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Road Kill Kenny

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Posts posted by Road Kill Kenny

  1. Hmm you may need to elaborate on what type of game you are making because after reading that I think, 'well whoever is not dead at the end of a sword fight wins.' However, I'm pretty sure there is more too it based on your post

  2. I sent my structure successfully when I copy the client to an other PC in at my home it can't connect.

    In the Client properties I have my IP which is listed by the server under IP adresses at place 1.


    Maybe somebody can tell me why?


    I think the problem is the Socket IP,which is ,so localhost.How can I solve that?


    Thanks and good night ;D


    Hi Para Toxic,


    I would highly reccomend sending BitStreams instead of Structs. I don't think I ever send structs at all.


    If the IP u are using to connect is then you are networking with yourself. If you are trying to network between 2 computers you need to determine the semi-dynamic IP of the server computer (something like 192.168.x.x)and connect to that instead. If you want over the internet you need the fully dynamic IP. Some day I will write a tutorial on how to to do LAN server discovery so you don't have to hard code the IP addresses but that is for another day. In the meantime you can look at the example LAN server discovery code that comes with RakNet.

  3. Just a heads up for any of you that didn't play the older elder scroll games or don't know about modding. This game is designed to be modded. If you think the graphics are good... just wait until they mod it heavily. In oblivion they completely retextured the whole game and x10 the content concerning weapons etc... even added in different combat mechanics.. The cool thing is you can always pick and choose which mods. It is really quite amazing how much better the game can look. Currently I have Oblivion modded so heavily (120 mods about 20Gb worth) that water and some other features look even better than skyrim. So just imagine what they will come up with for skyrim.


    Tho I admit the graphics right now is very good though not intensive. My rig could handle a hell of a lot more so I'm hanging out for these mods..


    ps. did anyone notice the sort of blocky faces.. Almost like they have not been smooth shaded.... well this is actually not because it wasn't smooth shaded... it is simply because the normal maps are block :rolleyes: unbeleivable I know... Here is a fix (I highly recommend) ==== http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30


    these too: (I tested them all they work together fine)

    1. http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26 (Better Faces)

    2. http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21 (AntiAlias & Sharpen Effect)

    3. http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=131#content (Better FFXA & Saturation) (either this one or number 2 not both) (Requires Tweaking so I don't currently recomend)

    4. http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=85 (Better Night Time Skybox)

    5. http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=60 (Improved Blood Textures)

    6. http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29 (Less Ugly Elven Faces)

    7. http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=58 (Improved Female Skin Textures


    Enjoy... (They should all be easy to install.. some even have their own installers)


    Note: These are early day mods.. Once Bethesda releases the Tes construction set you can expect mods with much more noticeable changes.


    @ puki - Lol ur level 30 and haven't bothered with horses...... lol they are only 1000g cheap as. I had one from lvl 7 onwards.. Concerning companions the only thing they are good for is a pack horse... If you become a thane and get a servant companion you can get her to carry all ur loot which helps the bank a lot.


    Concerning the UI.... It is simply the way it is because it is designed for consoles and they are too lazy to make a decent PC one. A mod will fix this quick smart when the Tes Construction set comes out.


    @shambler - Elder scroll games have always been so open ended. I doubt that many other games will do this cuz then they have to compete with elder scroll which is tough.


    @Rick - If MW3 is considered to have good graphics then we are in a lot of trouble... The graphics are terrible for what is currently 2011.. MW3 graphics was easily achievable in 2006. I played MW3 and finished in 4 hrs... not only was it horrible, it lacked a decent story and all in all felt like JI JO :D. Concerning skyrim.. the game play is just like any elder scroll fan expects and the graphics could still be stepped up (and will with mods)



  4. :lol: cool. Thanks for posting that.


    The reason I use switch case is because its the only way I know how... Though it is also very simple to see and understand if you are trying to learn RakNet so for the purpose of this tutorial I'm going to stick with it. However, post away any code that may be useful because I'm sure people will explore things on their own once they have the basics down.


    TBH I'm not a very good programmer, I just really wanted to learn how to do networking and I'm happy to share what I learnt about RakNet, hence most of what you posted goes straight over my head XD... But I'm sure there are plenty that would get it and be able to implement it into my networking stuff for the better. (Hopefully I'll get it some day ;)


    I guess the real purpose of this series of tutorials is to de-mystify networking with RakNet in Leadwerks. I think that there are a lot of really good programmers that are a lot better than me at general programming. However, it seems like a lot of people are also almost.... 'scared' (for lack of a better word) of networking or fear it is to difficult to even try.


    I guess what I'm saying is: Its not as bad as it looks peeps ;). If I can do it then so can you!


    In later tutorials I hope to touch on the more..... itchy topics i'll say such as: hiding/disguising lag and networking techniques other than simply the code.


    Edit: So what I gather from your code (after a quick look) you are using some function to determine message identifier and then calling a function depending on what the ID is... Have I got the basic jist?

  5. File Name: RakNet in Leadwerks Tutorial Files

    File Submitter: Engineer Ken

    File Submitted: 13 Oct 2011

    File Category: C++


    In this tutorial series you will learn how to use RakNet in Leadwerks to network your games. The attached .h and .cpp files will be needed for the tutorial and can be altered for your personal use for your own games.


