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Posts posted by beo6

  1. untested but basicly just stolen from the GoblinAI:


    Script.sightRadius = 10--float
    function FindPlayerInAABBDoCallback(entity,extra)   
       if extra~=entity then
           if entity.player~=nil then
               -- do something with entity.player
    function Script:UpdatePhysics()
       local position = self.entity:GetPosition(true)
       local aabb = AABB()

  2. But then at least the "Material" field in the "Appearance" Tab is showing the wrong material when i try to use a different material for a duplicate.


    also wouldn´t it be nice to have enemys that share the same model but use different textures so you don´t have a bunch of clones running around in your game?


    having the same model a couple of times in your game is just a waste of space. especially on mobile devices where the available space is still a bit limited.

  3. Hello.


    And sorry when i annoy you about my bug-reports. :)


    but i have a new small problem.


    i receive the Error "Failed to connect to debugger with hostname "localhost" and port 1235." after i tested my scene a couple of times.


    I think the debugger crashed or something.


    But the real problem is that i can not restart the debugger. Restarting of the Editor does not help.


    Running the Scene without debugger still works.



    I only get it running again when i restart my PC which is a bit annoying.

    If it is really only that the debugger crashes, please add a menu-item to restart the debugger.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Hi and thanks for your answer.



    It is only one FBX model that got converted to mdl by the editor.


    i gave them different names in the "Name" field in the "General" tab.



    When i drag & drop the imported model into the scene two times they seem to share the Material.

    When i copy the mdl and mdl.meta files from the model and rename the filename of the copy i can drag and drop both models and assign them different materials.




    I see the reason why this behavior could be useful.


    If you drop in the same object a lot. (for example enemies) they should share the same material so i don´t need to modify all of them when i need to change the material.


    But then i most likely would just create a prefab of a finished object and drag this in and possibly just modfiy the already assigned material

  5. I have only tried a visual programming language once years ago (Windows 3.11 times). And i think today, that it was a real pain to use and to keep track at what is going on where and how. Back then i liked it as i didn´t had to learn a language. But i needed to read the documentation at least a bit to understand the basics how to use it.


    I think the Flowgraph is a nice feature that will come in handy even when i havent really used it yet.


    Please don´t convince Josh to convert the Flowgraph to a full visual programming language.

    If really many need this feature make it optional without getting in the way for others.


    As i understand the Flowgraph is really only meant for interaction between entities. So level creators can define visually how things interact with each other.



    Thinking about hacking a visual programming language into the current flowgraph implementation:

    Might it be possible to make some dummy entities (Pivots maybe?) and some scripts with special behaviors and inputs/outputs so you just drag your conditions, timers etc and some methods into the flowgraph like any other entity and connect them just normally with the game-entities?

  6. Hello everyone.


    I am not sure if these are really bugs.


    I imported a sphere as FBX and imported it into the LE3 editor.

    That worked nicely.


    Now i wanted to use this sphere multiple times so i put the Model 2 times into the editor and set 2 different materials to them.

    But as soon as i set a new material to any other entity with the same model every entity changes the material too. But in the Appearance Options they show the correct material names.




    Then i wanted to set the View range to something else but as soon as i save and restart the editor they show "Max" again.




    Thanks and have a good evening

  7. As far as i know for LE3 the Lua scripts are compiled for better speed as soon as you press Publish for your Project.

    So i would say it would be as hard to modify as if you try to modify any other compiled application.

  8. Hello everyone.



    Would it be possible to render some lines or other visible information inside the Editor from an attached Lua-Script?


    For example a line showing the way a Planet moves around a Sun.


    Of course other things that the Map-Creator would like to see from the custom Scripts could be useful too.

    • Upvote 1
  9. i am not really sure how to access constans in Lua because i had problems accessing

    local pi = Math.Pi


    but i found that "math.pi" works.



    Maybe that part of the documentation is C++ only because there is no Lua example?




    tested the included lua math class and

    math.randomseed( Time:Millisecs() )

    works too.


    That way you could at least also use your own random seed if you need to.

  10. Hello everyone.



    I am Scripting a bit to get used to Lua.


    Now i have a problem that the Game crashes as soon as i use this Script:


    Script.target = nil--Entity "Target"
    function Script:Start()
    function Script:UpdateWorld()
    --Exit the function if the target entity doesn't exist
    if self.target==nil then return end
    self.centerpoint = self.target:GetPosition(true)



    But when i use GetPosition inside Script:Start()

    it works as it should.


    But i need the position on every Update.



    Can someone help me?



    Thanks in advance

  11. Hello again.


    i discovered a very annoying bug when i experimented a bit with Lua.


    I created a Project and added a lua File in a folder.


    After developing a bit with lua i wanted to add another lua file. So i pressed with my right mouse-button in a free space on the right side and selected new->Script.


    i entered a name and pressed ok. After that i was able to see the new file with the name.

    When i doubleclicked the file the content was not from the new file but the old lua file i made before.


    i checked the directory from the explorer and found the "renamed" lua file and a "New script.lua" file which is the actual new lua file. But it does not show up in the Editor.


