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Road Kill Kenny

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Posts posted by Road Kill Kenny

  1. 10k is not bad. Leadwerks can handle that. With my characters I have reduced my top two LODs a good amount. The highest is right around 7,500. The second highest is about 5,000. The only difference between the two are the heads. The body's are the same, but for the top LOD I gave the head 2,500 more tris for facial animation.


    Yeh I think for First LOD0 I will keep it as is. For LOD1 I will remove the subdivision on the head and for LOD2 I will remove the subdivision on The whole thing. That will bring it down to about a quarter of the tri's by the last LOD at least. However, looking at it now without any subdivision I could probably get away without subdividing at all, though the subdivision makes the animation deformations much better around the legs. My game involves a few crazy combat moves that require some extensive movement positioning of the legs. Where the legs bend at the waist they cut in a lot with 0 subdivision on. Though it looks much better with 1. Either way its Blender so I don't have to make that decision for a while. All I'd have to do to change it is re-export it and do UV's again provided I had already done them lol.

  2. Hehe yeh. Got a lot more to do and actually 5 different idling stances Lols for different situation. Luckily it's pretty quick to make the animations the way it's rigs. Also gotta do a tonne of ability animations. Though dieing (an annoying one) is gonna be ragdoll.



  3. How many triangles is your G Man?


    10k. Probably could be less but I really don't care.


    Edit: Also the good thing I've found about Blender is that even after you have rigged it and weight painted it you can still go back and edit verticies etc. I even added in more poly's and it didn't effect the rig. So it can still be improved without adding more there are enoguh poly's

  4. So are you trying to move the camera around your player using orbital positions rather than parenting to a pivot which is parented to your character?


    Im not sure if that's what you mean so let me know. If that is what you mean, particularly why do you need to do that? If you give me some context I may be able to help better.



  5. Blender is an incredible software. I used to use 3ds Max but I totally converted over to Blender not just because its free but it is just so much faster to work with. I think a lot of people just don't take the time to get used to the different user interface and quirks that make Blender Blender. Once you get used to them it is so much faster than max and all the tools are incredibly well thought out. I used to make characters in max with rigging and all and it took me so much longer than with Blender.

  6. For now it is just going to be my base character for my game for testing purposes etc. much better than a green cube. However, as my game is multiplayer pvp, the character is not particularly important, hence it will be easy to convert generic man later for use in my game. especially If I can just add things like armor etc.

  7. Hi Everyone,


    Just thought I'd introduce 'Super Generic Man' also known as 'Place-holder Man'


    I got tired of using a green cube for my character so I made this generic male body and head to give myself more motivation. Hope you like it.


    Made in Blender using Box modelling for the body and by poly modelling for the head.





    'Taking generic man for a spin... .this was before I gave him feet lol


    I plan to animate and texture him very soon.


    Note: He is not naked.. He is just wearing very tight full body spandex like all superheroes do :)

  8. Hi dre38w,


    You may find that the commands in LE may be very different to Unity. I wouldn't really know myself.


    However, everything you learned while at Unity won't be a waste. The concepts of making any game feature are the same. You would just have to learn the commands and also determine the things that are specific to LE.


    I guess what I'm saying is that if you have used another engine before you will be able to learn LE much faster than if this was ur first engine.





    omg SPAM ALARM! WOOP WOOP WOOP this is the second one I've seen today

  9. Yes simply click, hold and drag from one object to another. There is no graphic visualisation of the linking (like a line) but if you did it properly you will get a message saying 'CreatLink(0)?' and just click Ok... that should be all

  10. Hmmm maybe add in some props like a bit of wire fencing to keep people out of certain area. Warning signs, barrels, light poles, silo's etc. just to liven it up a bit.


    possibly reduce the specular/gloss on the smoke towers too.


    I would suggest doing a google search on power plants and seeing what fan dangle props would suite.


    but looks like a good start.


    and for just starting, its better than my first attempts... all my models for some reason looked like weird mushrooms :P <inside joke> ;)


    OMG! HAHAHA you make me crack up!

