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Posts posted by shadmar

  1. 1. Gather 5 grass (just click on them check in inventory (I) how many you got

    2. Make rope (click C to get up crafting screen)

    3. Gather one stone, pick up from ground

    4. Get one stick (hug a tree)

    5. Make basic axe , click C to get up crafting screen

    6. Chop down tree, collect the wood (right click the axe in inv to equip it)

    7. Make fire, click C to get up crafting screen

    8. Drag wood from inventory onto the fire (ring of stones) (drag two of them)

    9. Drag flint onto the fire to lit it

    10. Now add more logs to increase fire.

    11. From inventory drag the chicken and fish to the fire to cook them

    12. Eat and survive the night (rclick the cooked item in inv to eat)

    13. Collect berries or make a fishing rod to catch fishes. And keep on living smile.png

  2. I was sure I had done this before, but I'm stuck.


    This is my entity script attached to the brush:



            if self.entity:GetClassName()=="Brush" then
               tolua.cast(self.entity, "Model")
               System:Print(self.entity:GetClassName()) -- still says brush, so I cant get to surface
               System:Print(self.entity:CountSurfaces()) -- crashes, since it is still a brush

    • Upvote 2
  3. Is it beacuse of the rotation you want to use buffers?

    You can rotate 2d textures using a shader and a mat2 rotation matrix with drawimage, but I don't think I get it what it is you want to do :)

  4. If we could have added a function like this, it would allow us to build on-the-fly cubemaps from the running scene, allowing reflection setup for substances (if only for a one time render). But I cannot currently build mipmaps for a cubemap texture in lua, only in cpp if I add this:


    static int BuildCubeMipmaps(lua_State *L){
       int argc = Interpreter::GetStackSize();
       Texture* t;
       t = static_cast<Leadwerks::Texture*>(Interpreter::ToObject(1));  //texture sent from lua
       Leadwerks::OpenGL2Texture* gl2cubeTexture = dynamic_cast<Leadwerks::OpenGL2Texture*>(t);
       glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl2cubeTexture->gltexturehandle);
       return 1;

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  5. SD exported metals (courtesy of ScrotieFlapWack), silver,copper,steel mats rendered in LE

    I will call them metal and gloss shaders, even tho they look like PBR they are not doing all the energy conservation stuff, only the gloss and reflection + ambient from cubemaps and fresnel term.


    Reflection and specular reflection/gloss are blurred/spread based on roughness map.

    Amount of environment reflection are based on metalness map.




    SD mats originally rendered in SD looked like this:




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