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Posts posted by tournamentdan

  1. It's straight forward skeletal animation Dan but I'm completely perplexed as to how the animator has managed to get so much movement from the rig I'm looking at when I open it in fragmotion. It appears to be a pretty standard rig except for an additional bone behind the mouth region. To get the amount of movement and facial expression the animator has to have done something pretty amazing with the weightings. I think ArBuZ was accurate with his observations, this is clever stuff! Pic of wireframe and skeleton below:




    Thanks pixel, I imagined more bones in the face. So that will take some tinkering with.


    Thanks again Everybody.

  2. I have a model with an animated mouth and face to simulate simple speech and facial expression. It runs beautifully in LE2 with no hit on performance at all.



    What kind of format is the animation? Is there any way I can see a pic of the rig. I can not find to many good examples.

  3. Ah sorry ... I understand now. Do the model's underlying polys get occluded as a result of being hidden by the outer clothing? I'm guessing probably not as to occlude it the whole model's bounding box would need to be occluded by the bounding box of the clothing which is not going to happen as the head would always be visible. I guess it depends on the culling routine and how it's implemented.


    Not being a modeller myself I'm not entirely sure how add on clothing works though. In an animated model does that not also have to have its vertices attached to the skeleton and weighted like the rest of the model, in which case would it not be seen as part of the same model anyhow. Would the modeller not just remove the underlying (hidden) polys manually in this situation? Excuse my ignorance in this field if I'm missing the obvious.



    Thanks again Pixel. I have been out of modeling for quite a while so I am relearning and a lot is mostly new . I was thinking of weighing all cloths seperate and seeing if I could parent to the body mesh. Not sure if it can work that way but I was going to give it a try.

  4. In terms of the poly count, assuming modern hardware, I'd say aim at the following:


    Main Characters: 15,000 - 20,000 max


    Others: 5,000 - 10,000 max


    Obviously if you can get the poly count lower then all the better. Also, if you are intending using large numbers of NPCs or running on lower hardware specs then these would need to be reduced accordingly. But the engine does handle large poly counts well.


    Home motion capture is definitely becoming feasible now although how easy it is to get good results in practice I don't know; never having tried it. I'd love to play around with that stuff though, looks great fun :D


    Thanks for the reply Pixel. I sorry I guess I was not explaining myself to well. What I am wondering is can I create a character say 20,000 polys and then place a 200 poly shirt and pants on it. Would that reduce the amount of polys renered in engine. Or will it render both at 20,200

  5. Looking great Dan. The hair looks very good. Looking forward to seeing the final model complete with its normal map detail. Will you be animating it yourself too?

    Hey Pixel, thanks for the kind words. I am going to animate myself but was also thinking about


    How about my question about rendering polys. Would you know anything about that?

  6. I was able to get a couple hours this week to model and finished up the hair for the top two in game LOD. Which I hope will be good enough for the cinematic model.

    I looked all around to find a good example of low poly hair and came across the uncharted2 characters. I think that game has the best hair for all games so far. I was able to find a wire frame of the model on a zbrush forum and was very surprised of the info that the artist shared. The main character in the game(Drake) is at a poly count of 37k through out the whole game. There was no LOD's for drake since it was third person game. I had not realized games have gotten that high yet. For characters at least. Here is a link to that forum.




    I still have to finish the feet but I can not decide to either model the toes or leave it up to normal maps for the detail. Feel free to give an opinion on this.



    I also still do not know. I have asked this question before and did not really get an answer. I am used to modeling to make 2d pics so I do not know how the engine

    renders the models. My question is about how it renders the polys. I am wonder if I can create a high poly human mesh and then cover it with low poly cloths? Will that cut down on the poly count rendered?

    Edit: So far with hair, poly count is at 6,128 and I am more than confident that I will get all the detail I need with the normal maps.



    Here is the base mesh that I will attach all the normal maps for detail. gallery_570_95_124975.png



    And pic of the high poly for cinematics. gallery_570_95_174463.png

  7. I know that you can determine the LOD (level of detail) with distance from camera. But what I was wondering what if you want alot of characters in a level. Imagine a crowd of zombies chasing you. They may all fall in your highest LOD and slow the fps. Can you now or maybe in Le3 would it be possible if there were 30 characters in camera view, all 30 may be in the range of your highest LOD but instead only make the closest 10 characters high LOD and the other 20 low LOD.

  8. Agree with Josh, I'd rather spend time animating every vertex for a wave than use that, it's poor. But I also dont like your video Josh, it's even worse! especially as you paid for it, it's too short to get a real idea of what's capable tho, and it may be that you just showed a crappy clip, but what I see doesn't look realistic, waves going all directions and it looks like the height values are varying just cos it would look worse if they were all the same height. If its a fluid simulation, what forces are causing those waves? it aint wind, it aint tidal, its just deciding to bob up and down because it wants to, poor show. Please find that guy you was gonna kidnap to do proper water, lots of peeps waiting :)


    For one of my jobs, I'm in a helicopter flying over water and I look out of the window at the sea, and neither of those videos is even close.


    Flexman, if you read this, your heli looks very cool project.



    Actually I think this simulation is dead on. If you notice in the short vid it is not a ocean or a lake or a pond, but a square box holding the water. Last time I was in a swimming pool and someone did a cannon ball the waves were bouncing off the walls in every direction much like the video. As if those two balls were dropped in the water creating the chop in the water.

  9. Hey all, I have started working on some of my models again. I just retopo the head and created a different normal map. I took some polys out of the top of the head and back. Then added some more detail on the ears and eyes and nose and funny enough, I have more faces now than before. :)

    But I think I have a better normal map now.

    Next, I guess start on the low poly hair and normals for clothing. Tell me what you think. :P





    P.S. Poly count so far 5,700. for the whole character. I guess that is not bad since the head for the high poly is a little over 25,500.

  10. I did not vote since I am new and decided to model now and wait for le3, so I know nothing of newton but I am not sure if you can export a fractured model from blender for a real time physics fracture but may be something to look at. You can check it out here




    Also check out this physbam engine. I do not know if this is real time either but something to look at. On the one site they say they only release the code to certain people, but blender says the code has been released.



    and here



    Do not know if these will help, but a good read anyway.

  11. I am currently making character models and was wondering how Le renders the models. Can I make a high poly(or in my case quad) character and then place low poly cloths on it to bring the poly count down.

    Or another way to ask is can you create two spheres one smaller than the other. Then place the smaller sphere inside the larger one. Will Le only create polys for the larger sphere or will performance be slowed from the two.




    And I read somewhere on here that it is good to keep polys for character to around 15,000 to 20,000 (7,500 to 10,000 quads).

    How many polys can we have in the camera view and still have good fps.

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