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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. I'm gonna check al your suggestions tommorow. thanks for al your replies!
  2. I got this script running last weekend but I can't seem to get it working again. I'm using a pivot point that loads all kinds of rooms from a house. The loading goes well but when I delete the house, the rooms are still there. Also, the rooms do not move when I'm moving the gizmo. house.lua: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) self.basement=LoadModel("abstract::matt_house_basement.gmf") self.basement:SetParent(self.model) function object:Free(model) self.super:Free() end end basement.lua: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) object.model:SetCollisionType(COLLISION_SCENE) function object:Free(model) self.super:Free() end end
  3. Al your models should be put inside the models folder. Wheb the sandbox is loaded, the models automaticly appear in the editing menu.I don't know if there is a models map in the trial version.
  4. I will post the first version of the user guide somewhere this week. It doesn't contain information about Lua, but should help you out with working with the edior.
  5. I'm wondering what the alpha map does when you save your scene when working with terrains. Besides the sbx and raw file you get an entirely black alpha.dds file. Where is this being used for?
  6. Are you sure? I select my model, hold the control key and just use the mouse. I fI use the arrow keys, the object is copied per centimeter over the screen. The other suggestions: I suggested the smal pivot from in the distance before (link to topic), I hope Josh does something about it. The Selecting the field behind the gizmo (last image) is also a good one.
  7. Due to some overwork I wasn't able to finish it today. I'm going to skip the model conversion for a while as I need to research that first before I can start writing about it. I jsut saw the edit menu in the terrain editor. Thats quite the menu as well but I'm gonna skip that for now. only thing remaining is the explanation about the deault lua menu's and special objects. index updated.
  8. wow that was a great video Niosop. just amazing only thing I can think of is perhaps a lua menu where you choose the material and a loop true/false button.
  9. not directly human, more like a ranger alien (Its from odworld I believe) http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2004/news/06/16/stranger_screen001.jpg
  10. looks real smooth and everything. very nice
  11. The creation of prefabs would be a partial solution to this.
  12. its looking realy nice Gandi, Did you write a new shader for this? How high do you think you can make the waves?
  13. Its a nice idea. people could create an entire 'animation-collection' for an entire level. They can define new animation by referring to gmf's. The idea of 'level-collections' can also refer to sound, level-information etc.
  14. This looks realy good VicToMeyZR. I haven't tried it yet (I'm gonna ) but it seems realy nice. Does it handle single animation as well?
  15. Sorry I should have explained it a bit better. This line frame = (AppTime()/34.0) % (120-0) + 1 should be used as follow: frame = (AppTime()/speed of animation) % (endframe-startframe) + startframe In your case: frame = (AppTime()/50.0) % (500-0) + 1 I don't know more then that at the moment. I'll try to work out how this exactly works. Using the Render function like this will result in an enormous speed increase (got that line from Josh), because you can have tons of offscreen characters that don't have to be animated.
  16. New features that improve working with engine or improve better performace is always welcom.e However when the price goes higher, a different goal of customers is being addressed. This could lead to loss of customers. I haven't seen any hardware tessalation as good as in DirectX 11. Try the demo of the benchmark of the unigine engine. You can select between DirectX 9 -10 -11 and OpenGL. With the tessalation from DirectX 11 you get some pretty cool results. You do need indeed special hardware for this. Take a look at this video for example: Skip to around 2.20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PR40GwRtFyw
  17. I use this code for looped animation: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) function object:Render() frame = (AppTime()/34.0) % (120-0) + 1 model:Animate( frame, 1,0, 1 ) end function object:Free(model) self.super:Free() end end
  18. Thanks Marley, I'm afraid I can't finish it this weekend. I'm half way done with the terrain editor and I need to do the Leadwerks SDK and model viewer. I promise that it will be availeble for download aprox 1 week.
  19. I've updated the index. only thing left to write about are Terrain editor Model viewer Texture editor Conversion methods I think that I'll do the texture editor and conversion methods later this week.
  20. When you are editing an objects lua file, you don't run the file(F5). You must save it. only game scripts can be run. For the basic lua menu just use: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) )
  21. When Josh is back from his weekend of I will ask him what kind of tutorials he is making. I hope to see some updated videos instead of new feature tutorials.
  22. At first I''l just try to make a non-coding User guide. There are a few lines of code in it, but they are not explained in usage. They are just examples. I will probably only make somehting Lua. Going into another language would be suïcidale. I see that conversion of models needs more attention then I originally thought. I wrote a few lines about the conversion tools, but that probably isn't enough. I'll spend some time on how the conversions work, but i'm goign to finish the guide first, so that I can release it this weekend.
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