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Posts posted by TylerH

  1. This may be changed over in the future to do as you guys suggest, but right now the only C# system that will handle loading and such in the constructor, as well as null checks and thread safety is my GameEntity class; unfortunately, it isn't close to being finished or fully usable.

  2. That makes sense. I just think that logically, if the player controller represents human motion, the parameters should be altered so that it is input in such a way.


    Most games simply have a speed value, where 700 is walking, 400 is out of breath, 900 is sprinting, etc. (using Source as an example)

  3. Just a side note: The C# support is as official as the C and C++ support...please watch your wording, I don't like it when the C# headers and support is made out to be guerrilla, unprofessional, or not up to par with the other languages. A lot of work goes into keeping the .NET form of things as good as or better than the other APIs.

  4. Rekindled: You do not need the 3.x series of framework, 4.0 is perfectly functional on its own, and secondly, we only include a small fraction of the framework, 5-10 MB at max, and thus not everything is needed.

  5. The project was abandoned on Leadwerks in favor of working on a multiplayer version of the game in the Unreal Developer Kit. I no longer maintain association with the team following some arguments and legal disputes with the leader of the team.


    95% of this code was done by Jeremy Parker and myself, the remainder done by outsourced programmers, only one of which is still on the team through the UDK switch; however, none of the code from the Leadwerks version was kept on the official SVN, done under NDA or proper legally enforceable contract, or claimed by (at the time it was not a legal entity), thus I am releasing the code here for the benefit of anyone coding Leadwerks in C++.


    Some things that we did that were first-time or unique to Leadwerks at the time:

    - Day/ Night Cycle (The shaders and 95% of the code are Jeremy's, so credits to him if used)

    - Cinematic Camera

    - LuaBind full Lua implementation and interface between C++ and Lua

    - FMOD Sound System

    - Full CEGUI Implementation

    - Quest System (C++ and Lua)

    - Inventory System (C++ and Lua)

    - Fully traversable entity list / object manager in C++

    - Full "game time" system, allowing years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds in a game-specific time cycle (this was core to the day/night system)

    - Weather effects system (Rain, Fog, Lightning, Thunder, etc.)

    - Custom XML loaders for sounds and CEGUI scenes

    - Scripted Event system

    - Screen Layout (Main Menu, Loading Screen, Options Screen, Game Screen [think XNA])

    - Threading code! (We had achieved multithreaded level loading, and rewrote LoadScene in C++ with code provided by Josh)


    This also contains the beginnings of an object oriented game framework that I had begun porting from OGRE to Leadwerks, but eventually stopped working on when we had switched to UDK.


    For obvious reasons, I can not include any of the model or texture assets used in the game or seen in any of the screenshots in the gallery.


    This package includes all of the dependencies we had built directly into the system:

    - Boost

    - FMOD

    - Lua

    - LuaBind

    - OIS

    - TinyXML


    CEGUI is not included! We all maintained our own local depository of CEGUI and the only version we fully implemented was 0.6.2!


    This was done entirely in the original Leadwerks Engine 2.3


    Other Notes:

    - All the Lua scripts in the Scripts\Quests folder, and some of the custom Lua files in the Scripts folder are not compatible with the "Leadwerks Lua implementation". They were all loaded and managed using our script system via LuaBind.

    - There is no warranty or support on this code. You are free to use it for whatever you wish, granted you credit the following individuals based on which code you utilize:

    - Jeremy Parker - anything

    - Tyler Harden - anything

    - Anthony Lundquist - Object Manager

    - Christian Sassi - weather system / CEGUI XML loader


    Most code files contain an Author's name; however Jeremy and I coded all of the original versions of every aspect of this code except the object manager and CEGUI XML loader, and we wish to retain credit if you use our code. All of the threading code and mutex code was taken from my game engine, Synergy Engine, and maintains an MIT license. In all, this code package contains code from xxxxx, the dependencies listed, Synergy Engine, and some internal Leadwerks Engine code converted to C++ with permission.










    Thanks, and Enjoy!

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