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Posts posted by Einlander

  1. Now this is getting frustrating. 4 months later this is still around. I started trying to make my winter games entry and discovered that it's still messed up.


    Anyway, I did some more experiments, other than the texture being backwards, The large normals are from the mipmap when you are far away. Both the diffuse and normal are still showing. If you use a high contrast texture like I use, you can see that some of the lines have 2 colors on them.

  2. Does this tool allow you to create basic vertex blended shaders for models, etc? That's one key thing I'm trying to get my hands on, just something that lets me blend materials on an object using R, G and B vertex colors. Other engines have the capability, but I haven't seen any shader for LW that supports this, yet.


    I've looked into learning how to program GLSL to do it myself but... yeah lol... way beyond me (I'm not a programmer at all).


    If there was a way to create these shaders visually, and then export them to LW in a way that's supported, that would be beautiful. But, if I'm understanding correctly, it looks like it might still require some programming know-how.


    Shader tool is not a visual shader creator. You have to manually create the shader. It allows you to edit shaders without having to have to load a game engine.

  3. I use vsync so i can gauge what other users may experience. and it makes slowdowns blatantly obvious. It also introduces input lag, and the leadwerks occluder cant keep up with it.

  4. It's not a waste, it's just the initial setup that is a pain. once you have the model loaded and textured (the have a pass-through shader to assist in this) it makes it easier to do things. IN leadwerk you have the engine doing the loading and the rendering for you, in shader tool you have to do that in provided nodes and connect them.


    Once it's all set up that's where the difference is, in leadwerks you will need to code all uniforms you want to pass in and manually code them in lua. In shader tool you add the uniform and connect a slider to it and edit the input values in real-time. So leadwerks: Easier setup, and tedious to edit. Shader-tool tedious to setup, easy to edit.

    • Upvote 4
  5. When I use Leadwerks I normally have my game run at desktop resolution windowed. Sometimes I want to see the performance difference in full screen (it's always better). To do this I would normally need to edit main.lua. After a bit of thinking and experimenting I made a short 'hack' that will allow you to hold f5 of f6 to run in full screen instead of windowed.



    tempwindow=Window:Create("key capture",0,0,1,1,1)


    if (tempwindow:KeyDown(Key.F5) or tempwindow:KeyDown(Key.F6))== true then




    Place this after

    if System:GetProperty("fullscreen")=="1" then windowstyle=windowstyle+window.FullScreen end

    and before



  6. Thanks, it seems to work. The goal is to build a house with sub models: Roof, building, steps. I will create a prefab that a script will be attached to. This script will choose a color from a pre-specified list. It will then look for all the children, check their surfaces and get materials. If the materials match a pre-made list of black and white textures it will change the color of that material and reapply it to the mesh. This will happen in onstart. The result will be houses that have different colors every time you load the level. Also each house that is put in the level will have a different color. This will break up the monotony of having the same house in close vicinity.

    • Upvote 2
  7. When I hide "remove" a crawler in my game crawler defense , the turret seems to still focus on it. The turret has a target and alligns to the enemy set in a scene. When I hide the crawler and it is nowhere shown again in the script, it is just invinsible (for me).

    I need to think of an other way for when a crawler gets trought the whole path in the tower defense game.


    Well of course, the entity still exists. So your script will still track it. You would to add a hidden entity check to tell the turret to not aim at it.

  8. It could have to lists, 1 render list and 1 ignore list. This way you would never have to iterate over the hidden list if you take it out the render list. This is how I would do it, but it's up to Josh to tell us how. View range determination / culling would require all entities that are not explicitly set to hidden to be iterated, else how would it know to render it?

  9. Window initial caps

    window. Initial caps period

    WINDOW all caps

    window. All caps period

    "Window" initial caps quote

    "window." Initial caps period quote

    "WINDOW" all caps quote

    "window." All caps quote period


    and to be sure:




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