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Posts posted by Laurens

  1. Hi,


    Could someone please give me an example of how to create a callback using LEO? I currently have the following (non-functional) code:




    ball.SetCallback((byte*)paddle->EntityCollisionCallback, ENTITYCALLBACK_COLLISION);




    void EntityCollisionCallback(TEntity source, TEntity destination, byte* position, byte* normal, byte* force, float speed);



  2. As far as I can see C# and C++/Framewerk/LEO are correct.


    On a different note: what program did you use to create those diagrams with? I have been looking a for a tools that does UML, preferably free or less than 50 euro's and not Visio.



  3. You can add the target platform without hacking the project file. You'll just need to flip some switches which are disabled by default in all Express editions. Go to:


    - Tools

    - Options

    - Projects and Solutions

    - Check "Show advanced build configurations"


    Now right-click on your solution and go to the "Configuration manager". Under "Target platform" chose "<New>" and add the x86 platform.


    Then you should be good to go.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Thanks for the message Josh. My server blocked your message though :) Appearantly I had it configured to disallow exe's even when the file was in fact clean.


    Anyway, Davaris sent me a link so I do have it now. There was no license file in the zip so I can't say whether we're allowed to distribute it.

  5. Ah I didn't consider people customizing Framewerk.


    An attempt to clear up the confusion:


    Framework - In C# and C++ this is plain old Framewerk compiled into the DLL. No need to include files other than "engine.cpp", or, in the case of C#, "Leadwerks.DLL". BlitzMax does not have this. Not customizable.


    Framewerk - Plain old Framewerk, separated from "engine.dll". In order to use Framewerk you will need to include the appropriate files in your project ("Framewerk.cpp", "Layer.cpp", "Renderer.cpp", and some other file I possibly forgot). Customizable.


    Also, again, I do not dare make any assumptions about LUA.


    Hope that cleared it up a bit smile.gif

  6. Framewerk is no longer a separate component, it has been integrated with the DLL. If you would include "engine.cpp" in a project you would automatically be able to use Framework. Only BlitzMax has a separate module for Framewerk I believe. Not sure though since I don't use BlitzMax. I also can't judge about the LUA part.


    Additionally, C# does not use "engine.h" but "Leadwerks.dll" which is a .NET assembly by Ubu (Lazlo on the previous forum).


    Also note the namechange, it's "Framework" now instead of "Framewerk", except for BlitzMax because appearantly, modules can't be named "Framework".


    Otherwise looking fine smile.gif



  7. Without having downloaded the application (I'm at work, can't be downloading chat applications :)), can anyone tell me if this will run on Linux, possibly using Mono? I would be happy to start a server but my VPS is running CentOS 5.4.



  8. I implemented a CollisionCallback in order to detect a ball hitting the paddle. I need to figure out what direction it was moving in before it hit the paddle. I suppose I can do so using the normal the callback function provides. What mathgic would I need to pull off in order to do so?


    I also suppose I need to get the math books out again, lol :lol:

  9. Hello,


    I have continued experimenting with my input handling but now have trouble getting physics to work. My ball (Pong) is initialized like so:


    ball = LoadModel("abstract::ball.gmf");
    EntityType(ball, 1);
    SetBodyMass(ball, 1.0f);


    After the ball is initialized, Collisions(1, 1, 1) is called.


    This is the Update method of the ball class:


    void Ball::Update()
    AddBodyForce(ball, Vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));


    Setting a breakpoint confirmed it is getting called, yet the ball won't move a bit. If I call DebugPhysics(1) it does show a proper collision hull yet the hull remains red. Anyone know what I am missing here?

  10. Josh has said he prefers the system he is using so I doubt this will be changed. He say some other game dev company do it the way it is currently and liked it.


    Or better yet, give us the choice.


    I agree with Niosop, especially a file watcher that automatically converts any OBJ's would be awesome. We will still have to create the material ourselves though I suppose.

  11. That's a pretty big request. You are probably better off telling everyone a bit about your project, showcasing some work you have already completed and trying to get an artist on board.

  12. You are being confused with the fact the names are the same :lol:


    Replace all instances of "Controller" with "PaddleController" or something. I do not intent to code a replacement for Leadwerks's TController.


    I do intent to extend the functionality of with specific AI algorithms, correct :)



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