    After a restart of the editor i see all files. including the "New script.lua" files.

    I then can create a new script again. But only once and after that it again just seems to rename the script and creates a hidden script.



    I am using Windows 8 Pro if that should matter.


    Since i cant think of why only i am having such problems i would like to know what i am doing wrong here.



    Thanks in advance.

  12. Hello,


    for some reason i have no longer access to the bug-report forum after i posted there, so i need to post it here.


    after the last update to fix the problem with the Access Violation.


    I was able to create a new Project and open it now.

    Thanks for the quick fix.




    But i get the same error when deleting a Project and they are not actually removed from the Projects directory:



    Windows exception








    And when i create a new Project and enter an Author and Copyright information it does not get saved.


    the .werk file looks like this:














    So it seems the Author String is not correctly closed.

    When i manually enter it, it is correctly shown in the Project Manager. (but messes up my special character in my name. wink.png when saved as ISO 8859-1 it shows correctly. Not sure if my editor saves the first time with the wrong encoding)

  13. Well.

    i compared the .werk file with the one in DarknessAwaits.


    It looks completely different. (with the Author name in it etc.)


    The created project from me didn´t even showed up in the Project Manager



    Darkness Awaits.werk:







    Copyright="Leadwerks Software 2013"





  14. Hello.


    I have a small problem.


    Your Engine worked pretty good at first.

    I dont know after which update it went bad but now every time i want to load a project it gives me an error message and closes after that.



    The odd thing is that i can start the Editor at first.

    But after i open the Project Manager and select one it just crashes.

    I dont see anything odd in the Logfile i attach a part of at the bottom:



    Windows exception










    Initializing OpenGL2 graphics driver...

    Initializing OpenGL...

    OpenGL version 430

    GLSL version 430

    Loading font "C:/Leadwerks/Editor/Fonts/arial.ttf" (10, 0, 0)...

    Loading font "C:/Leadwerks/Editor/Fonts/arial.ttf" (10, 0, 0)...

    Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/test/Shaders/Drawing/DrawDottedLine.shader"...

    Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/test/Shaders/Wireframe.shader"...

    Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/test/Shaders/solid.shader"...

    Deleting shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/test/Shaders/solid.shader"

    Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/test/shaders/model/skybox"...

    Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/test/Shaders/Dynamic/default.shader"...

    Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/test/Shaders/OcclusionQuery.shader"...

    Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/test/Shaders/solid.shader"...

    Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/test/Shaders/grid.shader"...

    Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/test/Shaders/Drawing/DrawText.shader"...

    Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/test/Shaders/Drawing/DrawPrimitive.shader"...

    Starting Leadwerks...

    Loading material "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/test/materials/developer/orangegrid.mat..."



    Also when i create a new Project it seems to not write the Project information correctly and there are some odd entries in the .Werk file:


    ScanFiles = "lua,cpp,c,hpp,h"


    AssetFileExtensions = "mat,tex,vert,frag,geom,eval,tess,mdl,wav,ogg,ttf,lua,scene"

    AssetSourceFileExtensions = "max,psd,bmp,jpg,jpeg,tga,png,dds,obj,fbx,max,maya,dae,blend"

    RequiredFileExtensions = "shader"



    At first i thought it might be a problem with special characters in my name, (which where not correctly shown in the Project Manager)


    But even without these characters it doesn't work.




    I hope someone can help me with that and can tell me what i am doing wrong.





    //Edit: reinstalling/downloading it now. Will take some time since my internet connection is very slow.

  15. I am pretty sure that they will also work for regular android development.




    Sorry but I forgot to answer your other question.

    You don't need to uninstall anything you had installed before. It runs nicely side by side for me.


    I haven't seen special files in the directory's with the name leadwerks to be true.

    Can't I just use the normal sdk with the ndk installed?


    I also tried darkness awaits on my galaxy note (running android 4.2.2). It was a bit slow on start but went a lot smoother after I killed the first goblin.

    Not really sure if it went smoother with every killed goblin.


    But the game went to a crawl after I pushed the lever and showed the app kill dialogue after some time. Android itself was always very responsive (I already had games that also slowed down the system while running)


    So I am pretty sure there should be more room for optimisation.


    Just wanted to tell my observations since I don't know which optimisations are already done.

  16. The main problem here is that in Germany for example the real Creditcard is not as common as in america or other countries.

    I only have a prepaid creditcard since i needed one for the google play store.


    But other methods to pay would make this a lot easier for countries where not everybody has a creditcard.



    I thought this discussion was already here when leadwerks 2 got a paypal link to buy it.

  17. I live in Germany and the Bank-Cards here (as far as i know) have also a Function to load Money onto the Card (they can be used for example to buy Train-Tickets). This Cards have a Logo of "Maestro" on it. But they do not have any security Code so they can not be used for most of the Services that needs a Credit Card.


    Maybe there are different Maestro-Cards depending on Country/Bank?

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