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Andy Gilbert

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Everything posted by Andy Gilbert

  1. Hi, im trying to have part of my model controllable somehow so i can rotate it via lua. Ive tried having a bone attacthed but not had much lucjk, so i looked over some default models and noticed the Monster trucks wheels have there own "mesh" keys?? How can i do this, i have many "groups" within the model but when i save it out of UU3D to GMF it all becomes one static mesh? Thanks Andy
  2. Hi, im trying to render shadows onto a flat plane, but i want the plane to be invisible. how might i go about this? Thanks Andy
  3. Hi Flachdrache, i just want to add some drag and angular drag to my rigid bodies. Im not sure how the method you describe works, coiuld you explain more? And you have completly lost me on your 2nd post. Thanks Andy
  4. Hi Pixel, thanks for reply, think your right, Ill go do some more looking. Cheers Andy
  5. Hi, ok i dont use unity but whilst researching more into drag and angular drag online i found that unity has these two properties built in as standard into its physics engine which confuses me because. Everywhere i look into calculating drag i come accross the standard equation: D = Cd * A * .5 * r * V^2 where you need to know, air density, a drag coefient & area of body. Yet it looks like in unity you can add an object and apply angular and motion drag without any of the above properties being inputted, so how can it be done? I ask because i want to do the same in leadwerks, i want to add some simple drag to my bodys both angular and velocity without having to touch air density or coeffienents. Update: found this on their forum (i didnt realise unity used phyx) dragForceMagnitude = velocity.magnitude ^ 2 * drag; // The variable dragForceVector = dragForceMagnitude * -velocity.normalized Thanks Andy
  6. Well i thought i had, there both listed but only to me i think? Do they have to be approved? Thanks Andy
  7. Its ok, managed to sort it. Cheers Andy
  8. Hi, just wondering how i add to asset store? Its a free item, ive tried the "upload file" way, filled everything out, but everytime it just shows "There was an error attempting to upload the file. Please contact an administrator ". Its a Zip file. Thanks Andy
  9. Although, i still cant work out why this flips my object around? It does a 180 roll for some reason but then works perfectly just upside down, exit game mode and it turns back around again? this appears to be happeneing from the "point" command?? Any ideas? Andy
  10. Cheers Macklebee, spot on seems to be working fine now. Thanks Andy
  11. Not sure what im doing wrong here? This code below doesnt work but ALSO doesnt error: local pick=CameraPick(fw.main.camera,Vec3(MouseX(),MouseY(),30.0),0,0) if pick then object.cameraPivot:SetPosition(Vec3(pick.x,0,pick.z)) self.model:Point(object.cameraPivot,1,1) end if i change the CameraPick Z value (above is 30) to anything below 30 it errors (Index for object is not valid field or method) anything below doesnt error but also doesnt work? Anyknow know why? This is used within the script of the object im trying to use. Thanks Andy
  12. Hi Rick, im probably confused myself, but i would have thought, in order to get a 3d object to move towards the mouse in 3d space? I need to know the 3d coords or the mouse? How can i get them using lua? Thanks Andy
  13. Hi, im trying to work out how i can do 3D RTS similer style movement using LE and lua? So far it appears impossible as i cant find a way to get the mosue coords in 3D? Does anyone know how this could be done? Cheers Andy
  14. Thanks paul. Looking at that though i feel i might run into trouble, there looks to be some direct opengl commands in there? can that be called from lua? glReadPixels(MouseX(), GraphicsHeight() - MouseY(), 1, 1, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, Varptr(depth)) thanks Andy
  15. Hi, im trying to get the mouse 3d position? Like the Z (but not the mosue wheel!) when i once programmed in openGL i used this feature for a level editor for example. how can i get the mouse position in 3D coords? Thanks Andy
  16. Hi Josh, the brush editing is basically like Photoshop brushes etc, instead of having jus a circle to make mountains you can use a brush (black and white image) to scultp with. Means you can easily make rough ground and alot better and more realistic terrain. Thanks Andy
  17. HI Meta, yea i actually only updated last night and not actually played with the LEbuilder so that sounds like its the job, i was aware is such a way it was possible, but in a different way, before i used to have to make a new directory befor hand, and then any media i have to drop in to there before i could use it etc, where other ones did it the other way around, you do you game in editor then publish and it compiles all into one place. Ill have a play with LEbuilder later Andy
  18. I recently read how LE3 will be much more supported by scripts using lua which i think is excellent, and whilst that was my ultimate suggestion it sounds like it may have alredy been done. And although big games or any games should be in C++ for best performance or standard, not alot of game designer wannabies know C++ and find it very hard to pick up and i would hazard a guess that most people who come across to leadwerks have dabbled in programming, know what it is or can program and want to design games with an easier tool set so for alot (if not most) who see its nativly C++ will be put alot off, whilst for some it will be what they want. On this subject though, as currently with LE2 there is one script per intity type, not per object, so to have 2 of the same objects have different scripts, i need to make 2 of the same objects. Unity and gamestart and others allow you to write any script and just drag and drop onto any object (or entity), will this be possible in LE3? The other big feature i would like is custom brushes for terrain editing, this makes life alot easier and gives so much more control over the editing, again gamestart3d's editor has nice terrain editing tools. The only other thing i see in other editors and like is the "one button publising", it is nice to design in editor and then at a push of a button it organises everything together and puts them where you want them ready to distribute. Im sure there is many more, but thats it for now without goin over what others have said, sounds like LE3 will be a nice tool though and really looking forward to it. Thanks Andy
  19. Thanks Rick, will give that a go. Just thinking ahead, what happens once i press "play" and i have scripted objects to move around? I guess when i press stop they wont return to thier original state? Thanks Andy
  20. Hi, im just playing with lua inside the editor and as for a basic example, if i write a script that uses the update function to rotate an object on an axis it will do this instantly regardless if the "game" is running or not, how can i check if the game is running in the editor? Thanks Andy
  21. Im finding odd things happeneing with physics? To explain, i have one variable "up", that is a float that that i increase with a keydown. I apply that var to an upward force on the cube. I increase it, until the cube slowly starts to go up, at that point i let go, if i leave it slowly risingit seems the higehr it gets the more force it gets? for instance...i noticed that to get the cube to rise VERy slowly the number is say 2, and when its only just rised a bit in infront of the camera if i lower the var to say 1.95 it will start to lower again. But if i let the cube rise and rise it seems to get faster and faster without me rising the var, and then to get it to come back down i have to lower the var to like 1, where when it was already lower down, i only had to drop to 1.95 to make it go down? Why is this? Andy
  22. Thanks Aggror ill have a look at them. The confusing thing scripts for models? If i want to for instance apply a force to a model, can i have its own scripts for doing that? Or do i have to somhow do that from the main game script? Thanks Andy
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