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Everything posted by shadmar

  1. I get an SQL error of I try to access the site on saved credentials after a while. I have to delete all leadwerks.com cookies to be able to login. mySQL query error: DELETE FROM sessions WHERE (member_id=XXX) OR running_time < 1334386945
  2. Thanks, I will uploaded it to the asset store for free, it's only small changes in the water.frag and one extra normalmap. Added colortoning to the refraction, so you can basicly have any color to all the water. Clamped selfshadow to a maximum if waveamp is very high. Here is a couple of indoor shots from the tunnels :
  3. Added some more viscosity feel, foamish shoreline when waves are bigger and normal shadowing both on reflection and refraction. I will also try real waves in the vertex shader Gerstner or just some sin waves. (have no idea how that will go, so don't excpect anything )
  4. Not sure fixed would be the correct word, I think it looks more natural when the waterplane refracts the lakefloor and moves dynamicly with the waves. I thought might be a bug in the shader, but I'm not the one to answer that. The original water shader only look transparent and doesn't refract at all. EdIt: and yes I still working on it..
  5. Hi First thing i noticed about the water in LE is that the waterline is next to invisible and refraction was not there at all making it look kind of invisble at shallow waters. I'm an old HLSL guy from 3impact/Rad/OddityEngine so I thought I'd take a crack at the opengl shaders in LE. Here is a shot when refraction is fixed (based on wave height) and the invisble water when very shallow.
  6. Haha, thanks alot. I just fetched the top most one (hence all the models), I get it now, thanks for the tutorial on entities
  7. Thanks, however they all show up as "Model" when using GetEntityKey and class on the tunnel.sbx scene Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model .... But by using "name" instead of class I can distinguish them : spot_1 straight_1 fancage_1 fanblades_2 atmosphere_1 fancage_1 fanblades_2 straight_1 t_1 straight_3 switch_1 t_2 t_3 emitter_2 doorway_1 cagelight_2 cagelight_5 node_1 node_3 ambient_3 node_1 node_1 straight_3 straight_3 ....
  8. Thanks Aggror. I only get Model and Terrain classes returned, no light when I test using that code. I used AppLog(tempEntity) Just to print out all classes returned from the sbx.
  9. Hi I found out that LoadScene doesn't fetch lights automagic for me and the old tutorial uses a ProcessScene which doesn't seem to apply anymore. So if my C++ snip goes like this, how do I get the scene lights (without manually creating them and positioning them), Any tip would be appreciated, thanks. //Create a world world=CreateWorld(); if (!world) { MessageBoxA(0,"Error","Failed to create world.",0); goto exitapp; } //Create render buffers TBuffer gbuffer=CreateBuffer(ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight,BUFFER_COLOR|BUFFER_DEPTH|BUFFER_NORMAL); TBuffer lightbuffer=CreateBuffer(ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight,BUFFER_COLOR|BUFFER_DEPTH); //Create a camera cam=CreateCamera(); CreateListener(cam); //Load the scene TEntity scene=LoadScene("C:/Leadwerks Engine SDK/Maps/tunnels.sbx"); //how do I fetch lights from this scene ? // //
  10. Hi Any chance someone has the old hydro.sbx from the wiki CPP tutorial http://www.leadwerks.com/files/Tutorials/CPP/Loading_A_Scene.pdf And could it be re-uploaded to the asset store ? Shad.
