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Posts posted by Niosop

  1. Hopefully it'll be launched by then. One thing that is applicable directly to us now is the 80ms perceptual threshold. Going by that, you could do the network code w/o any client side prediction as long as round trip was <80ms, but would have to add some client side prediction at higher latencies or you will notice the lag between pressing a key and getting a reaction from the system.

  2. No, not any time soon anyways. Architecture is totally different, and even if the main engine was ported over to compile for the PS3 it would run like ****. PS3 has a relatively weak general purpose processor, so if you don't code to take advantage of the SPUs then it performs horribly. If you switch the physics system over to use Bullet that would help a little as it's optimized to work w/ the PS3 architecture, but that would be just the first step and you'd need an LE source license to even think about attempting it as the current DLLs are compiled for x86 not PowerPC.

  3. Most Apple products are too expensive for what they are. Nice hardware, very pretty software, but overpriced. But yeah, that's basically what it is. Unless you jailbreak it (and thus void any warranty, risk them bricking it w/ an update, etc), then you can only put stuff on it via iTunes and the AppStore. No Flash, no Java, no scripting languages allowed, etc.


    And there are systems like that. Boxee is a great software solution and is coming out w/ hardware that runs it. There's a couple other similar devices around. Add in Netflix streaming and Hulu desktop and you have a pretty decent solution.

  4. Them's fighting words :) Might wanna be careful, I'm just finishing up a non-stop marathon of seasons 1-3 of Dexter....once I run out of episodes I might need to start making my own.

  5. Whole engine looks pretty nice. Seems to be a little rough around the edges, but could be a competitor to LE in the near future. Alot of similarities between them, except they use DX instead of OpenGL. And it's open source, which is a plus for it and should cause it to grow quickly. Josh is really good, but crowd sourcing can lead to explosive development under the right conditions. Biggest drawbacks seem to be that it uses FMOD, which isn't free, and PhysX. I like PhysX, but currently the download site for the SDK is down so new people can't get started with it unless they already have a developer account and the SDK.

  6. No problem, glad it was useful to someone. It's such an amazing program, I often find out it can do something I was using an expensive program for before, and Blender often does it better. I'll be posting a retopology tutorial sometime soon, it's really good at that as well.

  7. You could check the IP and get reasonably accurate info about location, but IPs shuffle around a little so it's not 100%. But it could work as a layer of protection for people. I'd make sure there was an option to turn it off in case people got annoyed by it, but it's a good idea.

  8. No, you're not allowed to put any scripting language on the iPhone. It's how they keep people from running homebrew scripted stuff and force them through the appstore. Unity gets around it by precompiling all the mono stuff so they don't have to put the JIT on there.

  9. No, nothing embedded. You could use a product like GeoIP or similar to get an idea of location and a simple Whois would give you some information about who owns that IP block.

  10. Last I heard he wanted to create arbitrarily sized platforms via a Lua Thingoid that the Player Controller could stand on. Since we can't scale physics bodies, generating a .phy for them is out, but since he can't get collision callbacks on a Lua created one he's kind of stuck.

  11. So far I'm pretty happy w/ LeadWerks. Like all engines it has some issues, but w/o knowing exactly what you need I can say if they'd affect you. Type of game, graphics quality required, target system specs, features needed, etc would all be helpful to give you useful feedback. You'll find the people here are pretty honest about both the advantages and drawbacks of LeadWerks vs other engines.


    As far as graphics quality goes, LeadWerks is probably the best you'll find in an Indy engine, and better than a lot of higher priced commercial engines. The only things it's missing right now is MSAA and GI, but Josh is working on both of those so they might be available by the time you're ready to launch. Its use of instancing can help give a significant performance boost but can make it a little harder to do some things. This might be addressed soon as well.


    LeadWerks has steeper requirements as far as graphics cards go, so if you're targeting lower spec machines it's not the best engine. Unity might be a better bet in that case, but you'll loose realtime shadows unless you want to pay $1500 for Pro, and even with the Pro version it's graphic quality doesn't match LeadWerks.


    LeadWerks doesn't include a graphical physics editing system to help you visually construct joints and constraints like Unity and the UDK do, but I think one of us might end up writing one soon, and you might be able to use Scythe to do so, but I haven't tried it yet.


    The community here is smaller than some of the other engines, but there are quite a few very active members who are glad to help answer questions in the forums and Josh is good about chiming in and helping when others don't know the answer.


    Anyways, all in all LeadWerks is more than worth the $200 price tag and is suitable for most projects in any genre. If you'd like any info about specific features or it's suitability for a specific task just ask and you should get an honest answer.

  12. If you need someone to do a test just let me know. Even just a simple tcp connection or a couple of udp packets using netcat or something to make sure the traffic is getting to you.

  13. Right, it queries DNS fine, but it's the actual traffic that isn't getting back in, not the DNS request. You have your system set up in a DMZ or just forwarding selected ports? If it's just selected ports are you forwarding TCP instead of UDP by accident?

  14. It's quite possible that your router is dropping the packets. When you use your external IP address, the router is actually talking to itself. It may notice that it is doing so, so that it never hits the forwarding chain, because it is not an "incoming" packet. Try testing from outside your network.

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