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Posts posted by Einlander

  1. I've never really thought about that way. I developed that habit in my old qbasic days. I tend to make very nice looking spaghetti code so I like to make sure the scope is super obvious. That and I code at night on low sleep after work. I make all sorts of mistakes. I'm quite sure i have variables that are never used in this script. But I will take it in mind. Now i'm 8 hours overdue from sleep. Now I have 667 posts!

  2. I've been doing some coding on a bunch of Left 4 Dead style stuff and this is the latest script I have. A simple use timer. I haven't tested it very hard, but there should not be any glaring bugs. Information about the script:



    Title:			Use Timer
    Author:			Einlander
    Start Date:		5-22-17
    Version:		2
    Description:	A simple Left 4 Dead style use timer
    				WHAT IT DOES: Allows player to use a script to force player/user to use an item for a set period of time.
    				Think Left 4 Dead when you need to pour gas or start generators.
    				WHAT IT DOESENT DO: It does not immobilize the player/user. 
    									It does not cancel when the player/user looks away or is too far.
    	1	-Initial release
    	2	-style changes small fix
    		added self.entity:SetKeyValue("type","use_timer") .
    		This will help when trying to figure out what you are using and adjust accordingly. 
    		ie:detect you are using the use timer and make it so the player cant move
    		-in Script:Start changed self.completed to true to prevent activating when not targeting entity.
    	3	-complete rewrite with less code, and smarter time management


    The script itself:

    Title:			Use Timer
    Author:			Einlander
    Start Date:		5-22-17
    Version:		2
    Description:	A simple Left 4 Dead style use timer
    				WHAT IT DOES: Allows player to use a script to force player/user to use an item for a set period of time.
    				Think Left 4 Dead when you need to pour gas or start generators.
    				WHAT IT DOESENT DO: It does not immobilize the player/user. 
    									It does not cancel when the player/user looks away or is too far.
    	1	-Initial release
    	2	-style changes small fix
    		added self.entity:SetKeyValue("type","use_timer") .
    		This will help when trying to figure out what you are using and adjust accordingly. 
    		ie:detect you are using the use timer and make it so the player cant move
    		-in Script:Start changed self.completed to true to prevent activating when not targeting entity.
    	3	-complete rewrite with less code, and smarter time management
    Script.NullVar 				= nil --choice "Use Timer" "Version: 3, By: Einlander"
    Script.enabled 			= true 	-- bool "Enabled"
    Script.HoldTime 		= 5 	-- Float "Hold Time" -- How long the use key needs to be held
    Script.CumulativeTime 	= false -- bool "Cumulative Time" -- The timer does not reset when the use key is let go
    Script.ShowGraphics		= true	-- bool "Show Graphics" -- Draws the completion bar on screen
    Script.DisableOnComplete= true 	-- bool "Stop when Done" -- Disables script on completion
    function Script:Start()
    	self.totaltime = 0	
    Description: Allows the fpsplayer to use the entity
    Parameters: none
    function Script:Use() 
    	if self.enabled == false then return end
    Description: enables the script
    Parameters: none
    Notes: Has a flowgraph input
    function Script:Enable() --in
    	self.enabled = true
    Description: Disables script
    Parameters: none
    Notes: Has a flowgraph input
    function Script:Disable() --in
    	self.enabled = false
    Description: Starts all timers
    Parameters: none
    Notes: Has a flowgraph input, and a output to tell when the script has started
    function Script:Begin()
    	if self.enabled == false then return end
    	self.started = true	
    	self.complete = false	
    	--if (self.totaltime >= (self.HoldTime - 1)*1000) then			
    			--self.totaltime = 0			
    	if (self.CumulativeTime == false) then
    		self.totaltime = 0
    Description: Resets the script to ready it for another use
    Parameters: none
    Notes: Has a flowgraph input, and a output to tell when the script has completed
    function Script:Complete() 	
    	if self.enabled == false then return end
    	self.complete = true	
    	self.totaltime = 0
    	if (self.DisableOnComplete == true) then
    Description: Keep track of when the use key is pressed, held, and released
    Parameters: none
    Notes: Also calculates time left
    function Script:UpdatePhysics()
    	if self.enabled == false then return end
    	if self.complete == true then return end	
    	if ((self.started == true) or (self.held == true) or (self.released == true)) == true then
    		if self.totaltime >= ((self.HoldTime-1) * 1000) then
    	if self.started == true then
    		if (window:KeyDown(Key.E) == true) then
    			self.started = false
    			self.held = true			
    			self.timestart = Time:GetCurrent()			
    	if self.held == true then
    		if (window:KeyDown(Key.E) == true) then			
    			self.held = true
    			self.timeend = Time:GetCurrent()
    			self.totaltime  = self.totaltime  + (self.timeend - self.timestart)
    			self.timestart = Time:GetCurrent()			
    			self.timeend = Time:GetCurrent()	
    			self.released = true
    			self.timeend = Time:GetCurrent()	
    			self.totaltime  = self.totaltime  + (self.timeend - self.timestart)
    			self.timestart = Time:GetCurrent()
    	if self.released == true then
    		self.timeend = Time:GetCurrent()
    		self.totaltime  = self.totaltime  + (self.timeend - self.timestart)
    		self.released = false			
    Description: Prints stuff to console
    	inner as anything
    Notes: Has a flowgraph input, that will allow an argument
    function Script:WritePercentage(number) --in
    Description: Calculates Percent Complete
    Parameters: none
    Notes: Has a flowgraph ARGUMENT that sends out the percentage completed
    function Script:Percentage() --arg
    	return math.floor((self.totaltime / ((self.HoldTime-1)*1000))*100)
    Description: Draws the Percentage bar on screen
    	context as window context
    Notes: The display is resolution independant. It will look the same on all screens.
    function Script:PostRender(context)
    	if self.enabled == false then return end
    	if self.complete == true then return end
    	if ((self.started == true) or (self.held == true) or (self.released == true)) == false then return end
    		window = Window:GetCurrent()		
    		local segment = Vec2(window:GetWidth() *.25,window:GetHeight() *.47)
    		context:DrawRect(segment.x, segment.y , window:GetWidth() - (segment.x*2),window:GetHeight() - (segment.y*2))
    		context:DrawRect(segment.x+4, segment.y+4 , (window:GetWidth() - ((segment.x+4)*2))*(self:Percentage()*.01) , window:GetHeight() - ((segment.y+4)*2))			


