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Posts posted by Roland

  1. Flowgraph connections are not saved when map is.





    Oh.. by the way. How to embed an external video in the post?




    In the log file I can see two error lines. No hint about what causing that though.

    If that is why the connections don't 'load' I can't understand why. Both 'boxes'

    exists in the Scene hierarchy.


    Loading texture "D:/leadwerks/Hostile/models/crates/cratesblocks_dot3.tex"...


    Loading texture "D:/leadwerks/Hostile/models/crates/cratesblocks_spec.tex"...


    Loading model "D:/leadwerks/Hostile/models/crates/crate_small.mdl"


    Error: script connection target entity not found.


    Error: script connection target entity not found.


    Loading shader "D:/leadwerks/Hostile/Shaders/Lighting/directionallight.shader"...


    Loading shader "D:/leadwerks/Hostile/Shaders/Lighting/pointlight.shader"...

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  2. I just cant get my head around how to use arguments in the FlowGraph. In and Out without arguments is no problem. But how to use the arguments. Adding a argument to the in function is easy enough

    Script:myFunc( arg )--in
    -- use arg


    But what about the sending side with the out function.

    As in the documentation below. How should the LUA script for Box3 look like.


  3. That's cool Aggror. As Chris and I started the Hostile project using LUA only, first thing on my list was to learn LUA as I'm used to C++. To get started I decided to make a GUI and its quite fun to see that what i have done is more or less what you did there, without knowing of your work.

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