


    Script.enabled = true --bool "Enabled"

    Script.gravity = false --bool "Gravity"

    Script.movespeed = 10

    Script.originPosition = nil

    Script.currentPosition = nil

    Script.oldMass = nil

    Script.window = Window:GetCurrent()

    Script.move = Vec3(0,0,0)

    Script.Parent = boat


    function Script:Start()

    self.originPosition = self.entity:GetPosition()


    self.oldMass = self.entity:GetMass()


    if self.entity:GetShadowMode()>0 then




    if self.enabled then

    if self.entity:GetMass() == 0 then

    Debug:Error("Entity mass must be greater than zero.")








    self.move = Vec3(0,0,0)


    self.parent = Model:Box(self.Parent)

    self.child = Model:Box(self.entity)

    self.joint = Joint:Hinge(0,10,0, 0,0,1, self.child, self.parent)










    function Script:UpdatePhysics()


    self.move = Vec3(0,0,0)

    local movespeed = self.movespeed


    if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Down)) then self.move.x= movespeed * Time:GetSpeed() end

    if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Up)) then self.move.x= -1 * movespeed * Time:GetSpeed() end

    if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Right)) then self.move.y= movespeed * Time:GetSpeed() end

    if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Left)) then self.move.y= -1 * movespeed * Time:GetSpeed() end











    Does someone have some tips?

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