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Posts posted by Olby

  1. I do not understand too how to create, it's a pity if these things do not be integrated base.

    There would be a tutorial?

    For already includes the English I can then "LUA"


    Otherwise thank you for all your reply


    I'm not quite sure what kind of issues are you experiencing. As mentioned in the link I posted you just have to set the Fullscreen style when creating a new window. Simple as that.


    Change the lines 11 and 12 in the default App.lua script to something like this (will open a 640x480 fullscreen window):

    local windowstyle = window.FullScreen + window.Titlebar

  2. Also an easy way to assign a brush a texture, without assigning an unintended brush a texture. Then i hit CTRL-Z and the unintended mesh is white and not what it was before.


    Sounds like a bug to me.

  3. Hi,


    1. Menus are not supported and you will have to create them yourself. Look into Context set of functions such as Context::DrawImage and Context::DrawText. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/context/


    You can also invest into FlowGUI which is a full fledged menu system for Leadwerks. Costs only $10.




    2. Full screen is possible by setting the Window::FullScreen flag in Window::Create function.



  4. Currently the LUA version comes with libraries for both Linux and Windows. So if you publish a game it will contain both executables. Presumably in the future when Mac OSX will be added you will be able to publish on all three platforms with a single click. Also Steam Workshop games are coming this summer. Josh is working on the Leadwerks Game Launcher. This will allow you to publish your games and demos on Steam for free to all users who have downloaded the Game Launcher. Without it you would have to either manually distribute your game (zipped archive) or go through Steam Greenlight hoping you will get accepted.


    Attached is the Marble Game standalone version (published using v3.5 beta).



  5. There is no need to revolutionise the Flowgraph. The concept is good as it is (and proven by numerous people using it). We just need a few small tweaks to turn it into a well polished tool for LE. I have already stated these before:

    1. Zooming: mouse wheel and keyboard shortcuts
    2. Scrollbars: can't stress enough how bad it gets after adding more than a dozen of entities.
    3. Scrolling with cursor keys
    4. Virtual entities: adding a script without the need for a visual place-holder
    5. Comments: if virtual entities are implemented then comments can be easily added
    6. Toolbar button
    7. Keeping connections when entities are updated
    8. Double clicking on a script in flowgraph should open the script editor with the source code

    And that's about it. If this is added then the current concept will come full circle and become usable in a project where you have more than 2 door switches.


    [Edit] Given the above can be implemented in less than an hour (maybe apart from 4 & 5) I'm willing to donate 50$ for an hour of your dev time biggrin.png

    • Upvote 5
  6. @ Olby: Yes, but try to import some obj to paint them .... you will get most an error because of the restrictions sculptris has as an sculpting programm.


    What restrictions? The only issue I see with importing obj into Sculptris is that it will create its own gibberish UV layout. However since I do all the texturing inside Sculptris + GIMP integration (through PSD export). I never need to look at the UV map.

  7. Enable swept collision for objects that show such behaviour.




    Swept collision


    If set to true, this will enable swept collision. Swept collision is a more detailed collision method that can prevent small objects from interpenetrating. Only enable this option when you need it, since it is slower to calculate.

    • Upvote 2
  8. You guys are basically asking me to disable the entire update functionality...so I have to ask why are you using it in the first place, if you think manually modifying things would be easier?


    The current update process is not transparent. Like it or not but it just doesn't work. First, we never know which files are updated. Sure we can run diff on the project folder and the Leadwerks template but this is not something an average user would do. Secondly, there are situations when users are forced to update, for instance, when essential shaders are modified. Therefore updating the projects is important to keep up with all the bug fixes etc. But you must draw a clear line between "essential" engine files (like water, light, shadow shaders, dlls etc.) and non essential template files like FPS controller, object scripts, textures, models etc. In any case a list of changes (filename level) would really help to prevent potential loss of work. I like the suggestion of automatic diff comparison of files against the update and only push the necessary ones rather than the whole template.

    • Upvote 1
  9. So when is this going to be fixed? I've already updated my project 5 or 6 times and takes time to find what was updated. Its a very silly process. To get a fix for a shader or two I spend minutes restoring other files it overwritten. Mainly App.lua. why the hell that gets updated, I've never seen a change in it for ages.

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