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Everything posted by klepto2

  1. yeah, I wasn't sure in which version I have implemented it and so i have added these parameters as i haven't looked if they are provided by the engine.
  2. C# Express let you compile x86. You can manipulate the project file or better: you enable the advanced compiler options in the options and add the x86 option in the project configuration.
  3. No, unfortunalty this still doesn't work. I have installed tao but nothing helped. If you're interrested I would like to help you with this and give me the source for testing purposes only. btw. the exe is still a x64 managed one. it seems you haven't used the correct settings. MSN: klepto2 (at) hotmail.de if you're interessted.
  4. this is how to calculate the pixel position in world coords: //needed uniforms in eg postfilter.frag uniform vec3 cameraposition; uniform mat4 cameramatrix; vec3 screencoord; vec4 fogcoord; screencoord = vec3(((gl_FragCoord.x/buffersize.x)-0.5) * 2.0,((-gl_FragCoord.y/buffersize.y)+0.5) * 2.0 / (buffersize.x/buffersize.y),DepthToZPosition( depth )); screencoord.x *= screencoord.z; screencoord.y *= -screencoord.z; vec4 worldpos = vec4(screencoord,1.0) * cameramatrix; worldpos += vec4(cameraposition,0.0); Needed Shader variables to be set SetShaderVec3(postfilter,"cameraposition",camera.position); SetShaderMat4(postfilter , "cameramatrix" , GetEntityMatrix(Camera).Inverse() ) ;
  5. thx laurens, I'm not using the Express Versions anymore abd last time i have searched for this issue the project file thingy was the only i could found. Also i have to apologize because it seems that the emitter editor just uses tylerH's Wrapper and not this one. I have tested this assembly and it works very well. Keep up the good work.
  6. For solving the x64 problem: You need to set the target platform to x86 instead of "Any CPU" and it should work.
  7. Last time I tried (with my own 2.28 header) i had have to recompile the assembly. Also this is no easy task for those using the express version (which only can compile to Any CPU, X86 if you hack the project file). I have to say that i have not tried it with this header and was just assuming it from my experience with the particle editor posted which doesn't work on my x64 machines. Sorry if i have misintepret the for me well known error message
  8. I would like to try the headers, but I can't use them. I don't know which OS you use but from the error i get i believe you use a 32 bit operating system. As I'm using a 64bit system i'm not able to use the precompiled dll. You may need to compile the dll in native x86 mode due the 32bit engine.dll instead of "Any CPU".
  9. After having a long break from coding private stuff i have worked today on small app that creates palettes from a source image and converts a given image to use this palette as a base. This is the current result: The palette: (taken from the weapon image in the first post) And the result of the convertation:
  10. TylerH, getting access to your source would be great. Evayr: Unfortunatly this version doesn't support animations. I have a version where animations are exported correctly, but the bone orientation is wrong. I haven't worked out how to fix it, also Josh mentioned that this may be a bug within the GMFSDK. Maybe with the source of TylerH I will be able to solve the problem.
  11. Hi there, While spending some days in hospital without internet connection I have used the time (not much) to revisit my existing code for my tools and I have found some things i will no get on: First the Batch converter: I have started to reprogram it, not everything but the whole internal structure will change a lot. I have found a lot of design errors which are too heavy to fix and reprogramming it with using some old components seems faster and cleaner to me. I believe that a new version will be out on Sunday. Now my assetmanager/builder: After revisiting my old tool which i mentioned in my first post I have tweaked it a bit and came to the conclusion that it is much better than i thought and it works very good with nearly every package i have tested. One downside of this tool is that the configuration could not be set per model, but this is not really needed as i have found out. Normally model packages are created with the same size relation so a global scale value can solve scaling issues. In short: I will publish the small tool with some additions : -optional pack creation with password -optional filling empty materials with dummy materials the later one is due the fact that some exporters doesn't seem to export every material into the model and without this option you need to reexport these models by hand etc. . The option will create a log file which materials are missing in a model with its dummy material file. The dummy materials will all have the same structure but can be edited individual. One idea to uniqly name the missing materials is the following: <filename>_<meshname>_<surfacenumber>.mat Any suggestions are welcome.
  12. I don't own the wizard model but there are different thinks you need to check: 1. http://forum.leadwerks.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4393 It may be that the fbx format used by the wizard is not compatible with the fbx2gmf tool. Use the tool posted in the above thread to fix it. 2. resave the dds files provided with the model with a dds tool. 3. check if you use _skin shaders in your material.
  13. Just a small update and an information why everything is progressing so slowly with my tools. Unfortunatly (well, not really) I'm currently full of work with my daytime job (project deadlines, new features, etc.) that I'm currently don't have much time to do some private programming. This weekend I have some freetime i will spend to fix some bugs with the batch texture converter and coninue with my work on the asset builder. Hopefully I'm able to post some progress soon.
  14. thx for the report. I will release an update without threaded converting (better with a threading on/off option) as I believe this may be the main reason for the bugs you guys may have.
  15. klepto2

