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Posts posted by Laurens

  1. yes it can be done, you just have to program it to do so...


    Well obviously, but I was wondering if it were somehow possible to use the nodes that Josh created, those that are being used in Editor.

  2. Just curious, but what would be the advantage?


    Because it would enable players to lay railroads for instance while playing the game. Hence the reference to Railroads. Although I agree I wasn't to clear on that.


    You can do it quite easily. Just create programmatically a sbx file and then load it.


    That would work. But can be it be done without reloading an entire scene?

  3. Hi guys and gals (do we have any?),


    Last night I was playing Railroads and was thinking about how the new Editor got this nice new road system. That got me thinking about whether or not it is possible to lay roads programmatically (C++, or whatever language). Is it possible to do so? If not you would just be reinventing the wheel since Josh already did such a good job on them.



  4. I would prefer not to use Editor for designing galaxies though. Due to the large distances I need between celestial bodies it becomes near impossible to navigate. I could scale all objects down a lot, but the camera moves way to fast to zoom in and maintain precise control when viewing very small objects even on it's lowest setting. This is why I came up with my own format and editor.

  5. The problem I see, is they have spent so long getting it to that stage and still haven't made a game they can sell. The other problem I see with procedural games, is they can create infinite worlds, but what you do when you go to any place, is pretty much the same as what you do in any other place. Of course some people like that kind of thing. wink.gif


    I have a question for anyone that knows. If landscapes are procedurally generated, does that mean they cannot be edited?


    I would also bet a procedurally generated environment would not have as good a hand for balance as a human would.

  6. Hi guys,


    I am currently working on a space simulator which is coming along pretty nicely. I am currently capable of loading galaxies in a custom format and jumping between galaxies. I want the player to be able to leave his/her ship and explore a station however, which is where I am stuck at.


    Basically I need everything that is going on in a galaxy to keep going on while the player is docked. AI should keep docking/undocking and generally flying about. I just need everything to be hidden while the player is docked (which really is just an Editor scene). So I though of a way to tackle this but I am not sure if this is possible using Framewerk.


    I would have two seperate worlds. One contains the galaxy the player is in and the other one would contain the Editor scene. When the player is docked, the game switches state and sets the station world as the current world. Seems like an easy way out to keep the galaxy updating and still hiding everything in it. When the player undocks, the game would switch state yet again and the galaxy would be rendered.


    Is this setup possible with Framewerk? Would this lead to high memory usage? Does anyone have other suggestions on how to solve this problem?


    Many thanks!

  7. Hello,


    I am currently working on a service provider which will hold instances of classes such as the renderer and the state manager which all derive from the Service class. To do so I though I could use templating.


    Broken header file:


    #include <map>
    #include "Service.h"
    class ServiceProvider
    // Methods.
    template<class Type>
    void AddService(Type type, Service* service);
    template <class Type>
    Service* GetService(Type type);
    // Globals.
    map<class type, Service*> services;


    I want to be able to store all these services in the map with the type as the key so I can do GetService<StateManager> for example. Is it possible to template member attributes this way?



  8. Hello,


    Coming from C# I have a difficult time comprehending events in C++. All I found on Google was twenty different snippets of code with little explanation, which is why I am asking here. My situation is as follows:


    I have a State class which is the base class for GameState and PauseState. The state is responsible for handling input from the player. Managing the states is the StateManager. The StateManager is capable of switching between states.

    Currently, the constructor of State requires a reference to the StateManager so it can call the SetState method in it. I find this a horrid solution and wish to implement it so that StateManager subscribes to a StateChanged event in the State class which can then be fired when the escape key is pressed ala C#.


    How would I go about implementing such a system in C++?



  9. I wouldn't say it's only for FPS, since also flight simulators, train simulators, submarine simulators, golf simulators, horse simulators, MMO, RPG, RTS, and all kind of games which need a realistic looking environment can use it.


    Maybe some commands for changing some shader settings could be added, but if the default values are correct and give a realistic looking scene, there is not much need for them either. I think many players don't want too much special effects either, if they give no benefit to the gameplay, but only lower FPS.



    Agreed. I'm currently using Framewerk in my space simulator. All that Framewerk really does is reduce the amount of rendering code you have to write and I feel in no way you have to take serious considerations when designing your game. It almost does plug right in.


    On top of that, I tried writing combined postprocessing effects and it was absolutely horrid. I love how Framewerk relieved that burden. I do agree some more control over the effects Framewerk provides would be a welcome addition.

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