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Posts posted by DigitalHax

  1. Hello all,


    I am having a go at vehicles again, and unfortunately I lost my old project files, so I am starting from scratch, yet one thing in blocking me.


    When i press A or D to turn the wheels left or right, they stay there and I am having trouble getting a working way of making them turn back. I have looked at the driver.lua file, and that's what I am basing it off, yet it does not seem to work. Here is my code.


    // Steering
    	 if (KeyDown(KEY_A) && (steerangle<=40.0f)) {
    SetSteerAngle(veh, steerangle, 0);
    SetSteerAngle(veh, steerangle, 1);
    } else {
    if(!KeyDown(KEY_A) && (steerangle>0)){
    	 if (KeyDown(KEY_D) && (steerangle>=-40.0f)) {
    SetSteerAngle(veh, steerangle, 0);
    SetSteerAngle(veh, steerangle, 1);
    } else {

    I had done this once before, but forgot.

    Can anyone give me some pointers to get this working?


    Thanks in advance,

  2. Hah yeah it is a really great community, I came here late last year and the community has been so welcoming!


    But I agree with pixel, there really is no comparison, leadwerks is a very easy to use and a very powerful game and rendering engine. It has great programming ease of use and the editor is great so work with too. Also leadwerks 3, officially "Leadwerks" is on the way and will be cheaper if you buy LE2 first.


    But there is no point telling you this, try the evaluation and have a go for yourself.

    • Upvote 1
  3. You know i think it would be an appropriate time in our development to maybe make an indiedb page. I mean we are more than half way through our project and I heard that you cannot submit a completed/near completed game to indiedb. You need to show the development. Now it it entirely up to you guys, but I think it is now or never.

  4. I wonder if we should make a indiedb page? it would give us a bit of popularity and also not to mention leadwerks. Because apart from just working together this whole project is a bit of a skill showcase. Wouldn't it be great to share our talent with other developers?

  5. I agree Josh. Right now everyone is throwing money away at apps and games on their phones. Many people don't buy so many games for pc. The thing is more people buy stuff on mobile, rather than a few buying PC. Most games that really get sold on PC are indie games that have gained some fame, or games that are made by big developers and publishers. But they use custom build next-gen engines. Ones that far exceed any available now. And chances are they might not even release the engine afterwards. With mobile gaming almost all recent 3d engines look great on mobile.

  6. Ok, the only real thing I am not sure about is this line -


    camera_position = Vec3((Cos(amplitude) * head_bang_X), (Sin(270 + (amplitude * 2)) * head_bang_Y), 0)


    I don''t know how you would convert most of this line to cpp, especially with the Sin and Cos commands. Mostly because I am not sure what they do.

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