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Michael Betke

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Posts posted by Michael Betke

  1. The billboards are looking like a bar because the mesh (corn for example) itself is around 3meters.

    If you have smaller batches of corn it would look better (more covered) but it also would raise the amount of vegetation-models in your map. And I don't know the limit in LE.


    Maybe you should consider not using billboard on certain vegetation meshes like the corn.

  2. Number of Paint layers. 6 or 7 would offer much greater variation. If more layers are impossible how about the ability to effect the brightness/saturation/contrast of the brush. This would allow the painting of shadows under trees at great distances, have terrain selectively shaded by cloud cover.


    In other editors you can choose a color which blends over the texture. So you can have your grass texture and blend a brown color over it to turn it into brown grass.

    Battlefield 2 got a nice system and Crysis too.

  3. Maybe your resolution of the sat-image is to small. I used 2k on a 2k map.


    Are there any editors from large games, maybe one of the Battlefield games, that I should take a look at for vegetation editing ideas?


    A nice and handy feature in Crysis Vegetation editor is the possibility to auto-dustribute vegetation on a certain ground texture.


    For example you want a grass model on your grass texture. You click it and distribute the vegetation type over the texture.

    This is nice for really learge maps. You could do several kinds of fields (rice, maize, corn etc..) with one click.


  4. Really good work. I love the terrain and all those Gozmos to play with. Why don't you guys use sattelite images for the terrain? It yould be made to blend from sat-image (far away) to your detail ground texture.

    The distant fog would support this a lot. :)

  5. Did you provide a special shader for the running water on this Josh ?


    I used the default waterplane with its shader. Just played with the settings and put some floating water particles in there.



    It's just a re-rendered version in 1080p. Maybe Josh will do some smooth LoD transition in his new vegetation code. I wish but don't know.

    Concerning the comments around the net others wish too. ;)

  6. Thanks for your reply.

    In the old LE forums a guy posted this:


    (This is the .vert shader?!)

    uniform mat4 MeshMatrix;
    varying   vec3 Normal;
    varying   vec4 pos;
    varying   vec2 texCoord0;
    varying   vec2 texCoord1;
    #ifdef BUMPMAP
      varying vec3 bump_t;
      varying vec3 bump_b;
    void main(void)
      gl_FrontColor = gl_Color;
      mat3 nmat = mat3(MeshMatrix[0].xyz,MeshMatrix[1].xyz,MeshMatrix[2].xyz);   
      #ifdef BUMPMAP
         bump_t = nmat * gl_MultiTexCoord2.xyz;
         bump_b = nmat * gl_MultiTexCoord3.xyz;
      gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * pos;


    And this as a .frag

    uniform vec3 CameraPosition;
    varying   vec3   Normal;
    varying   vec4   pos;
    varying   vec2   texCoord0;
    varying   vec2   texCoord1;
    #ifdef DIFFUSEMAP
      uniform   sampler2D   DIFFUSEMAP;
    #ifdef BUMPMAP
      uniform   sampler2D   BUMPMAP;
      varying   vec3      bump_t;
      varying   vec3      bump_b;
    #ifdef LIGHTMAP
      uniform   sampler2D   LIGHTMAP;
    void main(void)
      #ifdef BUMPMAP
         vec3   nNormal   = texture2D ( BUMPMAP, texCoord0 ).rgb * 2.0 - vec3 ( 1.0 );
         vec3   nNormal      = normalize( Normal );
      vec3   CamVector   = normalize( CameraPosition - pos.xyz );
      vec3   LightVector;
      vec3    HalfVector;
      #ifdef DIFFUSEMAP
         vec3   color      = texture2D(DIFFUSEMAP,texCoord0).rgb;
         vec3   color      = vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);
      vec3   diff      = vec3(AMBIENT);   
      float   spec      = 0.0;   
      float   SHINE      = 50.0;   
      float   SHINESTRENGHT   = 0.2;   
      float   dist;   
      #ifdef LIGHTMAP
         diff      = texture2D(LIGHTMAP,texCoord1).rgb;
      #ifdef LO1pos
         LightVector   = normalize(LO1pos-pos.xyz);
         HalfVector   = normalize(CamVector+LightVector);
         dist      = length(LO1pos-pos.xyz);
         #ifdef BUMPMAP
            vec3 lt = vec3 ( dot ( LightVector, bump_t ), dot ( LightVector, bump_b ), dot ( LightVector, Normal ) );
            vec3 ht = vec3 ( dot ( HalfVector, bump_t ), dot ( HalfVector, bump_b ), dot ( HalfVector, Normal ) );
            #ifndef LIGHTMAP
               if (dist<LO1range)
                  diff   = vec3(max ( (1.0-dist/LO1range)*dot ( nNormal, lt ), AMBIENT ));
            spec      = pow ( max ( dot ( nNormal, ht ), 0.0 ), SHINE );
            #ifndef LIGHTMAP
               if (dist<LO1range)
                  diff   = vec3(max ( (1.0-dist/LO1range)*dot ( nNormal, LightVector ), AMBIENT ));
            spec      = pow ( max ( dot ( nNormal, HalfVector ), 0.0 ), SHINE );
      float   shine=min(SHINESTRENGHT * spec,1.0);
      gl_FragColor = vec4 ( color * diff + vec3 ( shine ), 1.0 );


    Taken from this thread: http://www.leadwerks.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4628&p=40933&hilit=lightmap#p40933


    So what are the steps I have to do?


