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Posts posted by malachi

  1. On http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/models-and-animation-r8


    Right-click on the "barrel" limb and select the Select Material popup menu item. This will let you select a new material for the surface. Navigate to the “Models\Crates” folder and select the "cardboardbox.mat" material.


    The specified folder and material do not exist.


    Go to the “Models\Bad Normals” folder in the tutorial project and you'll find a file called "bad normals.mdl". Open this in the model editor and you'll see the lighting looks wrong.


    The specified folder and model do not exist.

  2. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/models-and-animation-r8


    Now browse to your desktop and open the "Oilbarrel" folder. Select the three files "Barrel.fbx", "barrel_dif.bmp", and "barrel_dot2.bmp". Drag these files onto the editor window and release the mouse button. All files will now be copied into the current project directory and automatically converted.


    Notice how the oilbarrel already has the texture applied to it.


    Steps necessary for this to work:

    1. rename barrel.FBX to barrel.fbx as the File:Import filter does not see FBX files

    2. load the bmp files BEFORE the fbx file because multi-select is not possible and it will not auto-apply otherwise

    3. load the fbx last

  3. On http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/models-and-animation-r8


    There are a few way we can import models into Leadwerks. In the asset browser, right-click on the "Models" folder and select the Create Folder popup menu. Name this new folder "Fan". Now select the File > Import menu item in the main menu. Browse to your computer's desktop where you extracted the zip file. Open the "Fan" folder and select the “fan_blades.fbx” file. Press the Open button to import this file. A new model will appear immediately in the asset browser.


    This section of the tutorial is outdated. It assumes you currently have 'Crates', which you don't. You currently have 'Fan' and 'Firepit'. As such, this section instructions you to overwrite your current copy with a binary-different version. The name should either be distinct, or it should be non-conflicting assets.

  4. When looking through the tutorial, you come across an image that you want a closer look at. You click it, expecting it to either navigate to the page or popup. Instead, it appears that a modal grey screen appeared over the page.


    What's happening is that the image is opening in the middle of the HTML page, not the middle of the browser window. So if you are on page 1 of 10, you have to scroll down 5 pages to see the image. Once you dismiss it, you then have to scroll back up 5 pages and find where you were reading.


    It would be ideal if it would open in the context of the current window dimensions rather than the generated html page dimensions.

    • Upvote 1
  5. On http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/materials-r7


    Now comes the fun. We're going to use a custom shader to make this material appear differently than a regular material. Select the Shaders tab. Press the Select File button and choose the file "diffuse+normal+alphamask.shader", then press the OK button.


    The shader is in the Model subdirectory, which is not automatically chosen. Maybe recommend "Model/diffuse+normal+alphamask.shader" or "<Project>/Shaders/Model/diffuse+normal+alphamask.shader"


    Later in the same page, it uses


    So that format is probably best.

  6. On http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/materials-r7


    Now that we have a normal map, let's delete our material and create a new one. Right-click on the wood material and select the Delete popup menu item to get rid of it. Then right-click on it again and select the Generate Normal Map popup menu.


    This should say 'Generate Material' not 'Generate Normal Map', as that was already done.

  7. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/materials-r7


    The textures panel contains a list of textures the material uses. Some materials may only use a single texture, but most will use several. The first four slots are named "Diffuse", "Normal", "Specular", and "Displacement", as these are the most common uses for these texture units. However, different shaders won't always use the same four textures. This is just a hint for convenience.


    These names do not appear in the UI.


  8. On http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/materials-r7


    If you select the View > Teapot menu item you can change the displayed model to a classic teapot.


    Two sided: The material is rendered on two sides. Use this options for foliage likes tree leaves or grass.


    The teapot is partially see-through in the Material Editor. It might be best to suggest checking Two sided (it is unchecked by default) on the wooden teapot example to demonstrate it.

  9. On http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/textures-r6


    The texture editor pops up with the leaf texture in the preview panel. When your mouse is in the texture preview panel you can hold down your left mouse button to drag the texture around. To zoom in and out, hold down the right mouse button and drag the mouse up and down.


