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Everything posted by Einar

  1. I am trying to write a Camera Controller script (Yes I know there's a premade one), I have gotten the movement down, and logically I should move on with turning, so I am trying to program my script to move according to the Camera Angle, I tried writing self.Camera:GetRotation(), which returned a nil value resulting in error, then found out I had to write a Boolean to go with it, upon trying self.Camera:GetRotation(true), the same error occurred, here's my current script, and a log of my error: 9 : attempt to index field 'Camera' (a nil value)
  2. Einar


    Oh god you remind me of my father, he could do anything, even if I had already tried it and it would just work, cheers mate! XD
  3. Einar


    How do I do that in Menu.lua?
  4. Einar


    Yes I'm aware, but I'm not trying to make a trigger zone, no. I'm trying to add a button to the menu where the player can use anywhere, but when I try it out it just overlaps the map I'm already in and causes alot of bugs.
  5. Einar


    I have gotten somewhat off my arse in terms of LUA programming, however I cannot seem to program a button in the menu screen to restart the current scene, if any help or assistance can be provided, thank you.
  6. New error on the rise, oh joy! XD Upon usage of TriggerChangeMap.lua in the base scripts, I find the error "Assert Failed" no comment. I used my map name as a string, and used the object which parents the script as a fail-safe for falling out the map, in order to trigger a reset of the map in use. start.map -- "start" (as used in the string)
  7. I bought Leadwerks with no LUA or Visual Flowgraph experience, is there any kind of tutorials that can help me on my feet? P.S: I am now broke, lol.
  8. Whenever I go up to an object to pick it up, the game engine crashes with the error "C:/Users//Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/firstgame/scripts/objects/player/fpsplayer.lua" : 712 : attempt to index field 'hand' (a nil value)
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