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Everything posted by Xaron

  1. Will there be an official Monkey language support?
  2. So Josh, I read this "Leadwerks 3, revision 666" comment on FB and I thought, ... well, is there light at the end? Is the release near?
  3. I'd go with the Macbook Pro. I have a Macbook Air with Win7 via Bootcamp and it's just great - even performance wise. Ok, only HD3000 graphics but that should be more than enough with LE3.
  4. NA, making $1k per month is not that usual. So far I have 3 games in the markets (all Android, iPhone and WP7) and only one makes money. Interesting enough I make about $300 per month with ads alone (for the free version). Don't get me wrong, I would not buy LE3 for the price of Unity.
  5. HA! You're right. One reason I wait for LE3. For now we work one some kind of Elite Frontier game.
  6. Customer? I'll buy your company making you my personal slave and one and only employee! Mike, thanks. I love you LOL! True I had some luck...
  7. Josh, you're absolutely right. Mobile dev is the way to go. I make about $1000 per month with a simple Battleship game (I can provide the links and stats if anyone is interested) and this is a simple 2d game. It took me about 2 months to code it. If you want to make money, go mobile. Especially as a lone wulf or with a small team you can still do amazing things. That reminds me on the good old days of the C64... (Compare that with the development time for a PC game!) LE3 will be an instant buy for me, no matter which price. If you want to make AAA games for PC, you can already use LE2. Just port it to LE3 when it's finished. Just one question. Will there be a Monkey interface? Will LE3 have sockets?
  8. Ah I see, thanks for that info!
  9. Well well, just saw this on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Leadwerks Leadwerks3D is on the way, for iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows, and Mac. Now I'm excited. I heard it will be somehow "finished" in summer? BTW: Where is the LW3 section which was available some moons ago? Cheers - Martin
  10. Thanks Josh, that sounds good!
  11. I just have a question. Will there be something like Framewerk in LE3? Or to come to my point: In LE2 it seems tricky to me to apply something basic like fog (SetDistanceFog in Framewerk)...
  12. Xaron

    Multiplatform Madness

    That's awesome, Josh! Keep it up! I'm looking forward to LE3!
  13. Ahhhh I can hardly await it. Any ETA on the Beta?
  14. Wow, great indeed! So how big will the changes be interface wise?
  15. Voxel based terrains would be awesome. Especially if they allow dynamic changes like digging into it. I've rarely seen something like this in games yet - obviously for good reasons I guess...
  16. Thanks Rick. I think about to just avoid physics and do it simple by myself like Laurens mentioned...
  17. Thanks Lumooja. And regarding your second post: This is a nice and funny idea!
  18. That wouldn't be a problem as client B would send such a message. So for the case that only one of the two involved clients send such a message the server would look into this issue. Thanks. Yes that would be doable but as I use submarines it would be nice to have some kind of realistic physics especially if it comes to collisions.
  19. Hmm ok. Thanks for that. But shouldn't it be something like CalcBodyForce instead of CalcBodyVelocity? Again, putting a velocity into AddForce doesn't seem to be correct?!
  20. So I set a body force for the client by getting the body velocity from the server? Sounds a bit strange to me as you can't simply set a velocity as force. This won't help for lagging situations as well as the client has to immediately react on controls and can't wait for the server which would double the latency (client sends its control command to the server and the server replies with a force to act).
  21. Hi all, I've thought about multiplayer and physics. I see that this must be somehow synchronized so that both server and clients have the same results. The way I see it there are several ways to do it: 1) Clients do all physics That's the easy case where every client does its own physics calculation and send the results (position etc.) to the server which spreads it to the other clients. Problem: Cheating is easy as the server doesn't control it all. 2) Server does all physics The Server calculates the whole world with all bodies and send the results to the clients. Problem: There is obviously the problem that this leads to massive lags at the clients side and jittering etc. as we need some interpolation on the clients side. The other problem is the huge calculation power for the server. 3) Mixed mode This seems to me the only practicable way to do it. Every client calculates its own physics and send the results (forces, position, etc) to the server. As the server should NOT calculate unnecessary stuff it should just do some rough calculation to see if the client is still within its correct boundaries. So there would be some kind of trust as long as there are not big jumps, unrealistic forces and so on (cheating attempts). Another issue would be the stuff like bullets. When one clients fire at another one and hits it, client A (the attacker) should send a "hit message" to the server. Again I would like to avoid all not necessary calculations on the server side so one idea would be to wait for client B to send this "hit message" as well. That way cheating would be unlikely as a hit is only recorded when both clients send its message. All the collision stuff would be done locally. I'd like to discuss this a bit so do you see any flaws with this concept? How would you handle it? The main problem is latency here and it should be a smooth gameplay even with 100-200 ms latency so interpolation is essential! Thanks!
  22. BlitzMax. I even bought BlitzMax after I purchased LE. I'm a professional C++ developer and do this all the day but still love BlitzMax for its simpleness and power.
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