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Posts posted by Niosop

  1. Pretty easy for us to implement ourselves by creating our own scene loader. You'd probably be best served by loading the terrain/vegetation using the standard LoadScene command, then using your own loader to load the individual items one at a time so you could track status. At least it's a temporary solution until Josh adds this in, if he does.

  2. If you download the LETheora library I made (http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=89) there's a utility function for doing it to static meshes in the nio_util.lua file.


    Here's the code for it:


    function makeUniqueMesh(ent, meshname)
    local orig_mesh = ent:FindChild(meshname)
    local new_mesh = CreateMesh(ent)
    for surface_index=1, orig_mesh:CountSurfaces() do
    	local orig_surface = ent:FindChild(meshname):GetSurface(surface_index)
    	local new_surface = CreateSurface(new_mesh)
    	for i=1, orig_surface:CountVertices() do
    		new_surface:AddVertex(orig_surface:GetVertexPosition(i-1), orig_surface:GetVertexNormal(i-1), orig_surface:GetVertexTexCoords(i-1,0))
    	for i=1, orig_surface:CountTriangles() do
    		new_surface:AddTriangle(orig_surface:TriangleVertex(i-1, 0), orig_surface:TriangleVertex(i-1, 1), orig_surface:TriangleVertex(i-1, 2))
    	PaintSurface(new_surface, GetSurfaceMaterial(orig_surface))
    return new_mesh


    You can use PaintEntity on the mesh it returns to change the texture. Again, you can only use it on non-bone animated meshes as we don't have access to the bone information to replicate it.


    You could also use a special shader and a texture atlas that does a lookup based on the alpha channel. Take a look at this thread for the code:


  3. According to the wiki what you have should work, but it seems that it's applying the force using the global coordinate system instead of the local. You could try switching the third parameter to 1 or using TFormVector to create the vector you want in global space and use that.


    Oh, one other thing that might be an issue, if you are pointing the object and not the body then the body and model might be out of sync. So the body is still moving to its right, but the model is now facing a different direction.

  4. When lighting normal mapped objects something is wrong. This is using the default diffuse bumpmap shader, tested in 2.3 and 2.31.


    Notice that the lit side of the bumps changes as the cube rotates. This makes them look like bumps sometimes and holes at other times.


    The camera is at roughly the same location as the light. The light you see in the background is an ambient light.


    The same model and normal map in Unity doesn't exhibit this problem.






    Anyone have any ideas?

  5. Hmm, http://code.google.com/p/nvidia-texture-tools/wiki/NormalMapCompression and http://developer.nvidia.com/object/real-time-normal-map-dxt-compression.html have:


    z = sqrt(1 - x*x - y*y)


    I also found an article that states:


    The Green and Alpha channels are used because in the DXT format they are compressed using somewhat higher bit depths than the Red and Blue channels. Red and Blue have to be filled with the same solid color because most DXT compressors use an algorithm that compares differences between the three color channels. If you try to store some kind of texture in Red and/or Blue (specular power, height map, etc.) then the compressor will create more compression artifacts because it has to compare all three channels.


    So might be worth using a separate spec map, or supplying a shader that uses the alpha value from the diffuse instead of the normal for specular values.

  6. Here's the small addition to use the red channel instead of the alpha for the specular value.


    In mesh.frag replace


    	#ifdef LW_SPECULAR
    		shininess = bumpcolor.a*specular;




    	#ifdef LW_SPECULAR
    		#ifdef LW_DTX5NM
    			shininess = bumpcolor.r*specular;
    			shininess = bumpcolor.a*specular;//*fOcclusionShadow

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