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Posts posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Elmar: Your textures have wrong dimensions. Use dimensions like 512 x 512, 1024 x 1024 or 512 x 1024. I don't know where you are using your textures for, but they are realy big. The grass is Okay since it is for the ground, but walls don't ahve to be 3900 x 2400. I think that 2048 x 2048 for walls is more than enought.


    I can recommend paint.net (free) to resize and save dds files in a good way.

  2. Hi Shadmar and welcome to the forum.


    I'm not familiar with HLSL so can t help you with that. What I do know:


    4: LW is not per direct for FPS only. i know that there is a topic where someone is making a flight simulator. There is also a topic that goes about extenting terrain. The Terrain editor in the editor has a limit of 4096 I believe but it is possible to extend it.

    5:The Artic scene uses ofcourse a lot of trees. The trees have in total 3 models: 1 normal model, Level of detail model 1 (lesser polygons), Level of detail model 2 (even fewer polygons). By setting the distance for every model, you can use more of the LOD varaints instead of the trees that require more models. You can also set the billboards (plane with texture) active. Also setting the shadow quality produced by the directional light might do the trick.


    What kind of graphical options have you turned on? like bloom, god rays, anisotropic filter etc..

  3. That doesn't happen to me. Maybe it's how you are doing it

    I don't mean scaling via code or the lua option. I mean the scaling gizmo. For example: I scale a placed oildrum placed in the scene using the scale gizmo. when I go into game mode the scale is ok. But when I go out of the game mode, back into the editing mode, all the scales are being reset.

  4. The problem for now is also that the scaling of objects is being reset when you go back to the editing mode. When for example the size is changed, an update function would then remove the old physics box and create a new one.

  5. The sound zones is a cool idea, but is kind of a pain in the arse to setup because you have to create all these zones in your level. The mat filew ould probably be the easiest, BUT on terrain where you have different blended textures I'm not sure if that would work.

    It would be cool if we could add all kinds of zones to the editor. whether they are sound, trigger or ai zones. And then via the option menu you can choose to show sound zones, show trigger zones (just like show lights). This way you can make the zones and disable the view if you don't want to see them.

    And the soundzones are ofcourse not for walking only. They can also set ambient music.

  6. Hi I've bin thinking about this 2.


    It would be the most professional if you could add a line to the lua file of your model, that says which sound it plays when the player controller is moving on it. This has the problem that you need to create your floor idependent from your walls and ceiling. Tiled floors would be an option here, but that doesn't exist yet or you would have to make that your self.


    Another possibility is perhaps adding it to the mat file. Something like this: "Soundzone: wood1". But here you would need to have some code that checks the mat file and then checks whether the player controller is in contact with the texture.


    Another option is to send a raytrace downwards from a walking character controller. The raytrace retrieves the model ID and thereby information on what kind of model it is. Depending on the model, the information from the raytrace is then used to seek a reference in a sound tabel. When it matches a sound in the sound tabel. The corresponding sound is then being played.


    The last option I thought of is similair to the aporach of sound zones like in FPS creator. If a player walks into this invisible box then the sound plays. The boxes can be scaled in the editor en have a sound file attached. The sound only plays when the character player is moving.



    I think that one of these ways should do the trick. I like the mat file approach the best, but the only thing I perhaps can make is the last one with the sound zones. This shouldn't be to hard to create.

  7. You don't have to do everything in Lua, and you don't have to do everything in C++ either.

    Just use them where each language fits best.

    My approach is to make the main program in C++, and all the model scripts in Lua, so that I don't have to code them in C++ and it's easier to code model relations in Lua.

    I have to agree with you on that. I will go back to C++ and the gamelib eventually, but for now I'm sticking with lua because I get some actual results with it.

  8. @flexman: Although its not what I really need, it is something I can perhaps use. Thanks for mentioning it.


    @rick: I took a look at it, but thats too much for me unfortunately. Thanks for the suggestion.

  9. I'm need to find an entity in my scene. I don't need the references but purely the class object. I had a look in the pfd (starting with lua)but no luck with that. At the moment I'm trying something like this:

    plane = classnametable[ "plane" ] 
    	if paint == 1 then
    	if paint == 2 then


    The textures are loaded before the loop.

  10. I trying to paint a material on a model, but I can't figure out the usage of the command.

    local class=CreateClass(...)
    function class:CreateObject(model)
    local object=self.super:CreateObject(model)
    texture1 = LoadMaterial("abstract::texture1.mat")

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