    .NET Headers

    Keep in mind, that you can do this anyway. Every mid skilled programmer should be able to analyse the engine.dll and write a header themself because the original dll is not obfuscated. dotfuscating is only useful if you have written complete own code and want to make reengineering more difficult. Keep also in mind that dotfuscated assemblies are much harder to debug.
  16. hmm, curious. I'm having trouble uploading images and files now. File should work now. thx
  17. File Name: Milkshape GMF Export plugin File Submitter: klepto2 File Submitted: 29 Nov 2009 File Updated: 29 Nov 2009 File Category: Tools and Utilities A small GMF Export plugin for static meshes. It auto collapses surfaces with identical materials into one surface and it autogenerates standard materials if wanted. Installation: Copy both files of the package in your Milkshape root folder and restart Milkshape. Click here to download this file
  18. File Name: Batch Texture Converter File Submitter: klepto2 File Submitted: 29 Nov 2009 File Updated: 29 Nov 2009 File Category: Tools and Utilities Features: -multithreaded converting -converts the following imageformats to dds : Windows or OS/2 Bitmap (*.bmp):bmp; Windows Icon (*.ico):ico; JPEG - JFIF Compliant (*.jpg):jpg,jif,jpeg,jpe; JPEG Network Graphics (*.jng):jng; C64 Koala Graphics (*.koa):koa; IFF Interleaved Bitmap (*.iff):iff,lbm; Multiple Network Graphics (*.mng):mng; Portable Bitmap (ASCII) (*.pbm):pbm; Portable Bitmap (RAW) (*.pbm):pbm;Kodak PhotoCD (*.pcd):pcd; Zsoft Paintbrush (*.pcx):pcx; Portable Greymap (ASCII) (*.pgm):pgm; Portable Greymap (RAW) (*.pgm):pgm; Portable Network Graphics (*.png):png; Portable Pixelmap (ASCII) (*.ppm):ppm; Portable Pixelmap (RAW) (*.ppm):ppm; Sun Raster Image (*.ras):ras; Truevision Targa (*.tga):tga,targa; Tagged Image File Format (*.tif):tif,tiff; Wireless Bitmap (*.wap):wap,wbmp,wbm; Adobe Photoshop (*.psd):psd; Dr. Halo (*.cut):cut; X11 Bitmap Format (*.xbm):xbm; X11 Pixmap Format (*.xpm):xpm; DirectX Surface (*.dds):dds; Graphics Interchange Format (*.gif):gif; High Dynamic Range Image (*.hdr):hdr; Raw fax format CCITT G.3 (*.g3):g3; SGI Image Format (*.sgi):sgi; ILM OpenEXR (*.exr):exr; JPEG-2000 codestream (*.j2k):j2k,j2c; JPEG-2000 File Format (*.jp2):jp2; Click here to download this file
  19. Lazlo, if you have Milkshape3D you can use my GMF exporter. It combines the surfaces automatically which shares the same material.
  20. After uploading my first lua snippet i'm continuing my task to develope useful tools for Leadwerks Engine. What tools you may ask? The first, a batch texture converter is ready since a long time, but needs some tweaking here and there. A beta was previously published but i want to get this tool out of the beta and will release a finished version the next days. The next one is to finish my milkshape exporter (animations still doesn't work) but the rest is faster and less buggy. The main tool I'm currently developing is a small helper which i call "Asset Helper". What does this exactly mean? Well everyone who ever have bought a model pack from one of the modelshops around the web may know this problem. You download it and want to play with it in the Leadwerks Editor. Unfortunatly in most cases this doesn't work at first. You need to: -convert the model to the gmf format -create correct material files -create lua scripts -give proper names to have a good structures view in the Editor -and some things more / depends on the pack What does my tool do? In a first version of my tool I tried to do the above steps completely automatically with just a parameters given at startup, but this aproach fails as expected. It was working with some modelpacks but mostly it fails. So my new approach is a semi-automatic tool: First it will scan and analyse a given directory recursivly and collects all needed data like available models, are there already GMF models or do we need to convert from fbx. It collects every texture it found and like the GenMat tool it will try to find proper texture pairs to build material files. In a last prestep it will scan the converted meshes and get the needed materials or marks missing materials. The next step is done by the user: Choose which models to pack into the asset library. Assign missing textures, rename them etc. . You will also be able to choose a scale value for every single model or choose a scale for all models. The analyser will also attach a basic lua file to each model so you have proper dialogs in the editor. The last step will be to choose an asset name, a package name (optional) and a password (also optional). After a click on start the whole process will start and you will get a nice pak file or a directory structure which you only need to copy into your Game folder. I hope that I have a small Update next time, maybe a screenshot. See ya, klepto2
  21. My first post, too. Very nice idea and a good move I believe.
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