    The video tutorials can be found as follows:

    - Part 0 Setup -

    - Part 1A Server -

    - Part 1B Server -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDweY9fbflM


    Click here to download this file

  6. I'm still trying to figure out what is so difficult about learning C++...... It is so well documented on the internet... If you forget something or don't know how to do something just google it and more than likely the first link will solve ur problem. Also I find when trying to figure out things in C++ is that 99.99% of the questions have already been asked and answered already on forums.... google once more ftw....


    Really there's was no point in me saying this because no one can ever tell me a decent reason why C++ is so incredibly hard.... I guess the only reason is people are lazy and don't want to learn. Too happy to stay in their little world and not venture too far.


    Not that I have anything against Lua. Just that it seems to be an excuse to not want to use/learn C++

  7. It is good for having a game that allows you to play your own music. I sometimes like that in certain games. Not everyone is going to convert all the music files to ogg

  8. Hehe I had a problem with this one..


    There is a bug in some windows stuff.. To fix it you must either:


    1: Include all RakNet includes before engine.h




    2: #include "WindowsIncludes.h" before you include engine.h (WindowsIncludes.h is in the RakNet Source)


    It took me a while to figure this out first time but at least its a nice easy fix

  9. now a error box is popping up saying


    "Unhandled exception at 0x00000000 in DarkAge.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation."


    Hmm the only thing I can see is this: #include "Engine.h" It should read #include "engine.h"


    C++ is case sensitive so you need to specify it it exactly as its written. Also make sure you set up your VC++ project correctly.


    Have you used C++ before or is this your first time?

    If you haven't used it much before I would suggest going to www.cprogramming.com and do the c++ beginners tutorial and getting some of the basics down. It will help you get to know it better.

  10. The error console says it all


    1. GRAPHICS_DEPHBUFFER should be GRAPHICS_DEPTHBUFFER (You missed the 'T')


    2. and ;CreateWorld(); should be CreateWorld (); (Don't put a semi colon before CreateWorld().......


    3. You have too many of } these. Parenthesis always need to match up.so delete the last one



    You should learn what the error messages mean. eg:

    error C2065: 'GRAPHICS_DEPHBUFFER' : undeclared identifier

    means that the compiler doesn't know what GRAPHICS_DEPHBUFFER is..... first thing to do is to check your spelling because it has to be exact or the computers not gonna guess what you meant


    1>c:\users\pointersoftworks\desktop\projects\darkage\darkage\darkage.cpp(51) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '}'

    Syntax errors usually come down to missing a ; or having mis-matching parenthesis ({}) etc. Double click on the error messages and it should show you exactly where they problem is in most of these cases.

  11. Blender & 3DWS are two completely different software.


    Blender is more of a 3D art modelling/ animating etc tool


    3DWS is more of a fast level creation tool.


    It will take you longer to make levels with a lot of buildings (for example) in Blender but when it comes to characters, props & more detailed modelling use Blender...


    Oh and Metatron, Blender is totally perfect for what its made for :) (disclaimer: Just poking fun not trying to start an argument)


    Take note, I haven't even downloaded the demo yet and my ability to create organic 3D graphics from scratch is suspect. Mostly I want a tool that has as small a learning curve as possible that allows me to customize assets I buy from dexsoft or other sources.


    Customizing assets is more a job for Blender though.

  12. I've tried the chamfering technique before with other engines, but it's pretty labor intensive (or maybe I was doing it the hard way). I like the unweld feature in UU3D. It greatly multiplies the number of vertices, but the results are worth it in my opinion. I was pretty much already sold on getting the full version of UU3D, now I'm really sold on it.


    Chamfering is super easy in Blender. Do you use the edge loop command? Just hit ctrl+r and then it will let you put edge loops in between polygons. Then it will let you slide these loops up and down. Slide them up to the edge where you want to make a chamfer and done.


    Yes it does increase the poly count but that is the challenge. Where is it worth incresing for a good look? All questions that you gotta ask youself.


    As for the normals, its a good idea to get that right in blender before export. There are a few tools in the 't' and 'n' panels for showing normals and editing and flipping them.


    Concerning UU3D: I don't recommen unwelding the UV's. By doing this you are creating a tonne of extra vertices in the UV map. Every vertext that is unwelded becomes 2 vertices. If you completely unweld a plan that consists of 4 quadrants then that converts the 1 vertex in the middle to 4 verticies...... Not very efficient and not recommened. You generally want to keep your UVs stitched together as much as possible. You may not notice the verticies in any vertex count but it doesn't change the fact that the UV map has more verticies = bigger UV file = longer processing of UVs.


    TBH I don't know what you guys are talking about with UU3D. The reason that cube looks funny that Metatron posted is because its using shaded smoothing and its edges have too great and angle between faces to get a good result from that. That is what shaded smoothing will do.... If you want flat smoothing.. don't auto smooth and don't export smoothing groups. I seriously cannot replicate this problem on my system......


    Edit: If you are going to make a cube with hard edges like you would for a crate for example... Don't use smooth shading and don't export any smoothing groups.


    Edit2: UU3D is excellent. One of the best value for money software I've gotten.

  13. Hmmm interesting. Can't say I've had the same problem. Then again I use UU3D to export to gmf so that may be the difference.


    BTW: It's difficult to tell exactly what the differences are in that render because the models are different distances away and the lighting on both models is different. If you took a screen shot of a frame where both cubes are the same distance away and and with the same shadows it would be easier to see the exact differences.

  14. The built in vehicle controller is not very robust. However, there are workarounds to fake the realism. I'm currently in the process of creating a destruction derby game and the vehicle physics is going well. However, I'm not aiming for 100% realism so you may have some difficulty in getting pin point realism.

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