    That is not the behaviour that I see.



    [L]eft click

    [R]ight click

    [M]iddle click

    croll wheel



    Ld: move (correct)

    LRd: move (side effect of above, I think)

    Rd: nothing (documented to zoom, but doesn't)

    Md: nothing

    Rs: nothing

    Ms: nothing

    s: nothing (this was what the rest of the app uses)

  10. That's a great find.


    I manually kill -9'd all the steam related content in the current gnome-session, verified Leadwerks was no longer in pstree


    Launched Leadwerks from the Applications|Games menu (Gnome), ran pstree (steam1.png), tried to do an open, pstree (steam2.png), closed Leadwerks, pstree (steam3.png).


    I'm seeing the same as you.


    NOTE: Though I attached them in order, the forum is showing the thumbnails out of order.




  11. On http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/asset-browser-r5


    Select the ‘Models’ folder and uncheck the Recursive checkbox that sits to the right of the search box. We are going to look for assets that have something to do with crates. Click in the search panel and type the word ‘Crate’. Notice how we are not getting any results back. This is because we are only looking in the ‘Models’ folder and not in any subfolders residing in the Models folder.


    Now check the ‘Recursive’ checkbox to the right of the search box. Notice how are now we are getting lots of results appearing. The recursive checkbox makes it so the editor also looks in the subfolders of the ‘Models’ folder so all files will be found.


    The Models folder only contains Fan and Firepit, not Crates. The correct search term should probably be 'Fire'.

  12. On http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/asset-browser-r5


    You can remove a folder from your project by right-clicking on it and selecting the Remove popup menu. The folder and all its files and subfolders will be deleted from your project. Fortunately, a warning dialog will appear to make sure you really meant to do that.


    Removing the 'Test' and 'Test:Subtest' folder as directed makes it look like it accidentally deleted all your top level files. This is because it automatically unchecked 'Recursive' which had been checked by default.

  13. On http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/lights-r4


    Select the Point Light button and click inside the "Top" viewport. Notice that a little placement gizmo appears where you clicked. We are going to place a point light right at the center of the scene. Make sure that you have moved your mouse cursor to the place where you want to place the light. Left-click to place the light. This is just the temporary placeholder.


    Press Enter on your keyboard to confirm the creation of the point light. Notice how the point light immediately lights up the surroundings.


    It doesn't. It appears to be because when you place it as directed, it is place below the floor. You have to drag it up in the Left-ZY screen for it to cast any light.


    The correct fix might be for the Lights.map to place the floor lower...?

    • Upvote 1
  14. On http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/scene-panel-r3


    Now that you have selected it in the viewport, it also gets automatically highlighted in the scene tree. Press the Delete key on your keyboard, and the object will be removed from the scene. Whether you have selected the object in the scene tree or in the viewport doesn’t matter. Another option is to right-click on the object in your scene tree and select ‘Remove’ from the popup menu. You can also select the Edit > Delete menu item.

    • When selected in the viewport, the Delete key does not work.
    • When selected in the scene tree, the Delete key does not work.
    • The Right-click menu from the scene tree has 'Delete' not 'Remove'. It does work.
    • The Edit>Delete menu does work.
    • The [x] toolbar button should also be mentioned, and does work.

  15. On http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/scene-panel-r3


    Expand the "Brushes" filter. Notice how one of the brushes under it is called "Floor". Left-click on this object in the scene tree. Notice how the floor object in the viewports is now highlighted in red, indicating it is selected.


    There is no Floor brush. If you select the correct item in the perspective view, you will notice it is called Box 1.

  16. On http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/scene-panel-r3


    Now go the "Entities" filter and select all lights. We can do this by holding down the control key while left-clicking on each light. Once we have selected all the lights, hold down the left mouse button and drag the items to the newly created "Lights" filter. Let go of the left mouse button. Now all our lights are organized under the "Lights" filter. Good job!



    The ctrl-key does not work to allow multi-selection. Just to confirm, I tried both ctrl keys, the alt key, the shift key and combinations of them.

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