  11. Are those bones bone animated ?
  12. Thanks! This is really useful, work as a charm. I've tried this before, but never got the locking correctly.
  13. I think this looks great : (NVIDIA demo)
  14. Did anyone do a pacman (with nice lighting/shadows) yet ?
  15. Well I don't expect rad being able to produce same eyecandy as LE. But for rad, great You should also try the E300 plane F released as a plugin, very responsive and destructable on impact. This thread is now very offtopic... sorry
  16. Just an observation, is this normal ? The editor runs at 100% cpu consume from start. Also this little script, ran from the scripteditor (which should do almost nothing) consumes 100% cpu require("scripts/constants/engine_const") --Register the abstract path RegisterAbstractPath("") --Set a graphics mode Graphics(800,600) while KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE)==0 do end
  17. Yes it does here too, after closing the other 3d apps, wierd. Local issue on my part I guess. Thanks for the testing
  18. Hi I manage to crash engine.exe when moving camera. This is what I do (just copy paste into the lua editor) Is this a local problem for me or ? Running Windows7 x64 - GF8600M GT 256mb, latest LE from updater. Use WASD and FV and mouse for control: require("scripts/constants/engine_const") --Register the abstract path RegisterAbstractPath("") --Set a graphics mode Graphics(800,600) -- Create a framework object fw = CreateFramework() --set the camera camera = fw.main.camera camera:SetPosition(Vec3(0,2,-10)) --Create a cube cube=CreateCube() cube:Turn(Vec3(0.1,0.1,0.1)) cube: SetPosition(Vec3(0,1,0)) cube: SetScale(Vec3(2,2,2)) --Create a mesh from scratch mesh3=CreateMesh() surf=CreateSurface(mesh3) surf:AddVertex(Vec3(-0.5,0,0)) surf:AddVertex(Vec3(0.5,1,0)) surf:AddVertex(Vec3(0.5,0,0)) surf:AddTriangle(0,1,2); surf:SetVertexNormal(0,Vec3(0,0,-1)); surf:SetVertexNormal(1,Vec3(0,0,-1)); surf:SetVertexNormal(2,Vec3(0,0,-1)); surf:SetVertexTexCoords(0,Vec2(0,1)); surf:SetVertexTexCoords(1,Vec2(1,0)); surf:SetVertexTexCoords(2,Vec2(1,1)); UpdateMesh(mesh3) PositionEntity(mesh3,Vec3(2,0,-3)); --Create a light light=CreatePointLight(18) SetShadowSoftness(light,2); SetShadowmapSize(light,512); light:SetPosition(Vec3(3,6,0)) --DebugLights(1) --Create ground --cube2=CreateCube() --cube2: SetPosition(Vec3(0,-2,0)) --cube2: SetScale(Vec3(20,1,20)) --terrain terrain=CreateTerrain( 512 ) TerrainDetail( 10 ) --terrain:SetPosition(Vec3(3000,0,0)) -- this doesn't work ? fw.renderer:SetWireFrame(1) --Move the mouse to the center of the screen and hide it MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2) HideMouse(1) camrotation=Vec3(0) --Create the main loop --while AppTerminate()==0 or KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE)==0 do while KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE)==0 do --spin something cube:Turn(Vec3(0,0.1,0.1)) mesh3:Turn(Vec3(0.1,0.1,0.1)) --Camera rotation gx=Curve(MouseX() - GraphicsWidth() /2, gx, 20) gx=Curve(MouseX() - GraphicsWidth() /2, gx, 20) gy=Curve(MouseY() - GraphicsHeight() /2, gy, 20) camrotation.x = camrotation.x + gy / 100 camrotation.y = camrotation.y - gx / 100 camera:SetRotation(camrotation,1) --Camera movement move = Curve(KeyDown(KEY_W) - KeyDown(KEY_S), move, 10) updown = Curve(KeyDown(KEY_F) - KeyDown(KEY_V), updown, 10) strafe = Curve(KeyDown(KEY_D) - KeyDown(KEY_A), strafe, 10) camera:Move(Vec3(move/10, updown/10, strafe/10)) fw:Update() fw:Render() Flip(0) end
  19. This is what I am used to from 3drad/3impact which is very easy (angelcode c-like syntax) http://www.3drad.com/Script_reference.htm Alltho I'm very new to LE, the LUA scripting of LE is very simple and easy to understand, even tho we might lack som docs. turn, setposition, setscale, positionentity, copyentity... etc. straightforward and great.
  20. 3dRad is still great, but physx-integration seems to be the main focus atm, after I got the hang of HLSL I'm more the shader and vertex type.. So I'm starting out fresh here, got myself a lua quadtree and playing around with vertices and LOD. I also might have a look at LE's GLSL shaders some time. Infinite terrain is still on my todo, maybe in LE or 3impact. Too hard in 3drad since I can't displace vertices (except for displacing in the vertex shader via HLSL). I must admit LE does shadows/lightning very easy/automagic, and the API is so far working out for me. I've been snooping around the forum abit and I find your gameobjects to be a very interesting concept. How's that sub game coming along by the way ? Shad
  21. That is not what I'm looking for, but thanks. I'll just see how far I get, LE seems to have very extensive commandset and full access to vertices, so I'll se how far I get. But in the meantime I'll try getting myself tutorialized in the basics. So far impressive SDK. Thank you for your time. Shad.
  22. Just my luck then bumping into the only one. Anyway thank you for the swift response. I noticed the terrain isn't moveable, I think I read somewhere that it's not supported. Too bad, such a powerful quadtree-based terrain like that should be.
  23. Thank you. It works. How I can tell the difference of core engine commands and what's framework commandset ? Thanks
  24. Hi and first of all just a beginner in LE, and the engine is so far the best you can get for $200 in my humble opinion. I bought it mainly because of the lua script possibilties and I've written some mods for WoW in the past. I understand that the documentation isn't complete for LUA but I'm currently just translating the C++ functions as it's almot equal. So my little question is, how do I render in wireframe (I'm not using the editor) ? Here is what I tried : .. --terrain terrain=CreateTerrain( 512 ) TerrainDetail( 10 ) --terrain:SetPosition(Vec3(3000,0,0)) -- this doesn't work ? WireFrame(1) -- does not seem to work here --Create the main loop while AppTerminate()==0 do cube:Turn(Vec3(0.1,0.1,0.1)) mesh3:Turn(Vec3(0.1,0.1,0.1)) WireFrame(1) -- or here fw:Update() fw:Render() Flip(0) end Thanks!
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