    -- edit --

    added self.entity:SetKeyValue("type","use_timer") . This will help when trying to figure out what you are using and adjust accordingly. ie:detect you are using the use timer and make it so the player cant move.

    in Script:Start changed self.completed to true to prevent activating when not targeting entity.

    -- edit --

  3. To go even further, you would need to WORLD PICK from the controllers feet to the ground. This will return a PICKINFO you would be able to get the exact surface. pickinfo.surface:GetMaterial() would get you the material itself. pickinfo.surface:GetMaterial():GetPath() should get the filename itself without going through extra steps.


    This will not work on terrains.


    Please click on the links.






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  4. I would still need to pass arguments to the script though. I want the editor to pass '+fullscreen' when I debug, but I don't want to have the game start as fullscreen the first time it's run. I want to have it start windowed, have the player set the screen resolution and then write it to file. Then the next run it will be fullscreen. But while I debug I want to be able to just say, ignore the games settings and be fullscreen.

  5. Operating system or device - Leadwerks Version:

    • Windows 7 Pro x64
    • Leadwerks 4.2 Beta BuildID:1737986

    Issue description (what happened, and what was expected):

    • Issue
      • Models with physics that drop onto the character controller will bounce higher

      [*]What was expected

      • The model to hit the top of the character controller then fall off.

    Steps to reproduce

    • Load the fps AI and events map
    • Pick up any entity
    • Look directly up
    • Drop it

    Link to minimal example project

    • No project just a video

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  6. The pickbox commands are all undocumented. I have never used them. If I remember correctly there use to be an option in the model viewer to create the hitboxes but they were removed. Send a message to Josh, he may be able to tell you what commands to use in c++.

  7. The issue was, I assumed that if you reset the perspective view it would be the same as the front view, which is not the case.


    If a person stands at (0,0,0) looking at z+(0,0,1) they would be looking into the screen. I assumed that was front, but that is actually the Back view. Looking at z-(0,0,-1) is that actual back view which matches the perspective view. Which is the opposite of most 3d modeling programs even blender in it's backward ways. Also 3d Level editors are the opposite of what Leadwerks has.


