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Posts posted by MexSource

  1. Hey,

    Is it possible to export to Linux from Windows? I know that Mac OSX isn't even supported yet. And I think we would need to use something like MinGW right? I think the msvc compiler is only able to compile for Windows.


    And if we can't compile from Windows for Linux, is it possible to compile for Windows and Linux on Linux?

  2. As I know there is no 64-bit DLL. Maybe that comes, but Josh To-Do list is huge.


    And LE 3 is a completely new software as Josh said, I think you don't get a discount. (Only if you upgrade from 3.x to 3.y you get a discount I think)

  3. To your download problem: Does it give you an error message? Maybe josh hasn't added the download permission to the Member Group (maybe only Developers can download content)


    To your other question: As far as i know, you can export from Linux to Linux and Windows, but Mac isn't supported at all for now (should come soon, josh said)

  4. Hey,


    I'm using Chrome Version 35.0.1916.114 m

    and i experience some errors when just entering the shop site. It shows like this:



    Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/tmp/sess_08faa2214b73fc4712806fc9aa2c2614, O_RDWR) failed: Read-only file system (30) in /home/leadwerk/public_html/werkspace/admin/applications_addon/ips/nexus/modules_public/payments/store.php on line 76


    Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/leadwerk/public_html/werkspace/admin/applications_addon/ips/nexus/modules_public/payments/store.php:76) in/home/leadwerk/public_html/werkspace/admin/applications_addon/ips/nexus/modules_public/payments/store.php on line 76


    Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/leadwerk/public_html/werkspace/admin/applications_addon/ips/nexus/modules_public/payments/store.php:76) in/home/leadwerk/public_html/werkspace/admin/applications_addon/ips/nexus/modules_public/payments/store.php on line 76


    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/leadwerk/public_html/werkspace/admin/applications_addon/ips/nexus/modules_public/payments/store.php:76) in/home/leadwerk/public_html/werkspace/admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 114


    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/leadwerk/public_html/werkspace/admin/applications_addon/ips/nexus/modules_public/payments/store.php:76) in/home/leadwerk/public_html/werkspace/admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 127


    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/leadwerk/public_html/werkspace/admin/applications_addon/ips/nexus/modules_public/payments/store.php:76) in/home/leadwerk/public_html/werkspace/admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 136


    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/leadwerk/public_html/werkspace/admin/applications_addon/ips/nexus/modules_public/payments/store.php:76) in/home/leadwerk/public_html/werkspace/admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 137



    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/leadwerk/public_html/werkspace/admin/applications_addon/ips/nexus/modules_public/payments/store.php:76) in/home/leadwerk/public_html/werkspace/admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 141


    I think this should be all the information you need, to fix this.


    - Mex :)

  5. Hey ;),


    Is there any possibility to play a animation sequence without much effort, or do I have to create my own animation manager?


    And how should my animation manager look like? I thought about simply editing the current animation frame (like: I set the animation frame first to 1 and every 300ms or so I will switch to the next.)( and should I do this in a extra thread maybe?)


    - Mex :)

  6. It's about a effort versus reward. If a few minutes of zipping up and password protecting files deters the majority of people from ripping off my stuff, it's worth it to me. It's certainly way better than providing models, textures and music in their original format openly.


    But I'm under no delusion that it works against everyone. In fact, I know some programs can take models and textures directly from memory as you're running them. Plus there are forums where people love writing programs that extract such data from game files, as a personal challenge.


    I have found a topic that will help you with people no longer easy stealing your models.



    Our file system actually can read zip archives and treats them as a file system. This is how games are deployed. It's an unofficial feature, but you just call Package::Load( zipname ) and it automatically creates a virtual file system the file read commands work with,





    Passwords are supported:



    Package* Package::Load(const std::string& path, const std::string& password, const bool regist=true)


    The last parameter registers it as a virtual file system the file commands automatically load files from.



    Basically, the zip file name creates an extra folder. So if you have a file in a zip called "Materials.zip" you would load Materials/filename.mat.


    Hope it helps a bit ;)

    • Upvote 2
  7. Hey,


    I think the camera pick is no longer working properly, other people also have this issue.


    This is the code i tried it with:


    if (wd->KeyHit(Key::E)){
     Vec2 mousepos = wd->GetMousePosition();
     if (cam->Pick(mousepos.x, mousepos.y, pickinfo, 0)){
      if (pickinfo.entity->GetKeyValue("tag") == "dbutton"){
        //pickinfo.entity->SetKeyValue("tag", "");
        System::Print("Entity picked, distance: " + String(pickinfo.distance));


    My problems are:

    • The pick is only working if I'm so close to the object, that I'm touching it.
    • And the pickdistance is everytime -1

    Hope you can fix that.


    Btw: I tried picking csg boxes and models (Yes, I attached a empty lua script to these boxes).




    If you need more info here is the full thread in which some people and me discussed this.

  8. Yep, will do


    Here it is.



    Rick what do you mean, how could I do it?

    I tried:

    if (wd->KeyHit(Key::E)){
    Vec3 pickPos2 = wd->GetMousePosition();
    pickPos2.z = 10;
    if (wrd->Pick(cam->GetPosition(), cam->UnProject(pickPos2), pickinfo, 0.0F, true)){
    if (pickinfo.entity->GetKeyValue("tag") == "dbutton"){
    //pickinfo.entity->SetKeyValue("tag", "");
    System::Print("Entity picked, distance: " + String(pickinfo.distance));
    //pickinfo.entity->SetPosition(pickinfo.entity->GetPosition().x, pickinfo.entity->GetPosition().y - 2, pickinfo.entity->GetPosition().z);


    wouldn't this do a raycast of length 10, in the looking direction of the camera? Because it only works when i look at a object in a certain angle that.


    Fixed it, you need to use:


    Vec3 pickPos2 = Vec3(contxt->GetWidth() / 2, contxt->GetHeight() / 2, 5);


    instead of


    Vec3 pickPos2 = wd->GetMousePosition();
    pickPos2.z = 10;


    seems like mouseposition really returns the mouse position on whole screen not only for the window, how i thought

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