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Posts posted by gamecreator

  1. I have a program that detects the current working directory via


    char* buffer;
    MessageBoxA(0,buffer,"Working Directory",0);


    If I run the exe directly, it comes back with the directory it's in. However, if I drag a file onto it, even if it's from the same directory, buffer returns "C:\Documents and Settings\me"


    This is troubling because the assets are loaded from a subdirectory and the program now can't find them. I'd like to use a file I drag onto the exe but I don't want the working directory changed from where the file really is. Any ideas?

  2. Well put. You obviously have some serious skill. And whether you do it through negatively criticizing yourself (which I wouldn't suggest) or merely doing things over and over and over and over, practice is the magic that makes you better, as your look back in time clearly proved. Keep at it and pretty soon elsevilla will be idolizing you. wink.png For me, I just respect that you do this better than me and most others out there.

  3. Thank you. It sounds like he does what I was originally trying to do: put bones along the mouth, skin and animate.


    DH, I am trying to have a monster bite a player. But I found that I can keep it simple and just have two bones: one for upper mouth, one for lower. It worked very well... until I tried to move the body bone (which should have moved the whole monster) and found some of the vertices dragged behind. I'm sure it has to do with the vertex weights but I have a little more learning to do. Maybe I should be using a dummy, not a bone for the body. But not sure if I can animate that in Max and have it animate in Leadwerks.

  4. Thanks for the link and that's what I'm looking for (just the animation, not the lip syncing) but Pixel doesn't mention how he did it. Hopefully he or someone else chimes in here. If not, I'll PM him.

  5. How would you go about animating a mouth for Leadwerks, especially from 3DS Max? Do you create bones along the lips and add a skin modifier? Or is there a better way? (I'm pretty sure Leadwerks doesn't support morph targets.)

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