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Posts posted by YouGroove

  1. SCALING at same time in 3 axes :


    Still no uniform scaling Gizmo or shortcut ?


    If you want to make rocks sizes variations it's a pain in LE3 without uniform scaling gizmo or a key shortcut sad.png

    Also to rescale imported models , having to enter x,y,z values each time is just not bad workflow.

  2. Hi yougroove.

    I is a rpg kind of game. I do not know how to do anything, but I do not mind to try engines, learn by tutorials, etc.. I actually have tried Cry Engine before, to create maps, but they are very realistic, and need a Ni No Kuni kind of style. Are you interested??


    I'm fully occupied , i was just asking by curiosity.

    Do you know coding or scripting gameplay ? For the game you target you will need that.

    LE3 is really easy with LUA, you should start making step by step some level where you can control your character and camera first.


    The best advice i would give you is to really make a deeper reflexion on the game you want to make :

    - ARP or turn based RPG, MMo like ? how combat works in detail ?

    - medieval, futurist universe or a mix

    - One main hero or multiple characters party ? personnality, equipement and powers

    - what is the base storyline


    Generally you won't get lot of people jumping on board to help you until you show some good enought game demo.

    For 3D art something that can help you to start is affordable 3D model packs ready to use : characters, environments(rocks, trees, grass ...) , modular buildings

    Or you can use low poly and stylized graphics, fast and simpel to make , but that still looks good.


    Good luck.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Actually lights Gizmos are 2D drawn over the 3D scene, not 3D Wireframe or 3D Volumes.


    So having a light under the scene in the 3D View it looks like it is visible




    It would be great to have a full volume opacity mesh for gizmos or real 3D lines, it would help a lot when we work in 3D View mainly.

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