    So basically Perspective view is the back view and not the front view. For me it's just a break in convention.

  8. The problem with vmf/maps are the uv's are not relative. they are absolute to the texture. so you need the texture to derive the uv's. There is probably some math to convert them without, but i have never seen it done.

  9. I found a convoluted way to get it into a editor with the uv's in place. But you will have to add the textures back yourself.


    You need 3 things:

    Crafty : http://nemesis.thewavelength.net/index.php?p=45

    Delgine : http://www.delgine.com/index.php?filename=product_deled

    and a Delgine plugin: Map Importer http://www.delgine.com/plugins/viewPluginCategory.php?catid=39&catdesc=Importers

    • First you make your map in Leadwerks and export it to vmf.
    • Open it in Crafty and export it as Map
    • Import it in Delgine and export it as obj.
    • Import the Obj in your 3d editor.
      • Y is UP and Z is towards you

      [*]Scale all uv's to .1

      [*]Add your textures back in. It will look exactly how it does in Leadwerks.

    This is a lot of work though.

  10. You can get the material of a specific layer of the terrain, then from what I am seeing, check the current layers alpha. I would assume the lower the alpha the more intense the texture. it can get complicated ...


    Terrain.h lua commands:




    virtual Texture* GetVegetationMap();//lua
           virtual int CountVegetationLayers();//lua
           virtual VegetationLayer* GetVegetationLayer(const int index);//lua
           virtual void SetTextureStageDistance(float distance, float multiplier);//lua
           virtual void SetLayerAlpha(const int slot, const int x, const int y, const bool alpha);//lua
           virtual bool GetLayerAlpha(const int slot, const int x, const int y);//lua
           virtual int GetLayerAtPoint(const int x, const int y);//lua
           virtual void SetLayerAlpha(const int slot, const float alpha);//lua
           virtual void SetElevation(const int x, const int y, const float elevation, const bool update);//lua
           virtual float GetElevation(const float x, const float z);//lua
           virtual Vec3 GetNormal(const float x, const float z);//lua
           virtual float GetSlope(const float x, const float z);//lua
           virtual void SetLayerAlpha(const int slot, const int x, const int y, const float a0, const float a1, const float a2, const float a3);//lua
           virtual void SetLayerAlpha(const int slot, const int x, const int y, const float alpha);//lua
           virtual void SetLayerAlpha(const int slot, const float a0, const float a1, const float a2, const float a3);//lua
           virtual void SetLayerTexture(const int slot, Texture* texture, const int index=0);//lua
           virtual void SetLayerScale(const int slot, const float x, const float y);//lua
           virtual Vec2 GetLayerScale(const int slot);//lua
           virtual Texture* GetLayerTexture(const int slot=0, const int index=0);//lua
           virtual bool LoadHeightmap(const std::string& path, const float scale=1.0, const int bpp=0);//lua
           virtual void SetHeight(const int x, const int y, const float height, const bool update=false);//lua
           virtual float GetHeight(const int x, const int y);//lua
           virtual void UpdateNormals();//lua
           virtual bool Pick(const Vec3& p0, const Vec3& p1, PickInfo& pick, const float radius, const bool closest, const bool recursive, const int collisiontype);
           virtual void SetLayerSlopeConstraints(const int slot, const float minslope, const float maxslope, const float transition);//lua
           virtual void SetLayerHeightConstraints(const int slot, const float minheight, const float maxheight, const float transition);//lua
           virtual Vec3 GetLayerSlopeConstraints(const int slot);//lua
           virtual Vec3 GetLayerHeightConstraints(const int slot);//lua
           virtual VegetationLayer* AddVegetationLayer();//lua
           virtual void SetLayerDisplacement(const int slot, const float displacement);//lua
           virtual float GetLayerDisplacement(const int slot);//lua
           virtual void SetLayerTextureLookupMode(const int slot, const int mode);//lua
           virtual int GetLayerTextureLookupMode(const int slot);//lua
           virtual void SetLayerTextureMappingMode(const int slot, const int mode);//lua
           virtual int GetLayerTextureMappingMode(const int slot);//lua
           static Terrain* Create(const int size, const bool editable=false);//lua



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