    In 3dmax:

    rendering my lightmap and exporting it with the model


    In LE:

    -saving above shaders as .vert and .frag

    -doing a material using these new shaders for my lightmap textre (?)

    - then ??

  7. Is is possible with a .lua script to load and display a second UV-channel which contains a lightmap?

    I have an object. UV1 is my texture. UV5 are my lightmap UVs.

    The Lightmap is a huge texture for a bunch of objects whith baked shaodws.


    I now want to blend it over my UV1.


    Is there a way with .lua so I can use it for every level I do?

  8. Well I think the quality of graphic highly depends on the used assets.

    If you don't need certain features it doesn't mean others don't need too.


    Todays engines have an wide overlapping pool of features because graphics got just to a certain point. So they offer features for every kind of game-makers.

    If you only need a very specific kind of stuff you'll be better off coding your own minimal-slick engine. Something like Firefox. With extensions. :(


    I can totally understand your optinion about water. I don't like the surface too after looking at Crysis water for over a year and it's abilities for different looks. :)

    Maybe it'll be changed on some point.


    But you also should consider doing your own water solution if the ocean shader has such a high impact to your overall look of your game.

  9. Never knew LE supports vertex colors. In case of grass its not that bad if its darker at its roots because of shadows there.


    I'm always a fan of beeing able to set swaying and such things in the materialeditor on the fly. :(

  10. I hope Josh use your tweaks as his default values for engine


    Well it also depends on the assets you use. If the textures are brighter or you use another sky/color palette then the lighting have to be tweaked. So this would not be so usefull.:blink:

  11. I gave myself another hour for this scene and matched the lighting to a point where I am confident with. One thing was raising the SSDO samples from 4 to 8 for both values.


    Then I added other models, ground textures and decals to the mini-scene. I was surprised it looks so well lit.

    I could run it further with matching some color-sample textures but I think this looks realistic enought to stop this little lighting adventure here. :blink:


    This template will be used as the clear-sky setting for forthcoming projects. While testing a overcast HDR map in Maxwell I also start to like the idea of doing such a lighting sample too.


  12. Just stumpled upon a news which announced OpenGL 4.0


    OpenGL 4.0 has been specifically designed to bring significant benefits to application developers, including:


    * two new shader stages that enable the GPU to offload geometry tessellation from the CPU;

    * per-sample fragment shaders and programmable fragment shader input positions for increased rendering quality and anti-aliasing flexibility;

    * drawing of data generated by OpenGL, or external APIs such as OpenCL, without CPU intervention;

    * shader subroutines for significantly increased programming flexibility;

    * separation of texture state and texture data through the addition of a new object type called sampler objects;

    * 64-bit double precision floating point shader operations and inputs/outputs for increased rendering accuracy and quality;

    * performance improvements, including instanced geometry shaders, instanced arrays, and a new timer query.


    Link: http://www.khronos.org/news/press/releases/khronos-unleashes-cutting-edge-cross-platform-graphics-acceleration-opengl4


    Sounds nice. Do I need new hardware? What means it for coders? Or for Leadwerks?

  13. I had to desaturate it to 0.7 / 0.8 to match the ground. The Intensity of the model had also turned down to 0.85 because of a bright shining on the wood.


    I have some ideas which I will try out at home. For example a color palette as a model so I can match the whole colors and not just the wood stuff.

  14. Yes it looks nice of course but I want it as realtistic as possible to get a lighting template with the skybox I used. :blink:

    I already had to modifiy contrast to 1,2 and such settings. I would save a lot of tweaking in the future. Just copying the parts of .sbx to another and the lighting would be ready. :unsure:

  15. I want to do it the way Crytek did with Crysis. Basically they made a some game ready assets, brought them to a CG company and rendered a video out of it. Afterwards they tried to get their engine look like the video.


    So I own a Maxwell Render license and want to do the same. Maxwell is a unbiased renderer which means its simulating light. This makes it the perfect candidate to test my stuff.

    I rendered a wodden pallet with a simple gras texture plane to test basic a setup. Of course Maxwell is superiour if it comes to special shader and material setup. This is why I only use a basic material.


    It looks very good so far but I can't get this vivid look like maxwell get. Seems I need to raise my ambient a bit. I already tweaked a lot.


    Most stuff which hurts the scene in my opinion are the SSDO "splots" everywhere.

    Maybe I have to place a slight pointlight (without shadows) into the palett to simulate color bleeding.


    What do you guys think what could be done better on the lighting? Art and technical wise?



  16. use this for the branches material:




    And this for the bush leaves:



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