  11. Haven't had a look at those sites that NA posted but this is what I came up off the top of my head.


    Its basically calculus and Newton's law F=MA or rather F=MU for instantaneous speed (U initial velocity)


    Apologies that this is hand written. I have simplified the calculus part by using pre-determined physics acceleration equations. Hope you find it useful.


    using these equations you should be able to determine the force required for a given mass and the angle to apply the force at. good luck


    some definitions:

    s- distance (m)

    v- final velocity (m/s)

    u- initial velocity (m/s)

    a- acceleration (m/s2)

    t - time (s)




  12. Woops I deleted my post by mistake instead of editing it... oh well. you summed it up well enuf pixel.


    For all those that didn't read it It can basically be summed up as:

    1. Screw Sharing :P

    2. Tutorials and Examples are better. People actually learn something that way.

    3. I don't want to give my code that I worked my bum off to create away to just anyone. I'm not a charity.

    4. Yes I will bloody well reinvent the wheel but my wheels are not made of stone or all-terrain wheels... my wheels are mag wheels with blue rims and low profile tyres because that's what I need for my game dammit so I'm going to bloody well code it myself and re-invent the wheel 10000000 times if I have to, to get it the way I want it.

    5. I don't want to copy paste other peoples code... as I said I don't want an all-terrain wheel.. give me an example or a tutorial and I'll run with it.

    6. Good riddance to this thread.

    7. If we didn't waste so much time talking about stupid topics like this some games might actually be made. (ahem.. Guess a Number and Simon Says don't count)

    8. Quit your B_I_T_C_H_I_N_G people and get on with making some games. You are pissing off the majority of people that can actually use this engine properly and scaring them away. More than a few have left to other engines already.


    I'm probably going to get flamed for this but you know what they say "The squeaky wheel gets the oil". And dammit the wrong wheel has been squeaking for too long! Time for me to squeak.


    Peace ;)

  13. LOL! I freaking love it Josh XD so funny


    Why the elf need to be naked ? She need some outfit or amor !

    I'm not sure people here are kids needing sex to be attratcted by the engine :P


    Not meaning to speak for Eagle but I'm pretty sure her intention is not to try attract people to the engine using 'sex'. lol


    I think we could all do to just calm down here. YouGroove was just offering his criticism which the OP openly asked for.


    This is not constructive criticism it is just opinion about something that is a personal preference. I have nothing wrong with YouGroove's crit about the normals.


    For my own opinion I would actually pose the same question - Why is she stark naked?


    I already posed an answer for this... so did Marley lol. Let me ask yall something does nude art or nude statues offend you? Sure it may not be your taste but we're not talking about taste.

  14. Look at me! I'm YouGroove! I put exclamation marks at the end of every sentence! I always have to complain about something!


    You wanna know why she needs to be naked! Because Eagle wanted to flopping make it that way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Sorry for the outburst of anger but there's just been a lot pissing me off on this forum recently.


    @ Eagle: nice work! glad to see some people are actually making something. I do agree, however, about the dragon texture. It could use some normals and possibly a higher resolution / less compression. But I'm liking it :P

  15. Off the top of my head I would do it like this


    When you spawn a player or object that you want to shoot later:


    Put the class in an array eg. make a player class and manage all your players through a player class array. so player[0] points to the first instance of your player class etc.


    When you spawn a player do this:

    SetEntityKey(PlayerMeshEntity, "Player", "playerNumber");  // make playerNumber an actuall number like "1" whatever it will have to increment for every player of object


    Then you have:


    TPick Bullet;
    int hitPlayer;
    TVec3 force;
    if(LinePick(&Bullet, startPos, endPos)){
            //Use startPos & endPos to calculate the vector for the force. You will also have to normalize the force and give it a multiplyer to suit your needs This might 
           //help :http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=AddBodyForceAtPoint
           force = /**a function of startPos & endPos I couldn't be bothered figuring it out right now**/;
            hitPlayer = atoi(GetEntityKey(Bullet.entity, "Player"));
            AddBodyForceAtPoint(player[hitPlayer]->playerBody, force, Vec3(Bullet.X, Bullet.Y, Bullet.Z));

    And thats it XD


    Disclaimer: This code is just for concept purposes you should be able to figure it out for your specific game based on the concept I have presented. Just don't copy it word for word :blink:

  16. I personally found writing tutorials and making a wrapper for Java to be a very valuable learning experience. If you try to teach someone else you learn a lot yourself.


    Agreed I find tutorials more useful than code sharing and I'm way more comfortable sharing my knowledge of integrating RakNet into Leadwerks through tutorials rather than simply spoon feeding code. Especially with networking because you simply can't copy past.... all games are different. Some things are just better to learn.

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